Comboni Lay Missionaries

A missionary sending, blessed by the star of Evangelization.

LMC Guatemala

Our dear laywomen, Mercedes and Carolina, spent from September 13 to October 11 in a small experience of community life in a community of the Little Vincentian Sisters of Charity, who welcomed them with much love and generosity.

On their return they attended the feast of St. Daniel Comboni, which we celebrated as a Comboni family at Casa Comboni. It was a very joyful afternoon, full of enthusiasm and many surprises, we all had lunch together and shared with the people who study in the school of evangelization run by the MCCJ. We also played BINGO, an activity with many prizes that turned out to be a great success.

During the mass Mercedes and Carolina introduced themselves, they told a little of who they are and where they are going, many were admired for their decision and collaborated with joy for the cause.

On Sunday 20 we were ready to celebrate as a community the DOMUND, with a special event.

At 7:00 p.m., the sending out mass for Mercedes and Carolina was held at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, patroness of Guatemala. The mass was presided by Monsignor Tulio Lopez, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Guatemala, who, with much admiration, dedicated part of his homily to the missions and the courageous decision to say Yes to Christ through the mission of the agents, he told them that his heart is young, full of ardor for service and that Guatemala sends them together with the prayers of this people. Fr. Juan Diego Calderón, provincial of Central America, presided together with Monsignor Tulio the celebration and together they did the blessing and sending.

As a community we feel very happy, joyful and encouraged, because Christ has chosen these lay women to continue with His mission, that of building the Kingdom, and we are participating in sending them, working together with them, opening our hearts to this fire that burns for Christ and does not go out.

We trust in Providence, that the road is being smoothed by God and that all the obstacles are being overcome little by little, we believe that St. Daniel Comboni intercedes for this small community and accompanies us with hope, so that we can continue with this work of giving “a thousand lives for the mission”.

We continue to work and pray that our dear Mercedes and Carolina will soon be in Peru, so that they can tell with their testimony, the wonders that God works in their lives.

A fraternal embrace from Guatemala.

CLM Guatemala Community

An adventure with Jesus in Arequipa

LMC Guatemala

Dear CLM and friends of the mission who read us.

Wishing you abundant blessings in your missionary life, we greet you Mercedes and Carolina, Comboni Lay Missionaries of Guatemala.

We would like to share with you a little of our personal history.

My name is Mercedes, I am a widow and I am 80 years old, mother of 3 children, 6 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

Before becoming a missionary, I worked in pastoral communities in the preparation of readers, acolytes, missionary children, and I was instituted as a minister of the Eucharist, also forming open cenacles at home; despite all this work done for the Lord, I had the desire to know the mission and I began to mission with the Comboni Lay Missionaries of Guatemala traveling to San Luis Peten, once a year, for four years. One of the activities we did was to visit marginalized villages deep in the mountains, without access to electricity and water. I would go on mission listening to the needs of the people, sharing and living with them.

I have been on the road of mission and the Comboni charism for fourteen years now, in various situations and projects, such as in Santa Cruz Chinautla, a municipality with a high indigenous population, evangelizing children and women of scarce resources, working in the program of evangelization, formation and nutrition of children in Santa Catarina Pinula in some peripheral villages and doing some community life experiences, both in El Salvador in a peripheral neighborhood and in Santo Domingo Xenacoj, in marginalized indigenous villages. My desire to go on mission outside of Guatemala has been growing.

My name is Carolina, I am single and 68 years old, mother of 2 children and 3 grandchildren. Before being in the mission, I worked for many years in a Catholic Christ-centered group, in open and closed retreats of first evangelization, also giving talks of personal growth to adults who joined the group from the retreats, at the same time to the children who met on Fridays in the group assembly meeting.

For four years Mercedes shared with me about the mission and her experience in it, until one day I agreed to go to the Comboni Lay Missionaries and I stayed, I have eight years of being in the mission and in the way of the Comboni charism. I was in formation for two years, then I went to visit a village called La Salvadora in Santa Catarina Pinula and I have worked with the local people, I have seen their needs and I have felt that strong call to go on mission outside Guatemala.

Like Mercedes, I was with her in Santa Cruz Chinautla and in the experience of community life in El Salvador.

AT THIS MOMENT we are living our experience of community life and specific preparation, to be able to leave in a few days to Villa Ecológica in Arequipa, Peru.

We are living this experience in a Home for the Elderly located in Quetzaltenango, five hours from Guatemala City, which is where we live. We have left our home, families, loved ones and all our usual work to prepare ourselves for the mission Ad Gentes.

This experience has allowed us to live together and get to know each other better. Alberto de la Portilla has given us formation, which has been very enriching to discern our vocation, we have prayed together and we have asked ourselves if we really want to leave Guatemala because of all the problems that come with arriving in a place with a different culture and customs, but the answer has always been YES, trusting in divine providence that goes ahead of us. It has not been easy to adapt to the climate, because here it is very cold and it has rained a lot, otherwise, we have been welcomed with much affection by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, from whom we have learned a lot about the organization of the Asylum, the way in which they harvest their own food and take care of the 32 elderly women in their care. The missionary should always learn everything he can to be able to serve in the missionary journey.

Receive a cordial greeting, Mercedes and Carolina.

CLM Guatemala

For a shared mission

Papa Francisco

We are community.” This is one thing the Pope says to us for the month of October.

Pope Francis reminds us of the importance of walking together, making ourselves “co-responsible for the Church’s mission.” He also emphasizes that priests are not “the bosses of the laity, but their pastors,” and that “Jesus called us, one and others – not one above others, or one on one side and others on another side, but complementing each other. We are community.”

This is why consecrated persons, the laity, priests, all Christians must “witness with our lives,” always giving the best of what they know how to do.


Visiting the family

LMC México

When you decide to go on mission you know that you are not going alone, that is why it is necessary to dialogue with the family.

Mariana CLM since 2017, has decided to go on mission, she has demonstrated it by enrolling in the diploma course on Mission offered by MILAG (Misioneros Laicos Ad-gentes en México), she requested to enter the community experience next year, she is in dialogue with her immediate boss to define the day she will leave her job to concentrate on her preparation for the mission.

And most importantly, we have taken on the task of getting to know her family, especially her parents and talking with them to let them know that we are accompanying their daughter for the vocational step she is going to take. With happiness I can say that it has been a meeting of Faith, Prayer, Sharing and Living together where I have confirmed that Mariana our Sister in Christ has everything to take this step to the mission since God occupies the first place in her life, she experiences this every day following the example of her parents.

Beatriz Maldonado, CLM Mexico

Elan Missionary in Benin

LMC Ghana

Elan Missionary in Benin After participating in the diaconal ordination of certain MCCJs in Aného in the diocese of Aného this Saturday, July 27, the chaplain Fr. Ephrem, MCCJ and Justin, LMC took the road to Cotonou, the capital of the Republic of Benin. The fundamental goal is to visit our candidates and also do vocational promotion. We were welcomed to the MCCJ Novitiate in Cotonou where we stayed together with certain novices and scholastics, the father master and his assistant being in Rome for training. On Sunday morning, we were at the parish of St. Joan of Arc of Sedegbe (Parish where we celebrated the international day of CLM on December 15, 2022 at the end of the African Assembly in Cotonou). The mass was in honour of Grandparents, fourth Edition of the Archdiocese of Cotonou to have a special look for the elderly. This is in line with Pope Francis’ message titled ‘In my old age, forget me not’. A collection was made in this line. Towards the end of the celebration, the chaplain was able to briefly speak about the CLM and introduced the provincial coordinator. At the end, some people expressed their desire to know more about CLM. The coordinator told them a little about CLM and took their contacts to maintain communication with them.

In the evening, we met our candidates Lucien, his wife and Ulrich thanks to the effort of Brother Pascal, MCCJ who accompanies the group in Benin. We had to share about the history, mission, training and challenges of CLM in the world and in the province and reflect on the best strategy to adopt for the consolidation of the CLM Association in the province.

We were also able to meet certain members of the ’Friends of Comboni’ Association to inspire in them the desire to journey like CLM.

Monday July 29, around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, we headed back to Ghana.

Justin Nougnui, CLM Coordinator.