Comboni Lay Missionaries

Send, send Lord, workers to the harvest. Listen, listen to this prayer…

LMC Mozambique
LMC Mozambique

It is with the words of the beginning of this song that I share the joyful news that the formation of the future CLM in Carapira, Northern Mozambique is happening within our possibilities and according to God’s will.

We asked and the Lord answered us, he sent us new workers for his harvest. It is up to us to do our part, to prepare them in the best way possible to take on the missionary work among the people, the mission of Jesus left to us and so well done by our founder Daniel Comboni. For it is God himself who says, “do your part and I will help you.”

Centered in Jesus Christ, following the Comboni charism, the example left by our founder, we LMC of Carapira have accompanied four young people who have felt the call to be lay missionaries and faithfully arrive every month for studies, reflections and sharing since last year (2022).

The long distance traveled on foot (3 to 4 hours, most of the time without drinking or eating anything), did not become an impediment to their participation. Moved by the strength of God’s Spirit and the desire to announce the Good News, they are faithful to the commitment of their preparation for missionary work. For me, this is nourishment on the journey.

Our meetings take place monthly, beginning at eight o’clock in the morning on Saturday and ending with lunch on Sunday.

The way they dedicate themselves, the effort they make to learn, the enthusiasm of each one at each meeting, seeing them overcome challenges that are not few is the best reward I receive.

In fact, working with the Macua people is a reason to thank God every day for his mercy and kindness in providing me with so much growth, maturity, and experience of faith.

LMC Mozambique

From Carapira, a strong missionary hug to all and lots of axé.

Regimar Costa

CLM Brazil – Mozambique

A new member to the team for the service of God

En el aeropuerto

The arrival of Marzena

We are really grateful with the presence of Marzena from Poland who has come for a mission in Kenya. Some members went to the airport to fetch her, we welcomed her with some music and gifts to make her feel loved and at home here in Kenya. Welcome to your second home.

At the airport

At the airport


The arrival date of Marzena was coincidental to the week of our meetings where we meet every 3rd weekend of the month and she was able to attend and get to meet the rest of the members. During our meetings we had great moments together where the topic on formation of our meeting was Vocation and Discernment. We were taken through the above topic and had fun afterwards. We also got a sharing from the life experience of an MCCJ, a brother and also from Marzena herself. In addition, we were joined by two new members, this is nice because it will help the 2new members to really know about the lay vocation and help them to discern.

Linda Mitcheleti who was away for her holidays shared with us the visit she had in Italy, the testimonies she gave to the CLM in Italy and how she taught them Pokot songs and in return she also taught us Italian song.

CLM members at the provincial house during our formation

CLM members at the provincial house during our formation


We were to go for animation where we sell our products for our kitty but unfortunately it was postponed, however we decided to join the scholastic for their pastoral work at different parishes and We divided ourselves in different groups. Some went to Christ the king in Kibera to work with children, others at Our Lady of Guadalupe to work with the Deaf community and the rest at St Vincent Palloti to work with the youth.

In conclusion we thank God for this vocation and we pray we can give our all to the service He has called us to. And to Marzena we pray for Gods guidance in your life as you journey with us and to the community of Kitelakapel.

We had a rear moment to celebrating the birthday of Marzena, celebrating the 15years of priesthood from our beloved Assessor (Fr. Maciej) and also from the success of our former Provincial Superior of the MCCJ Fr. Austin Radol. Thank you all and best wishes.

Martin, CLM Kenya

Secular Comboni Missionaries: The First African Women profess in Kenya

Misioneras Seculares Combonianas

On 22nd April 2023, four Kenyan ladies made history by becoming the first Secular Comboni Women Missionaries in Africa. Maria Pia Dal Zovo, the Institute leader, received their vows in the presence of two General Councilors; Gina Villamar Ultreras and Paola Ghelfi.

Fr Andrew Wanjohi, the Provincial Superior of the Comboni Missionaries in Kenya presided over the Eucharist. The choir comprising our scholastics was excellent. The colorful and joyful celebration marked the climax of a long discernment journey started some 10 years ago. In attendance were Isabella Dalessandro, the former institute leader, members of the Comboni family in Nairobi, parents and relatives of the newly professed.

Julia Wangui Ngari, Lucy Mutola Singa, Mary Watetu Ndungu and Ruth Wangjiru Mbugua were all smiles when they made their vows. The four started their discernment process with Fr Francesco Pierli. Eventually, he invited the leadership of the Secular Comboni Women Missionaries then to follow these ladies who had shown interest in joining the institute. Isabella and her council accepted the challenge and came down to Kenya to start the process of discernment with the candidates.

In his homily, Fr Andrew Wanjohi, thanked the ladies for their courage and faith. He encouraged them to remain faithful in their vocation. He also reminded them that to live as consecrated women outside a community will be a challenge. This is against the backdrop of Kenya’s context in which the vocation of consecrated women in a secular institute is yet to be understood. He assured them of the support of the Comboni family as they try to live their consecration and transform society from the inside. He also thanked their parents for offering them to the institute.

Mary Pia Dal Zovo, the institute leader, expressed her gratitude to the Comboni missionaries in Kenya for supporting the four newly professed in their discernment process. She was also glad to see the four becoming the seed of the Secular Comboni Women Missionaries in Africa. She urged them to live their consecration with commitment and joy. Similarly, that their example may inspire other to join and in this way the institute expands.

As an immediate preparation to their first vows, the newly professed had a five-days spiritual retreat preached by Fr Andrew Bwalya on the theme consecration and mission. Maria Pia, Gina, Paolo and Isabella also participated in the retreat. The newly professed are a small yet significant sign that Comboni’s dream to save Africa with Africa is being realized.

Misioneras seculares

Fr Andrew Bwalya


Memory of Africa Project: María Luz Sánchez Aragón


We continue this series of testimonies with Sister María Luz Sánchez Aragón.

Sister Maria Luz Sanchez Aragon is a Comboni missionary sister who has been working in Congo for more than 20 years.

She talks about all her years of missionary presence, especially her missionary vocation, her years of presence in Congo and her evolution facing the difficult reality that the country and the world continue to go through.

(video in Spanish)