Comboni Lay Missionaries

Third meeting of the Faith and Cooperation Foundation (Portugal)


The weekend of 13 and 14 February took place at Fatima the formation of the 3rd FEC (Fe Foundation and Cooperation) Meeting with the theme “Missions, cultures and religions” in which we had the pleasure of having as trainer the Provincial of the Comboni missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, father Jose Vieira. As in other meetings, a wide variety of institutions, groups and missionary organizations were present. We thank God for the presence of all, for the fraternal union and joy that always happens when we are meeting in His name.

In this meeting the main message was the importance of going to meet the other. Go to meet them involves knowing them and knowing their culture. In addition, this meeting of cultures often means that, for a moment, we forget ourselves, our cultural habits and routines that are so natural in us. Accept the other and its culture is a necessary challenge for the full experience of the love of God in mission lands. More than witnesses of God, He invites us to follow his example, be living gospel of love. And for this, we must know the people, their culture and their customs … we should inculturated to love people in a full form.


In fact, Jesus is the true example of inculturation. He, who to witness the infinite reach of His love for us became man like us. Following his example, we must not only respect but to know and participate in culture, routines and habits of the place where we go. However, this is more complicated than we think, in first place, because we are all inherently ethnocentric and see the world from us, from our experience and our culture. However, we can never forget that cultural diversity is a gift loved and respected by God. Each of us comes with everything that is conform: defects, qualities, life history, culture, and our faith is the result of a personal relationship with God. However, it is important not to forget that cultures that welcome and receive us are sacred territory to which we must barefoot sandals of pre-judgments and preconceptions. From this arises the importance of learning the language, learn the culture, learn, especially, to celebrate and be with people sharing our lives with them. Therefore, go to a new culture requires availability to be born again, learning life differently.

During this meeting, on 13 February we had the honor of thanking God for the life of Marisa, who turned 23 years old. We thank God for the grace to walk and celebrate life at her side. Life gets bigger and better when we are surrounded by people with God in their heart.

Marisa and Paula

Comboni Family Meeting in Spain

Familia Comboniana

This past weekend was held the third meeting of Comboni Family in Spain under the theme “Comboni Family: Together on the Way“.

We were present 60 people between Comboni´s religious and laities and also we could count this year with Isabel as a representative of the Secular Comboni Missionaries who could participated with us during the week-end.

It was a weekend to get deeper into our dreams and fears in this Comboni Family path, with time to express commitments that will facilitate to follow this path together.

On Saturday, we count on Carmen Sara and Luis Guitarra to motivate the meeting. Unhurried and dynamically they helped us to go deeper in this issue, sharing our hopes, through stories, tales, songs and group dynamics we have built among all the tree of the Comboni Family.

Sunday was time to share the concrete projects we are doing together as the Vocational Youth Ministry, the Missionary Animation taking place in Granada or the project we will carry out this summer on the Camino de Santiago. Small steps that make possible, securing and assessable this common path.

All seasoned with moments to share the liturgy, with celebrations that helped us to vibrate and placed at the foot of the altar this common dreams and a nice vigil prayer where we join all those who pilgrimage as a Comboni Family on four continents.

Let´s the Lord help us overcome our fears and inspire us with the passion of St. Daniel Comboni to make concrete our Comboni Family with concrete experiences for the sake of the mission to which we try to serve every day.

On the way…

KasiaI have no idea how fast the time is passing. I noticed that from my last post was added over a month ago!! So I think that it’s the right time to write something again 🙂

Not many things have changed. I mean, my time is full of various meetings, activities etc. But I’ll try to write shortly about last events. In the mid of March all lay people (candidates and missionaries) took part in the retreat in Viseu which was led for us by one of the MCCJ Fathers. Although that was not my last meeting with CLM I have already heard, ‘how I imagine that I will go to the Mozambique and leave them?’, And I thought, they were right, even though we have known only three months I have felt that they are so close to me. I cannot imagine I could feel it in such a short time. I think it was not just me who was thinking that way. Why? Because during the meeting they did for us a little surprise. They sent us to the mission on Sunday Mass from their community. I know that I have been sent by Archbishop in Poland but they wanted to do it again. Imagine that it wasn’t my last sending. I will write about this more later on.

Besides normal common duties and schedule I had to organize time for Bible course and the other documents necessary for get a visa. Imagine that bureaucracy in Portugal is more complicated than in Poland. This all journeys between offices and doctors … every human being may feel exhausted. Fortunately I ended collect all documents before the Holy Week. Why it was so important? Because in the Holy Thursday me and Barbara catch a flight to Madrid. The community from Spain invited us to the common celebration Triduum and Easter.

Time in Spain was fantastic! The community composed of families what made that our Easter felt like home. One of the Father picked us up from the airport and took us to the small, mountain village near Madrid where LMC had meetings. He was there for all meeting. Usually most of the formation meetings was separate for children and adults but always we met together after that.

Kasia y Barbara

We started meeting from sharing our arrival reasons, our feelings of coming and our expectations. We ended it in common meeting with children and later we went to the attic which was our Chapel for the time of Triduum. We celebrated Liturgy of Holy Thursday and had common diner, prayer and time for a rest. On Holy Friday and Holy Saturday we had a mini-conference, meeting in the small group, some time to walk, talking and meeting again 🙂 …I met a few people who were on the mission in Mozambique and I could know more about the place where I am going to serve. Holy Friday was a little calmer than usual. Common liturgy and evening’s adoration were very beautiful. How I mentioned before I had more than one sending 😉 . Next one happened during Paschal Vigil. Along with Barbara we were invited to sit down in the middle where we had get crosses. Alberto with his family and David who is going to Africa during holidays joined to us. Together we created small circle inside and the rest of the community did the other on outside. We started dancing and during this, Father read blessing, and sent us to the mission. After liturgy we started celebration, singing and there was no end of joy! Unfortunately next day we had to come back to Madrid because the day after that we had flight to Porto. The rest of the time we spent walking through the city. After return we ate early dinner and we packed up our luggage. Next morning we had flight to Lisbon not to home in Braga. We lived in the house of MCCJ where we met with great kindness like before. Why Lisbon? Because there I could got a visa. Of course I could not get a visa without any issues, as some  sympathetic lady told me that I hadn’t got one document…fortunately I was able to organize it and the next day I could made all necessary documents without difficulty. Now I am just waiting for getting a visa and in the middle of the month it should already have it!

We visited Lisbon too. It is amazing city! You could see on the photos. For the most of the time Vanessa was with us. Vanessa helped me with my visa and her help was invaluable. When you will be in Lisbon you should go to the trip to Sintra! There are some marvelous castles. I liked Castelo dos Mouros the most. It is on the hill and view from up is breathtaking… land, ocean, river, city, bridge… at the end of our holidays we go to the Cacia on the Friday. Sandra and Carlos lived there and we decided to stay and live the community life.

Next Thursday I have got a final exam from my course, Barbara’s family will visit us, then some rest, CLM and … the time to come back home!

As you can see, the time is going so normal 🙂 ….

I wish you all discovery of empty tomb and rejoice of Christ resurrected!

Kasia. Polish CLM

In the confines of human trafficking

Talita KumOn March 5th, in the house of the Divine Word Missionaries in Lisbon, we participate in the seminar on “Human Trafficking” organized by CAVITP and guided by Sister Gabriella Bottani, Italian Comboni Missionary Sister.

Human trafficking is a complex reality that violent life of specific individuals, their families and communities. An approach, smart, with heart, courage, structured, professional and above all networking is required.

It was no accident that the phrase chosen for the opening of the meeting was “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch” (Lk 5,4).

So we ask: What are these deeper waters in our lives: our trust in God, our fears and weaknesses, our look at the wounds of our brothers, the love to God and the neighbor…?

The network presented, it was concrete. Founded in 2009, the “Talita Kum” network is the International Network of Consecrated Life Against Trafficking in Persons. An international network of networks, which brings desires and expertise in the fight against this scourge that destroys many lives.

The approach to this problem has many facets.

In prevention rather than warn of the dangers that may lurk behind an attractive work offer from the other side of the world, mind giving prospects happy life in the place where people live, propose alternatives that engage positively the people on a project of meaningful life.

The warning must be launched at various levels, especially in education. Because we all have to do with this, in community, warn of situations, complaint, the protection of victims and relatives (two sides of a reality that can be separated by thousands of kilometers).

The study and research of the phenomenon are also crucial for a methodical and increasingly coordinated and effective action, multidisciplinary… because the resolution of the problems caused to the lives of people is never limited to policing. A psychological, sociological, spiritual view, a comprehensive care that cannot be limited in the short term is required.

During the meeting, some real testimonies of people rescued from trafficking networks were also presented. True stories that tell the greatness of the victims who crossed oceans of pain and fear and were able to return to life… no doubt with many scars, but standing examples of courage and a sign of hope for us all.

I was especially impressed by the testimony of a mother to see her daughter back home and still labeled and stigmatized by the community of origin exclaiming with pain: …but she’s my daughter!

How different will be the world, when we would be able to look at all the victims in such a way … with a look of love. We will be truly contemplative then because, as Pope Francis says, who loves contemplates (cf. EG 199).

Finally, as a challenge, I share here the challenge of Talitha Kum network on what each of us can do to join this cause. Let us do it!

What can you do to help?:

  • Learn about human trafficking in the world and in your country.
  • Contact and meet organizations in your country that are committed against human trafficking.
  • Participate as a volunteer in prevention activities and political denunciation.
  • Support this cause with prayer.
  • Support and participate in campaigns against trafficking.
  • Buy products in centers of socio-economic reintegration of survivors of trafficking.
  • Support financially.

“If you want to go fast, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together”.

(African Proverb)

Pedro Moreira, CLM

Look, there are the Comboni Lay Missionaries!

LMC AlemaniaMeeting of the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) in the house of Nuremberg from 18 to 21 March 2016

On Friday, March 18, it was time: the CLM came from all corners of Germany turn to our meeting. For four days, the group has prepared a stand for the presentation of the Comboni Family at the national meeting of Catholics in Leipzig and at the same time we were dedicated to see the preparing text for the continental assembly that Europeans CLM will have in Portugal.

The first came very motivated on Thursday night, and the last one arrived on late Friday night, with an ark in luggage. It was an atmosphere of joy where we were all willing and eager to celebrate this time together and the possibility of doing different activities. Since the last meetings were characterized by a more theoretical work, reflection and exchange of ideas, for this meeting we schedule to make more practical, concrete and creative works.

Saturday morning began with Mass with the Comboni Missionaries and the Pauline Sisters. Empowered by breakfast we face the two themes of the meeting: the national meeting of Catholics and the European CLM meeting. With great joy we welcomed the new “member” (newborn) Stella, along with their parents Irene and Ulrich, who participated with much encouragement.

With the help of a background song we express thoughts and ideas on the subject and theme of the meeting of Catholics, “Look, here is the man!” We put into practice the ideas for the stand of the Comboni Family, we also realized a game linked to globalization, rehearsing songs and prepare the material. We loved put African and American clothes on the mannequins and make posters for them.

LMC AlemaniaOn Sunday, we participated with the community in the Mass on Palm Sunday. During the Mass, topical issues as slavery, the situation of migrants and the World Church were spoken. Children put symbols on the altar while adults told the passion of Christ. We could recognize issues quite linked to our way as CLM.

From the information on the history of the international CLM movement and the preparatory text for the continental meeting of the CLM in Portugal came out much discussion on different topics, especially on the challenges of our CLM group. There is progress on our way and a long road ahead…

At night, we had a prayer together with the members of the local community in the house of the Comboni Missionaries. Afterwards we rededicate ourselves to creative work. Some made a small brochure on our CLM group.

On Monday, we left aside the work and made a special visit to the center of Nuremberg. A man who had lived on the street guided us by the city around the places where the homeless and supporting institutions are. He talked about his experiences of life and struggle. We also talked with social workers of “Lilith,” “Kassandra” and the ecumenical point “that serve women with drug problems, prostitutes and homeless.

This weekend we have been enriched by the gifts and commitment of each of our fellow CLM. Sharing: Look, there is the man – individual and group member; creative, full of ideas, solidary – living the mission.

LMC Alemania

Barbara Ludewig