Comboni Lay Missionaries

Times of change


On the 13th, day of the Virgin of Fátima, began the changes in the Apostolic Community of Mongoumba, with Fr Maurice leaving to Rome, where he will take part in a training course to become a trainer of young people who want to be Comboni missionaries. Mary intercede for him to adapt well to his new community, where he will spend this period of training, and to give a good witness of faith and love to all who cross his path.

The 23th we had the joy of receiving Ana, young Polish CLM, she came from Kinshasa, where she has been learning French. We ask the Lord of the harvest to help us in this integration time for Anna to be an example of love, joy and compassion and service to the people we were sent.

Yesterday was the turn to arrive from Paris, where Fr. Fernando, from Mexico, was learning French. In these first months of his stay in Central Africa the Mongoumba apostolic community will grow, it will be where Fr Fernando will learn Sango. Where he will go afterwards, we do not know…

July will be again time of changing with the departure of Elia. The mission will run out a very strong plaster stone…! Will she return someday? That only God knows! For now, we can only be grateful from now, all the good she did for this people and this community. May the Lord accompany her, always.


A big hug to all CLM and especially to all those who have celebrated their birthdays.

Maria Augusta and Elia.


Arequipa: such a great place!

Misner in Peru

Greetings to all from Misner Family in Peru!

Our daughters are adapting very well. Our oldest daughter Lydia will be seven years on May 26. She is studying at the School of the Sacred Hearts where she is learning Spanish, English and French. Our youngest daughter is 4 years old and she is studying in the kindergarten here in the parish of the Good Shepherd. Both love much the fathers and sisters who are working with the Comboni missionaries.

Karissa and I started our medical work a week ago at Villa Ecológica, which is on the outskirts of the city. Karissa specializes in adult and I am a pediatrician. We have a lot of love and respect for the Father Conrado and his passion for making this special place to assist these people without medical care.

Please keep us present in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you for the possibility of this missionary service and the people of Arequipa.

Matt, Karissa, Lydia, y Violet Misner. CLM Family from the NAP in Peru

Third meeting of the Faith and Cooperation Foundation (Portugal)


The weekend of 13 and 14 February took place at Fatima the formation of the 3rd FEC (Fe Foundation and Cooperation) Meeting with the theme “Missions, cultures and religions” in which we had the pleasure of having as trainer the Provincial of the Comboni missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, father Jose Vieira. As in other meetings, a wide variety of institutions, groups and missionary organizations were present. We thank God for the presence of all, for the fraternal union and joy that always happens when we are meeting in His name.

In this meeting the main message was the importance of going to meet the other. Go to meet them involves knowing them and knowing their culture. In addition, this meeting of cultures often means that, for a moment, we forget ourselves, our cultural habits and routines that are so natural in us. Accept the other and its culture is a necessary challenge for the full experience of the love of God in mission lands. More than witnesses of God, He invites us to follow his example, be living gospel of love. And for this, we must know the people, their culture and their customs … we should inculturated to love people in a full form.


In fact, Jesus is the true example of inculturation. He, who to witness the infinite reach of His love for us became man like us. Following his example, we must not only respect but to know and participate in culture, routines and habits of the place where we go. However, this is more complicated than we think, in first place, because we are all inherently ethnocentric and see the world from us, from our experience and our culture. However, we can never forget that cultural diversity is a gift loved and respected by God. Each of us comes with everything that is conform: defects, qualities, life history, culture, and our faith is the result of a personal relationship with God. However, it is important not to forget that cultures that welcome and receive us are sacred territory to which we must barefoot sandals of pre-judgments and preconceptions. From this arises the importance of learning the language, learn the culture, learn, especially, to celebrate and be with people sharing our lives with them. Therefore, go to a new culture requires availability to be born again, learning life differently.

During this meeting, on 13 February we had the honor of thanking God for the life of Marisa, who turned 23 years old. We thank God for the grace to walk and celebrate life at her side. Life gets bigger and better when we are surrounded by people with God in their heart.

Marisa and Paula

Give thanks in everything!


I arrived to Carapira in full celebration of Easter! It was a great gift! A festive Mass on the night of Saturday and one on Sunday morning, both with the dances and songs that deserve every great Easter. Afterwards a nice lunch with the missionary team, the Comboni Family.

It is the first time I leave my country, my beloved Brazil. And already it has spent the first month! The work that I am calling to do is to accompany the youth of the school (Industrial Technical Institute) run by the Combonis in Carapira. 130 are the young people who study and live here. Learn professional techniques offered in courses, learning to be a family, be smart and able people to build a better world are the main principles to follow with these young people. I took up nursing of the school, a room with beds for the rest of the sick children and medicines and basic utensils for care. I remain a big part of my time in this room (the pharmacy) and make my ministry here, my service, my daily renewal of my Yes to the mission. I also accompany students to the hospital when needed, help them to take medication, wound care and various injuries.

As a child in catechesis, I dreamed to be a doctor to go to Africa… I finally studied psychology and not medicine, but was a great choice! Now I look what I have been called and see me in a nursing care hurts and pains. There is a peace that invades the soul! There’s a smile that shows when looking to improve the way to cures, or even when I call attention to a boy for skipping his medication. And the soul rejoices when our pharmacy is not only the physical space to administer medication but becomes space to share, to discuss a variety of possible topics. We talk about family, we talk about the heavy situation faced by Mozambique and Brazil in politics, we talk about school difficulties, dreams and love; We smile together and play, and in addition we also have some time to correct ourselves and find the best path for each day. I have two students working with me, Cacossane and Mendes. They help me in everything and always try to improve our communication to better understand and optimize the service to all other students. I am pleased to see small achievements, curtains, pot for tea, cup holders, dogfish soup, etc. Small things that make the difference, cheering!

For now, we are two at home, Beatriz (from Mexico) and me. She tries to teach and guide me on things here, show me the realities and correct, if necessary, my quick way of speaking that generates misunderstanding. The Portuguese is actually much! The mission begins at home! Community life is an invitation to forgiving love and forgiveness that loves is a joint growth, it is a constant learning. In this way, we build and prepare to welcome Kasia from Poland and Barbara from Italy who will be with us soon and my heart is already on holiday with their arrival.

We are a large and very rich missionary team: priests, brother and laity! We come from different places, cultures and ways of being different and this is a beautiful treasure for the mission. My Brazilian roots are with these Italian, Mexican, Portuguese, Mozambican roots… Longing Brazil dwells in the heart, longing for people, places, even more for food! Nostalgia also supports the mission because it reminds me that the mission is not done alone, the mission is collective. I came to Mozambique, but there are many people who are elsewhere and pray for me and the mission without prayer support fades. Maybe that is why my heart is full of gratitude, because I have many people who supported me from many corners of this great world. Therefore, also on behalf of all these people every day I renew my Yes to the mission, my yes to God, my yes to this school in which I live and work and my yes to each of these guys.

Here they say “Vacani, Vacani”, little by little. And so it is! One-step at a time, slowly but without wasting time when it comes to improve, to move forward, to evolve. One-step at a time to improve communication, specific things needed to make a good missionary way, practical things for the work, in everything step by step. Remembering that take care of me is the first step to be complete for the people I am called to serve. Therefore, my path moves through step by step and I can sleep peacefully at night, with a heart full of joy for all that has allowed me to live in this holy land. I thanks everyone who accompany me with the prayer and wish you well. We are together!


The good and loving God, Father and Mother, care for us and strengthen us!

Mother Africa, you welcome me, teach me to live you!

Priscilla Garcia – CLM