Comboni Lay Missionaries

Extraordinary Mission Month videos (II). Prayer


We share the second video corresponding to the 1st week of the Extraordinary Missionary Month dedicated to PRAYER as the center of our life.

The encounter with Jesus is what lead us Christians to go out to meet the other. It is in this personal and community prayer that the missionary feels challenged by the different realities of the world.

Formation Extraordinary Missionary Month 2019

Tema MME

As we know Pope Francis has called for an extraordinary missionary month in October 2019, in order to further awaken the missionary consciousness of the missio ad gentes and to resume the missionary transformation of life and pastoral with a new impulse.

One of the key proposals of this month should be training. That is why we offer you this little theme that can be used in youth and adult groups, in religion classes, confirmation groups, community formation and even as a personal reflection (although always better in community).

Therefore we will start from the letter of convocation of Pope Francis, from the letter Maximun Illud that Pope Benedict XV wrote (which we recommend reading or having next to consult) and whose centenary celebration causes the convocation of this extraordinary missionary month. We will also be accompanied by the writings and life of a missionary like Saint Daniel Comboni; His life together with that of other missionaries would inspire this letter and hopefully it will also help us and inspire each of us in our communities to be missionaries today.

Extraordinary Mission Month


On the occasion of the centenary of the Missionary Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud munus, Pope Francis has called for extraordinary mission month to be held in October 2019 “in order to awaken always more the awareness of our mission ad gentes and rekindle with a new impulse the transformation of our life and of our pastoral work.”

The pope invites us to live intensely this missionary month through a Personal encounter with Jesus, our Witness, Formation and missionary Charity, as a challenge for our Christian communities.

“Baptized and Sent. The Church of Christ in mission to the world” is the theme the Pope has chosen for this month. In its 10 points it develops very well the missionary implications of our Baptism, encouraging a new missionary awakening, which necessary in the entire Church, in order to offer the message of Christ to today’s world.

May the celebration of this Missionary Month help us to see ourselves as missionary disciples because mission is “innate” to us and our responsibility, so that we may be a Church on the move.