Comboni Lay Missionaries

Sharing the calling of a missionary marriage

lmc mexico

On November 29th, we had the opportunity to be part of the formative sessions of the young people who will participate in the missionary work of the Archdiocese of León during the month of December (Misiones PROJUV, León, Guanajuato). We were invited to share a lecture in which we talked about the main qualities that we should have as missionaries. In it, we shared some ideas and examples on how the virtues like humbleness, coherence, purity and generosity can help us to surrender ourselves fully to the service of God and of our brothers and sisters.

For us it was a very special experience, because it was the first activity that we have had representing the Comboni Lay Missionaries. We are in our period of formation, in which we prepare ourselves spiritually and intellectually to respond to the missionary call that God has placed in our hearts. Therefore, having the opportunity to share a little of what we have received filled us with joy and hope.

The interaction with teenagers and young adults was very enriching. In addition to the content of our conference, the dialogue with them made us realize that the mere fact of presenting ourselves as a couple of lay missionaries is already an example that can inspire them to fully commit to the vocation of sharing the Gospel. Many came to share their vocational concerns, and for us it was an honour to show them how it is possible to be committed lay people, working in the world with our eyes towards the Kingdom of Heaven.

This experience helped us to confirm that the Lord calls us at any moment of our existence and from any path of life. We, as a married couple, know that this calling acquires a deep meaning in knowing that our conjugal love can and should be lived as a witnessing to make God’s love known everywhere. Let us dare to answer to this calling!

Kasia Ludwin & Adán Aguilar

Research Report: Carajás Dossier, Corruption and carelessness (2)


The research report team shows in the report how the passing of the trains compromises the communities living on their margins and how the iron dust from the steel mills infiltrates the houses and threatens the health of an entire village.


In it we can see the village of Piquiá de Baixo (from minute 35) where our Comboni family closely accompanies this reality and the struggle for a resettlement in the neighborhood of Piquiá de la Conquista.

We leave this second video (in Portuguese) from the Justice of the Roads channel of JnT*

* Justiça nos Trilhos works to strengthen communities in the Carajás Corridor in North Eastern Amazonian Brazil and denounce violations of human and environmental rights, holding the state and corporations accountable and preventing new human rights violations.

My road to CLM community

Bartek LMC Polonia
Bartek LMC Polonia

I grew up in a Catholic family and I believe in God since I remember. My faith started changing in high school – I have created my own morality, going to church became just a habit and prayer was no longer important.

Then I started studies in Cracow and I felt very lonely in such a big city. This led me to the academic chaplaincy. We had a wonderful priest, who trusted us and gave us responsibility. I quickly got involved – I was leading formation meetings, organizing bicycle pilgrimages, trips to the mountains. During one of the prayers the Lord came to me Himself and changed my heart. I felt the presence of the Holly Spirit and the urge to change my life according to His will.

Because of my community, I have also got to know the Noble Package, where I was a volunteer for many years, and I have found combonians. Once, someone wrote an e-mail about the Lenten retreat led by Comboni Missionaries at Skośna Street. I decided to come and I discovered the close side of the Church. Direct contact with fathers, individual adoration of the Lord during the night, songs in Swahili, prayer with the Word of God, Jesus presented as an African child, a time to share reflections during the Holy Mass… It was all new and delightful. It truly felt that I was a part of the Church.

With time, I started going to the meetings of candidates for the Combonian Lay Missionary Movement, I went on a missionary experience to Gulu in Uganda, where, during intercessory prayer, God opened my heart even more to His Love.

The Lord Jesus effectively leads me by the hand. I can see that all the breakthroughs in my life so far are the result of His tender and gentle touch, which guides a person on the right path. Now I feel He wants me to go on a two-year missionary trip. Lord Jesus, You know everything. I’m yours. Lead, I will follow!

Bartek Tumiłowicz, CLM Poland

Research Report: Carajás Dossier, Corruption and carelessness


Divided into four chapters, the first episode shows some of the impacts that one of the largest freight trains in the world leaves in the 28 cities and more than 100 towns it passes through. The large research report reveals how the wealth of mining contrasts with the misery and suffering of the residents of the Carajás railroad, how the lack of pedestrian bridges exposes residents to routine accidents at crossings, and how corruption scandals drain the public coffers of municipalities cut off by the CFE.


In this report we can see the reality of the communities affected by the problems of mining in the northeast of Brazil where the Comboni Family accompanies the communities. Our CLM community has been present for more than 25 years.

We leave this video (in Portuguese) from the Justice of the Roads channel of JnT*

* Justiça nos Trilhos works to strengthen communities in the Carajás Corridor in North Eastern Amazonian Brazil and denounce violations of human and environmental rights, holding the state and corporations accountable and preventing new human rights violations.