Laicos Misioneros Combonianos

Himno por el 150 aniversario de la Fundación del Instituto Comboniano

LOGO 150 aniversario MCCJLos misioneros combonianos de Sur Sudán han compuesto un himno para el 150 aniversario (1867-2017) de la Fundación del Instituto Comboniano. “Es un simple signo de celebración de nuestra tierra, dijo el padre Guido Oliana, uno de los principales promotores de la iniciativa. Lo hemos grabado con nuestros pobres medios. Tal vez el resultado podría ser mejor, pero tiene el toque y sabor original y rústico de Sur Sudán. Un grupo de seminaristas del Seminario Mayor de Juba y una Hermana Comboniana y su amiga la cantan: Puede encontrar la canción y letra abajo y en el sitio web Comboniano de Sur Sudan.


We are called to go and preach the joy of the Gospel.
The pierced Heart of Jesus kindles us in love.
We are called to go and preach the joy of the Gospel.
The pierced Heart of Jesus kindles us in love.

1. We are moved by Saint Comboni’s spirit
to be a cenacle of prayerful apostles.
We are born from Jesus’ pierced heart,
and enkindled by his tender love,
and inspired by his divine Spirit,
to go and preach his Gospel of joy

2. We are called Comboni Missionaries
of the Heart of Jesus Christ the Lord.
This indeed is our inspiration,
and our pride, our cross, and our glory.
We are told to be holy and capable,
well prepared to give our life for Christ.

3. We are called to contemplate the cross
so as to know how God has loved the world.
We are moved to reach out to people
and proclaim the power of the Gospel
that frees people from any evil spirit
and empowers them as children of God.

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