Comboni Lay Missionaries

The formation of leaders, an important aspect of the Comboni charism

LMC Ghana

After being confronted with certain problems that were handicapping the survival and continuity of the mission in Sudan, Daniel Comboni developed The Plan for the Regeneration of Africa. The plan develops strategies to take on the training of African leaders who in turn will continue the training of their brothers and sisters: “Save Africa through Africa“.

This was also the fundamental purpose of our presence at St. Francis of Assisi Station in Dadome from December 24, 2023 to January 7, 2024.

Gifty Aziedu, Benjamin Amekor and Christian Wotormenyo arrived in Dadome on Sunday evening, December 24th. They were later joined by Justin Nougnui and Valentin Sewovi. According to the instruction of the Father Chaplain and Parish Priest, we should extend our service to two other stations in the vicinity St. Michael of Adudornu and the station of Husikorpe.

Indeed, Adudornu lacks managers who can coordinate the station’s activities. “Since the time of Covid-19, we no longer gather for church activities,” some members of the station told us. Our duty for the few days in Dadome was to make house visits to the three stations and to guide some members to continue the catechist service to bring the stations back to life. In Dadome, house visitations bore fruit as the chapel was filled on the night of December 31 and on January 7, the feast of the Epiphany. The faithful followed at Dadome by the name of Charity was always eager to serve the Lord. With our help, on January 7th, she presided over the celebration of the Word in Husikorpe, located a few kilometers from Dadome. Before doing so this Sunday, she has already started in the evenings at Dadome during the celebrations of the word to be well able to expose herself. She should do so in Husikorpe because Husikorpe, with the abandonment of the service of the former catechist, has temporarily come under the coordination of Dadome. Charity should help John the catechist of Dadome to coordinate the activities of Dadome and Husikorpe. Both will have to alternate their service at both stations. Adudornu, a little farther away from Dadome, is expected to find catechists living there or not far away.

Thank God, Father Leopold had given us two names of faithful who wanted to help in the administration of the station: Stephen and Amewuga. The service of the Word on the morning of Sunday the 31st was attended by several children and adults. This showed hunger for God and gathering at the chapel. Since 2020, they have not met, they told us due to a lack of catechists. Thus, from this new meeting on the eve of the New Year, the desire of God and of the community was once again satisfied. We went to Adudornu by motorbike. In view of the distance separating Adudornu from Dadome where we resided, the formation of the two catechists took place in Adudornu and Dadome. Right after the service of the Word on the morning of the 31st, we began to guide them to preside over the celebrations. On January 3rd, they were invited to Dadome for training and on Thursday, it was again at Adudornu. On January 7, Stephen was able to preside over the celebration of the Word. Their responsibility is not only to preside over the celebrations in the absence of the priest but also to revitalize the station through their sacrifice and zeal following the directives of the parish.

One challenge we were not able to meet before leaving was to find the necessary documents for their service, but we mentioned this in the report we made to the parish priest. Also, we will do our best to provide them with certain documents. Another challenge that Charity will also have to face is the lack of means to go to Husikorpe when it is her turn. John has a motorcycle but Charity doesn’t. We had exchanged some ideas about this reality with the Husikorpe station. We hope that our suggestion can have the necessary support for the continuity of Charity’s service.

The strength to have this experience comes from our love for Christ in the footsteps of St. Daniel Comboni. Our internal organization, community life, group prayer, and the exchange of ideas among us encouraged and motivated us to make this “common cause” with the three stations. But, in order to always assume continuity, it will be good that from time to time, we pass by the three stations to see the evolution, which will require resources.

May our Founder, St. Daniel Comboni always inspire us to be moved all the time by this cry and strength to “Save Africa through Africa” and may the Lord give us the clear vision of what we must do, the strength and the means to accomplish it.

Justin Nougnui, CLM coordinator.

Here i am Lord, I come to do your will!

LMC Ghana

When God’s hour has come, no one can go against it. Having started the journey for quite a while, finally, the Provincial Council approved the suggestion of Father Leopold, chaplain of the CLM in the Province, that Christian Wotormenyo could make his official entry into the Comboni Family through his promise.

This December 1st, he was asked to come and pray at the Good Shepherd parish of Mafi-Kumase, a parish where Father Chaplain is parish priest. It was a time of personal reflection for him to place himself in God’s hands for this commitment.

On Sunday, December 3, the first Sunday of Advent, as requested by the Bishop of the diocese, all stations must meet in one place for the celebration. Thus, all the outstations of Mafi-Kumase gathered at Mafi-Kumase for the celebration. At 9 a.m., the Eucharistic celebration began. After the homily, Father Leopold gave an overview of the ceremony to the entire community present. And then he called the candidate and asked the Coordinator to introduce him. After the presentation, Christian knelt and, before the Father Chaplain, presiding over the ceremony in the name of the Father Provincial, he made his promise. Afterwards, he signed the promise document and was welcomed by the MCCJ. For the first anniversary of the CLM in the province, Lacoste were manufactured and Christian went to the sacristy to put on the dress, a sign of his integration into the CLM Family. The CLM group then came to accept him as a member. The coordinator, at the invitation of the chaplain, carried out vocation promotion. The four CLMs of the Province were given a special blessing by Father John Bliss, MCCJ, concelebrating with three other fathers. At the end of the ceremony, photos were taken and also a small reception was given.

Justin Nougnui, CLM coordinator.

Little by little


Yes, little by little, our province is moving on. Some years back, a lay person, to move on the footstep of Comboni, could only choose to be a religious. If not, you could only journey in the group named Friends of Comboni. But thank God, since 2011, after the first CLM African Assembly in Uganda, things have changed. The first meeting held officially as CLM candidate’s group was in May, 2013. Bit by bit, we are moving on. On the 10th October, 2022, three (3) candidates were accepted and made their promise as CLM. The first pioneer group in the province (Togo-Ghana-Benin) is in Ghana. But as a province constituted of three countries, it won’t be representative enough to have such group in only one country.

By God’s grace, zealous lay men in Togo with the guidance of Rev. Sister Elisabeth, SMC, came up to start a same journey, to become CLM. More than 20 in the beginning, seven of the group at Adidogome, with determination, maintained their expectation and kept on undergoing the training required for CLM candidates according to our International Formation Guide. Monthly basis, they meet for a formation which the Rev. Sister takes so seriously by inviting resource persons. Last 15th October, they met in the Comboni Sisters’ House to receive a formation on the topic “Affectivity and Human Maturity” delivered by Rev. Sister Cecilia of the Congregation of “Les Petites Soeurs de la Sainte Famille”. The Sister let them understand that affectivity engaged the totality of human life.

MCCJ are in the three countries and so should CLM candidates. Since some months, new CLM candidates are arising in Benin. Our friends Lucien and Ulrich, (CLM candidates) have started having a training too. With the help of Brother Pascal, MCCJ, training is ongoing at St. Francis of Assisi parish of Fidzrosse. On the 8th October, they met again to receive a training from Father Francisco, MCCJ. Father shared with them the “Evangelic Counsel of Chastity in the life of a Christian”. Brother Pascal is committed to give a solid foundation to our CLM candidates. Last week, through the guidance of Sister Elisabeth, a new female candidate, Rita Kebi, from Houegbo, joined the two candidates in Benin. She will soon be inserted in the group to continue with Lucien and Ulrich the journey.

In Ghana, we had the grace to rejoice with Father Shane, MCCJ, his 25th priestly anniversary at St. Theresa of the Child Jesus’ parish of Abor. It was a great celebration attended by faithful from the three countries of the province. Bishop Gabriel, SVD (Bishop of Keta-Akatsi Diocese), Bishop Anthony (Bishop emeritus of the diocese), Father Timothy, Provincial of MCCJ in the Province, religious and lay people, all came to thank God with Father Shane for the wonders and care He took the blessed of the day through. At the end of the celebration, we took the opportunity to greet the Provincial and interacted with Brother Pascal and some other MCCJ.

Justin Nougnui, CLM coordinator.

The beginning of a vocation

Candidatos Benin

The desire to belong to the Comboni Family motivated Lucien and Ulrich- in Benin_ to contact Alberto through the blog. Alberto led them to the Coordinator in the Province who contacted the two friends. They started thinking together on the best way forward. The chaplain was contacted and Brother Pascal who accompanies the group of Friends of Comboni in Benin was informed.

To bring together all the friend candidates in the province Togo-Ghana-Benin, a WhatsApp platform was created. Online meetings started for us to know one another and to help each one to have an idea about CLM realities in the world. Through this platform, communication was established and necessary information shared. Some CLM resolutions were also shared for each candidate to have an idea on the vocation and mission of CLM.

For a while, the two friends far from each other, couldn’t communicate if not via phone calls and online meetings. But the ardent desire to journey together burning in them prompted Lucien to move from Bohicon to Cotonou -about 125km- to visit Ulrich. This encounter was so wished by each one and the visit was a success and Lucien was received warmly according to his testimony. Now that they met, it is left with the formation to start. By God’s grace, this 17th September, 2023 at St. Francis of Assisi Parish of Fidzrosse (Republic of Benin), at Bakandja Catechetical Center, the first formative gathering was carried out. Together with two members of the group of Friends of Comboni, Lucien and Ulrich heard the sharing of Father Eugenio about “Obedience”. In the sharing, Father Eugenio has presented the life of Jesus Christ as the perfect example of obedience. Jesus, indeed, was obedient till death, death on the Cross. The second example, continued Father, was St. Daniel Comboni who followed on the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Comboni didn’t hesitate when his vocation for the mission in Africa was confirmed to him by Father Marani (W.13). We are called to do the same.

The two friends, Lucien and Ulrich were so impressed by the sharing, because Father Eugenio, they said, went into depth with some concrete realities of this evangelical counsel.

They are, thenceforth, determined to continue the journey and wait impatiently for the second formative sharing.

Justin Nougnui, CLM coordinator.

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel” (Mk 16, 15)

LMC Ghana

It is driven by this call that six of our members left their houses and gathered at Immaculate Center in the Sacred Heart Parish of Bakpa-Avedo in the Volta Region, Ghana.

The gathering started this Thursday evening. Justin Nougnui, Benjamin Amekor and Gifty Aziedu joined Christian Wotormenyo at the Center. They were joined the following day by Frank Amenyo and Valentine Sewovi.

During the Eucharistic Celebration Thursday evening, commemorating the feast of the Apostle Matthew, our group was welcomed by the church and Father Senyo the parish priest. Father Senyo met us later to guide us for our evangelizing activity. The experience was in three folds.

  • Community life

We were six for this experience. It was an opportunity to live together. We prayed together, ate at the same table, participated in the Eucharistic Celebration with other faithful of the parish, thought and planned together. Living together as brothers and sister was really “sweet” (Ps. 133,1). The sweetness and happiness were enhanced with some funny stories from our elderly members Christian and mostly Benjamin and also by recalling some past experience from Cape Coast, Esse-Ana and Cotonou. Each one of us contributed in various ways for the success of our presence.

  • Formation

We gathered also to form ourselves. “Mission of CLM in the church and the society” was shared by the coordinator. After explaining the concept of “Lay person” in general and “CLM” in particular, he laid emphasis on our responsibilities as CLM. The main aspects of our mission are Evangelization, Mission Animation, Vocation promotion and Justice, Peace and Integrity of the Creation (JPIC). The JPIC supposes also our knowledge of the Social Teaching of the Church. This aspect, though part of Evangelization, is a great horizon for us CLM to explore and develop as living in the society. The Encyclical Letter, Laudato si of the Holy Father Francis will be of great help.

The second topic was shared by Christian who is the Principal of Immaculate Vocational and Technical Institute, a place we are dreaming to own one day. He shared with us on the Center, what work and training are done and the challenges the Center was facing.

  • Pastoral activities

At Avedo itself, we moved from house to house indiscriminately. We greeted our brothers and sisters, wished them well and invited those that are not Christians to join us. We met healthy and sick people, prayed for the sick and recommended in our report to the parish priest a continual visitation to all but especially to the sick.

We also did house visitation at Agortakpo an outstation. But, contrary to how it was done at Avedo, we went purposely to those that have stopped coming to church. Some promised us to re-start.

In the outstation, we interacted with the faithful. It is an old station but full of young people. With a zealous leadership of the catechist Julius Kotoku, the head-christian Foster Agbanyo and the choir leader Veronica, the station is doing well. We encouraged them to meet often not only on Sundays. We also showed them a film “Jesus of Nazareth” in Ewe (local language).

We couldn’t reach two other stations assigned to us by the parish priest for the bad state of the road during this rainy season. We tried one but return on the way.

We are grateful to the Master of the Vineyard whose call we are trying to respond generously. May He strengthen us in our CLM journey. We are also grateful to each and every one who in one way or the other facilitated this experience of ours.

Justin Nougnui, CLM.