Comboni Lay Missionaries

Preventive conflict management in a Christian family or community.


This theme was expounded to us by the Scholastic Constantine.

In his presentation, Sc. Constantine enumerated some of the causes of our conflicts in community before explaining the biblical basis of conflict management. It is Jesus himself who invites us to a loving resolution of our disagreements (Mt 18:15-17; Mt 6:12; Mt 5:23-24).

Open, sincere and honest communication; the mutual practice of forgiveness among members of the same Christian family; Prayer and Bible study in the family, the spirit of humility and compassion are some preventive strategies for managing conflicts in Christian communities. Conflict management is a pervasive challenge in all spheres of life. As followers of Jesus Christ, Christians are called to live in peace and harmony with one another.

At the end of his presentation, Sc Constantine concluded by saying that the preventive management of conflicts in Christian families and communities is a vital aspect of the Christian life. By following biblical principles, understanding the causes of conflict, and implementing effective prevention strategies, Christians can work together to prevent conflict, promote peace and unity, and witness to the love and grace of Jesus Christ in the world.

Aboe Lucien, CLM candidate.

Recollection in Ghana

LMC Ghana

From March 15 to 17, we had a meeting in Ghana at the Dadome Station for recollection, monthly meeting and pastoral activity.

On Friday March 15, we met in Dadome to do our recollection for this Lenten season. That evening, we meditated on the Stations of the Cross with the faithful of the station. On Saturday morning, after morning prayer, we had the first theme that our brother Christian shared. It was on Dying to oneself to Live with Christ. He invited us to renounce ourselves through certain practices: going against certain practices of our cultures and traditions, loving God more than our parents, being humble are ways of dying to ourselves.

The second theme was Lent: journey for a spiritual combat which was presented by Justin, the coordinator. He insisted on the three priorities of Lent which are prayer, asceticism and fraternity. He invited us to strive to please the Lord by practicing virtue, renouncing carnal pleasures and extending our arms to our brothers and sisters.

Saturday evening was dedicated to the Sacrament of Reconciliation with the presence of Father Chaplain Father Ephrem. Afterwards, we prayed the rosary to end the recollection.

After dinner, we reflected on the economic situation of the group.

On Sunday morning, we followed Father Ephrem for the outdooring ceremony of a newborn baby. Afterwards, we headed to Husikorpe for the Eucharistic celebration. From Husikorpe, we returned to Dadome for a second mass. It was after mass and the family meal that everyone took their way home.

Justin Nougnui, coordinator.

Recollection of CLM candidates in Togo

Togo LMC

On Sunday 18th February 2024, the CLM candidates of Togo took part in a recollection organized at the house of the Comboni Missionary Sisters in Adidogomé. Focusing on the theme “Prayer and the Eucharist”, the day brought together 5 candidates, a guest and Sister Elisabeth, SMC.

The programme began with an opening prayer and teaching led by Father Michel Adom, MCCJ head of the Cacaveli Missionary Animation Centre. Under the chosen theme, Father Michel outlined the two concepts, placing particular emphasis on the Eucharist as the most excellent prayer, a moment of communion with Christ and his mystical body. He emphasized that the Eucharist is not limited to the end of Mass, and as missionaries we are called to carry the Christ we have received wherever we go.

After this teaching, the participants had a time of meditation and personal prayer. The day continued with the celebration of Sunday Mass in the sisters’ chapel, presided over by Father Michel Adom.

The day ended with a fraternal meal, followed by a reflection on the year’s future activities and a final prayer led by Jean Baptiste Gnimassoun.

By Ernest Botri (CLM candidate), Togo.

Thank you Lord!

LMC Ghana

Yes we must thank the Lord at all times and more especially in some particular moments. It is the case in our province of Togo-Ghana-Benin.

Father Leopold, MCCJ did a great job with the CLM group in the province. With him, we started getting known to other MCCJ as CLM candidates and later as CLM. We have been invited to MCCJ zonal meetings at Accra. We also witnessed the inauguration of the Postulancy at Kaneshie, Accra. With him, we started moving in the province for pastoral and missionary experience. We started at Cape-Coast (Republic of Ghana), we moved to Esse-Ana (Republic of Togo) and participated in the continental Assembly of CLM in Cotonou (Republic of Benin). We have other experiences at Mafi-Kumase which consolidated our CLM vocation. On top of all this is the promise of three members as CLM on the 10th October 2022 and of another one on the 3rd December 2023.

We are so grateful to the Lord for all of this.

The news of his transfer shacked us a bit but even before his departure, we were introduced to a new chaplain in the person of Reverend Father Ephrem Badou. Why shouldn’t we praise the Lord for His wonders for us!

The day the new chaplain was introduced to us, we have two new candidates, Elisabeth Kpanazo and Gabriel Agbeewornu. Wao!!!

What shall I repay to the Lord for all the things that He has repaid to me? I will take up the cup of salvation and I will call upon the name of the Lord” Ps115, 3-4.

For the Lord to continue what He has started in father Leopold in his new mission, for father Ephrem to lead us to become “holy and capable” CLM.

May St. Daniel Comboni intercede for us. AMEN!

Justin Nougnui, CLM.

The formation of leaders, an important aspect of the Comboni charism

LMC Ghana

After being confronted with certain problems that were handicapping the survival and continuity of the mission in Sudan, Daniel Comboni developed The Plan for the Regeneration of Africa. The plan develops strategies to take on the training of African leaders who in turn will continue the training of their brothers and sisters: “Save Africa through Africa“.

This was also the fundamental purpose of our presence at St. Francis of Assisi Station in Dadome from December 24, 2023 to January 7, 2024.

Gifty Aziedu, Benjamin Amekor and Christian Wotormenyo arrived in Dadome on Sunday evening, December 24th. They were later joined by Justin Nougnui and Valentin Sewovi. According to the instruction of the Father Chaplain and Parish Priest, we should extend our service to two other stations in the vicinity St. Michael of Adudornu and the station of Husikorpe.

Indeed, Adudornu lacks managers who can coordinate the station’s activities. “Since the time of Covid-19, we no longer gather for church activities,” some members of the station told us. Our duty for the few days in Dadome was to make house visits to the three stations and to guide some members to continue the catechist service to bring the stations back to life. In Dadome, house visitations bore fruit as the chapel was filled on the night of December 31 and on January 7, the feast of the Epiphany. The faithful followed at Dadome by the name of Charity was always eager to serve the Lord. With our help, on January 7th, she presided over the celebration of the Word in Husikorpe, located a few kilometers from Dadome. Before doing so this Sunday, she has already started in the evenings at Dadome during the celebrations of the word to be well able to expose herself. She should do so in Husikorpe because Husikorpe, with the abandonment of the service of the former catechist, has temporarily come under the coordination of Dadome. Charity should help John the catechist of Dadome to coordinate the activities of Dadome and Husikorpe. Both will have to alternate their service at both stations. Adudornu, a little farther away from Dadome, is expected to find catechists living there or not far away.

Thank God, Father Leopold had given us two names of faithful who wanted to help in the administration of the station: Stephen and Amewuga. The service of the Word on the morning of Sunday the 31st was attended by several children and adults. This showed hunger for God and gathering at the chapel. Since 2020, they have not met, they told us due to a lack of catechists. Thus, from this new meeting on the eve of the New Year, the desire of God and of the community was once again satisfied. We went to Adudornu by motorbike. In view of the distance separating Adudornu from Dadome where we resided, the formation of the two catechists took place in Adudornu and Dadome. Right after the service of the Word on the morning of the 31st, we began to guide them to preside over the celebrations. On January 3rd, they were invited to Dadome for training and on Thursday, it was again at Adudornu. On January 7, Stephen was able to preside over the celebration of the Word. Their responsibility is not only to preside over the celebrations in the absence of the priest but also to revitalize the station through their sacrifice and zeal following the directives of the parish.

One challenge we were not able to meet before leaving was to find the necessary documents for their service, but we mentioned this in the report we made to the parish priest. Also, we will do our best to provide them with certain documents. Another challenge that Charity will also have to face is the lack of means to go to Husikorpe when it is her turn. John has a motorcycle but Charity doesn’t. We had exchanged some ideas about this reality with the Husikorpe station. We hope that our suggestion can have the necessary support for the continuity of Charity’s service.

The strength to have this experience comes from our love for Christ in the footsteps of St. Daniel Comboni. Our internal organization, community life, group prayer, and the exchange of ideas among us encouraged and motivated us to make this “common cause” with the three stations. But, in order to always assume continuity, it will be good that from time to time, we pass by the three stations to see the evolution, which will require resources.

May our Founder, St. Daniel Comboni always inspire us to be moved all the time by this cry and strength to “Save Africa through Africa” and may the Lord give us the clear vision of what we must do, the strength and the means to accomplish it.

Justin Nougnui, CLM coordinator.