Comboni Lay Missionaries

First training meeting of the CLM in Mozambique in 2016


I had the opportunity to participate in the first meeting of permanent formation of CLM in Mozambique. I was invited as a candidate in training to dialogue with the coordinator and share my personal reality. During this meeting I had the grace to study about the Mercy of God as our Father; this topic helped me to reflect on my situation and shone in my mind the points that we will treat later on.

After this day of personal reflection, prayer and sharing, experiencing God’s mercy and a good rest, we continue the meeting with the evaluation of 2015. First we talk about projects, our community orchard, the school canteen, selling handicrafts and the next project in Cabaceira. Then we talked about the initial and ongoing preparation. Also on Missionary Animation, pastoral activities, Economy, departures and arrivals.

After listening to our assessment and new suggestions, brother Luis (MCCJ advisory for the CLM group in Mozambique) made us see the importance of our vocation as lay people, because our work is important in the mission without having to replace the task of the priest , brother or sister, as many people think. San Daniel Comboni also led laity to the mission.

We completed our meeting with lunch, where we experience green tomatoes (which is eaten in Mexico as chutney) which led to a nice conversation about traditional dishes from different parts of the world.


Arnaldo Inasio Sualehe

Missionary retreat in Mozambique


The Missionary laity of the diocese of Nacala met on December 7 to celebrate Advent retreat.

Attended 16 lay people from the various missions of the diocese. Fr. Damasceno, Spiritan present in the mission of Itoculo, led the retreat.

In the morning after our arrival, we made an initial prayer reflecting on the transforming power of love and Fr Damasceno invited us to use it to change what closes us on ourselves, remembering that Advent is a favorable time for this.

Then p. Damascus helped us to reflect on the Gospel of the second Sunday of Advent, and to see that, after describing the “powers” of the world, political and religious, he concludes with the assertion that the Word came to John in the desert. God reveals His word to the little, in the forgotten places. So we are invited to retreat to the desert to hear God! The desert is the privileged place of God’s relationship with his people. It also proposes some questions to reflect on our missionary experience, challenging us to review some attitudes and commitments.

After lunch, to continue the reflection, we chose the beach, a quiet and peaceful place, which gave us the contact with nature, a magnificent work of God. This environment well-lit reflection in the afternoon, bringing the second reading of the 3rd Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of joy. “Rejoice in the Lord always!” A relationship with some of the paragraphs of the encyclical “Laudato Si” and also some excerpts from the life of St. Francis of Assisi.

In the afternoon, returning from the beach, as we celebrate the closing Mass of the day, where also, at the time of Thanksgiving, there was the farewell of 5 laity who returned to their home-lands: 3 Spanish Vincentian lay, Cristina, Nina and Virginia, a Comboni lay Portuguese Márcia and a Brazilian Comboni lay Flávio.

The meeting ended with a dinner and fellowship, in the joy of waiting for the Lord’s coming!

Good experience of Advent to all!

Flavio Schmidt, CLM

A happy time in Carapira – Mozambique


The going of Jesus, as told in the Gospel of Sunday XXIII Ordinary Time, to a territory outside the Jewish tradition tells us that God’s concern is with everyone, not leaving anyone out. A deaf is brought before Jesus, he knows nothing about Him because he did not hear and, of course, could not seek Him by his own initiative. Who does not know Jesus we do not have to censor, but rather lead to Him.

On the way we did for the trip to Mozambique we went to meet those forgotten by society, I talk about the homeless and the poor, because, however much people are supportive, we forget the real suffering of these our friends, loneliness. How many times have told us that we were different, we brought a smile, a hug, a kind word…? The feeling that I wanted to take with me to Carapira. I did not know what I was going to find, but I took an open heart, cheerful, full of love to give. We must learn from Jesus to feel the problems of others and get involved in their solution. It was that feeling and purpose that we try to achieve, and the Fe and Mission group conducted. We open ourselves, we listen, look, get involved and engaged with students of the Industrial School of Carapira, with the missionary family (fathers, brothers, sisters, laity) and with the community of Carapira. Where I loved the beautiful work of everyone, especially Lay Missionaries, who are close to people, communities and their everyday problems, as well as students of the Industrial School of Carapira.

Every day we went to meet the community of Carapira, after praying Lauds (06:00), after the “mata bicho” funny expression means having breakfast, from 1:30 to 2:00 I stay with the kids, playing with them, wearing a smile, I helped the moms to draw water… to be with people, give them a hug and a kind word for everyone we met. I learned that those who have nothing of material goods, are the happiest, they do not care for physical appearance of the other, about the dress or the way we are, but they appreciate the joy of life and the ability to share the little things We have to each other.

Highlighting some important moments of my stay. I visited on a Friday with Father Firmino the community of Caserna, it was the day of baptism. I loved to participate in this beautiful celebration and a special culture, while Fr. Firmino confessed youth they were to be baptized, I went for a walk around the community, and in one of the houses, was a young man of 12 years, David, lying at the entrance, moaning in pain. After having asked what was going on and not getting response appeared young David’s mother, who informed me that he was bitten by an animal. David’s hand was very swollen, so I got scared and tried to warn the mother to go to the doctor, but she said they could not, they live far from the health center, and had no money to go by public transport, the only transportation that could take. I could not escape this situation, however, I took from the backpack drinking water to clean the hand of the young and offered him a piece of cake, which I have to eat if I was hungry, David loved to eat something sweet and so good.

When I got to the school of Carapira, I went to the house of the Lay Comboni Missionaries, and asked for help to Marcia, a laity working in this mission, Portuguese and from the District of Aveiro, who immediately offered to help David.

The next week I was with a group of five young of Carapira talking on the street, when suddenly I see a man carrying on his back a woman who was ill with malaria, and could not walk far. I asked the young people for help, to assist the man, but the response was negative, as was normal, the lady was with malaria… but I could not bear to see this situation without doing anything, so I helped him, the man took the woman in the back and it was leaning on my shoulders… that will not be very helpful, but I think it was useful. These are small gestures that can change the world.

What I liked least to live and see in Mozambique was the lack of conditions in relation to health, education and equal rights for women, which are considered inferior to men. But the joy, friendship, simplicity of these people are able to overcome any existing negativity, I want to emphasize “people’s education”, they are highly educated (they like greeting people), even without the right to education that many other peoples have.

We all had various responsibilities, some more heavies, other lighters, but all very important and meaningful for the mission. We live and work as a community. I thank all the people who greeted us, welcomed us, who trusted us… but above all the youth of the Industrial School of Carapira, the 3rd B, of which I felt closer and every day I remember them, I pray that they study, strive for a better future and do not forget that they can be what they want, they are not inferior to anyone.

I have lived a dream I will never forget. I can say “I smelled the Mission,” which helped me grow as a man and as a Christian. I want to come back!!

For this and for that, I ask the Lord to heal us of deafness and blindness, and put us in sincere communion with His love and with the world around us.

GermanoSee you son Carapira – Mozambique!

Germano Ferreira

Love as mission

MarianaIf a year ago you would told me that today I would be writing about the Mission in Carapira, I would have said you were dreaming and that those fertile lands were too remote for me. However, God, as Father Jorge says, knows better what He does than what we want. And it is so true!
Before entering into the risky adventure of trying to put into words what I experienced in Carapira during the month of August, I want you to know that we will lose some sense: hands that touch and are touched; strange odors, but then they are missed, such as land, market, burning garbage, the air hot and heavy; the eyes that see faces that seem to ask us to discover and smiles that remind us that life is the greatest gift of God; greeting mouths at all times, even when you are not known.
Thanks, first, the missionaries that were already in Carapira and, besides of being disciples of Christ, they were heralds of our arrival and faithful companions of our steps, while leaving us free to be. Thank you for the confidence you have placed in us, without which no work could be developed.
The first problem I encountered was the time. In Carapira, time seems frozen in time and, indeed, the days passed slowly. The mornings were far greater than the afternoon and a date marked at three, could be at any time after the scheduled time. I thought the time was slow because there was completely entangled in the agitated pace that the Western world imposes on us. It was then that I realized that being compassionate was walking at the step of the other. If the other slows down, we slow down to walk with them. Then we get carried away by this so different time from our time and our days were filled: with night study in the Industrial School; support for girls at boarding school of the sisters “Mother Africa”, with the presentation of the encyclical “Laudato Si” to the EIC students, teachers, community, priests and sisters; we filled the day with times when we prayed the rosary in communities and try to learn Macua, visiting the sick, or replacing a missing professor.
In Carapira I discovered a charm. After trying to help girls with English, where the theme was “famous people”, I tried to illustrate with Cristiano Ronaldo and that’s when I realized that I had fallen into the terrible mistake of looking at reality only with my eyes. I do not say this no dislodging me, but quickly got the right example, which has always been there and knew very well: Jesus. Who else could be as global as Him? We were going with a huge desire to make Jesus known to others, going step by step, discovering that he was already there and is revealed in the smallest things: in the embrace that shipped with Sister Mary Joseph when I took girls home for holidays; Jesus appeared in the warm way in which these people welcomed us on arrival and took these foreigners as a part of their daily lives without closing the door.
These children show me the face of God, because they unknowingly have been and are an example for me. They get to be so alike and so different in its smallness. And how many childhoods exist worldwide. These children are heroes of palm and a half, before being able to speak carry buckets of water over his hands and head. As if, at the time, they had to endure a burden that is not theirs. Children carrying bricks. Children who care for other children like them. The children who walk kilometers and kilometers from home to go to school. I was also surprised with the ability they had to run for our arms, with sincere and contagious smiles. And I tell you, I will never, ever, be able to forget how they ran up and down the street with those cars made with plastic bottles and caps, or made careers pushing tires with a stick.
I was moved when I discovered that some people left the house, three to four hours before Mass, to drink from the Word of the Lord. I cannot forget the youth group of vocational discernment, traveling kilometer walk and/or bike in order to attend a Sunday training. And they do it every month. Here sometimes when it rains or is cold, the children no longer want to go to Sunday school. And even we, I wonder, how many reasons we out to excuse our faults to Mass? Given this, it is clear that those who wants look for ways and those who does not want find an apology. They are living proof of that!
There are people, people like us, who surprisingly are happy with so little. It is not so little … they are happy just to live. And how big is this give: life! And how big are these people, imagine, deeply grateful that comply with the Father’s. After this month, I know that my contribution was just a drop in an ocean of tasks that remain to be fulfilled. However, as I read in the market the first day I went, “Stop force produces nothing”. I am sure that being young and Christian, today, it is to be this force that never stops. It is not to fall into indifference to be touch by life and be able to do what God expects of us. However slightly, let’s do it, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned here is that the little become a lot. My heart is so full and grateful for this experience.
A “Koshukuru” (thank you) the size of the distance between Portugal and Mozambique is little for all that I have lived this month. Until I return, there is a vast ocean of longing and desire for further meetings. And you know what? I sincerely believe in that old maxim of “Little Prince”, which says that “those who pass by us, do not go alone neither leave us alone”. Today, I am a lucky for all the meetings I had on this land that is a lost paradise in the middle of nowhere. Today, I am richer for being a bit of all those with whom I shared this month.
Mariana Mariana Gonçalves

Testimony in Carapira


“The essential is invisible to the eyes”! I never found much meaning to this phrase as after Mozambique … When we dare to open our hearts to God’s call, we run the risk of discovering the true meaning of happiness. In fact, there were so many graces received, the experienced and shared love, that this experience has shaped my life, my heart filled in such a way that my thoughts, desires and dreams are all oriented towards Mozambique. Throughout the year we prepare these months of mission in Mozambique, we prepared ourselves with actions of charity, intense training, intimate encounters with God through prayer and so expectations were high and immense the anxiety. The truth, however, is that I never thought we will live so intensely this month with such dedication, with so much love … Weak was my faith, I admit! After all there were many people who prayed for us, there were many sincere hearts that have directed their prayers to God. The seven members of Faith and Mission group that reached the Carapira mission in Mozambique have only reasons to thank God for all we received.

In Carapira, from the beginning , we were welcome as family by the various members of the Comboni Family present there, we really felt welcomed, integrated. The first night we had a meeting to present ourselves together, allowing us to learn a bit of the work done in the mission, and to affirm our willingness to work hard this month. Yes, it was always a concern of the whole group to work hard, or in the words of Fernando Pessoa, to put in all that we are in everything we do no matter how small it is. And we did not stay unanswered. The next day we had a meeting where we received several proposals, either in the Industrial School of Carapira, in the ministry, at boarding school of the sisters, as well as with the community. I remember that after this meeting, the group began to divide tasks, specify the duties of each, with an intensity that quickly filled the quadrant of our activities. I was always glad to see everybody working. I am well aware that this was only possible by the confidence placed in us from the beginning, but I also know that throughout the month we did everything possible to meet expectations. To be honest, despite wanting to make the most of myself and work hard, I was always aware that a month would be very little to give ourselves unreservedly. The truth is that I was wrong. Of course, the difficulty of the language and adaptation to the place complicated things, but also the smiles, sympathy, trust placed in us and the fantastic reception we had, made everything so much easier. From the beginning, Brother Luis allowed us to participate wholeheartedly in school, either in the administrative work, whether in activities with students; Father Firmino allowing to accompany him on the visits to communities; the sisters allowing us to help with explanations to the girls at the boarding school and visiting the sick and elderly in the community and the Comboni Lay Missionaries that have always followed us closely and with whom we work very comfortable. I knew the work of the sisters, brothers and priests minimally by the various testimonies I had heard. But I confess I did not know the great work done by the Comboni Lay Missionaries. Their dedication to the Industrial School of Carapira, classroom, administration, nursing, in the dining room, as well as monitoring of extracurricular activities is impressive. But beyond that, the pastoral work in the communities, work in the parish, in the formation of the animators, the role of justice and peace for the communities… they left me baffled. Honestly, for the first time, I want to become a Comboni Lay Missionary. On a personal level, this month was very important to me. I found many of my limits when fatigue wanted to beat me, I was challenged to learn to live in community, how to be tolerant, to try to solve problems through dialogue, to examine me internally. When I think about it all, I’m glad I could grow. But apart from all these challenges I’ve been so happy … The Eucharist filled my heart with songs and dances that expressed so much, the smiles of children, the joy of the people of the communities, the Comboni family who I met in Carapira and I now call friends, girls in the boarding school that made me smile, young in the school, young people … Oh, my God, how I miss it! I want to mourn for joy …. I want to go back!!! … In Mozambique I felt the sun on my hand! The sun of joy, the sun that illuminate our life, the sun that warms us, that warms our hearts, the sun that allows us to exchange glances, the sun that makes us live intensely the day! In Mozambique I had the sun in my hand!

Carapira Pedro Nascimiento