Comboni Lay Missionaries

Mission-field Metlatónoc, Mexico 2015

Semana Santa Mexico

This year 2015, the mission team have consisted of ten people, we went on Friday March 27 to Sunday April 5 to six communities in the mountains of Guerrero, all of them belongs to the parish of Metlatónoc: Llano del Nopal, Cocuilotlatzala, Buenavista, and San Pedro and San Pablo Atzompa. Carolina, who is on a mission permanently, participated accompanying the community of San Juan Huexoapa and Minerva (who is on community experience with Caro) went to El Paraiso.

Besides this week celebrations, we visit the families and share their joys and sorrows, leaned with alternative medicine in the community of Llano del Nopal. There was no lack of gathering with football matches or trips to the river, enthusiasm and youth participation, tolerance and support of the elderly, and the joy of children painting and sharing the material we prepared for them.

It was a great experience of openness, respect, teamwork, dialogue. A great moment to be available to the meeting and knowledge of other ways to celebrate Easter.

And the opportunity to be attentive and listen to what God wants to say to each one of us in a particular way, but also to his “Church” through this simple Church that allowed us to accompany and enrich each other.

We thank God for this beautiful experience and also for all the people who went to mission in different parts of Mexico, all the families of the communities that welcomed us, especially those who treated us with love, for all the Comboni family.

We share with you the celebrations and gatherings of this week in images.

CLM Mexico

Missionary CLM Meeting in Mexico – March 2015


With God’s grace the monthly meeting of the Mexican CLM took place, where we had a great gathering, laugh, sing, prayer. We pray the Holy Hour, have prayer of Lauds and participate in the Eucharist.

The focus was place on preparing the group to participate in the Easter mission field to Guerrero, where there is permanent MCCJ presence and also the CLM, with the presence of Carolina Carreon and Minerva Juarez in the community of San Juan Huexoapa. This mission is in the Diocese of Tlapa in Guerrero, in the parish of Metlatónoc. Father Gabriel talked about the willingness and openness with which the missionary must prepare, Eric told us about the customs and traditions of the people na saavi, Manuelita told us about the history of our permanent mission house, and Ramon shared with us his experience in mission field last year that his first time.


With great enthusiasm, we continue forward with the invitation to all who have the concern to be part of this project of the Comboni Lay Missionaries. Continuing with the ideal of St. Daniel Comboni.

Thousand lives for the mission.

CLM Mexico

From Chiapas

IsaHello friends! Good day to all of you! From this chosen people of God, I greet you with a big hug and joy in my heart. I wish each and every one of you buddies and brothers in Christ and St. Daniel Comboni to be well physically and spiritually and enjoying the life that gives us our Father in heaven every day.

After my training in community experience as CLM, I find myself missioning in Chiapas. Here I am very well, working in the San Carlos Hospital. I am living a new missionary experience and starting this great mission that Christ is entrusting me among these indigenous peoples. The parish have 80 communities, but we attend more than a 100, walking up 15 hours or more to come to our Hospital of San Carlos, because sometimes, in other hospitals or health centers they do not want to attend because they do not understand them. We have six main dialects, Tzeltal, Tojolabal, Tzotzil, Ladino, chol, but the predominant are Tzeltal and Tzotzil.

It is a great missionary work and a great humanitarian work directed by the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Padua for over 30 years. They have a nursing school within the hospital and that is where we train the indigenous people as nurses. Then, they work in the hospital attending their own people. They are who translate us. Here, patients feel at home and family, and although they have to pay recovery fees, they prefer this hospital. By this, is being met what St. Daniel Comboni prophesied in his Plan “Save Indigenous with Indigenous”. My memories and prayer for everyone. We are united in our fellowship with our heart and our missionary spirit, love you all and wish you the best in your missionary life. Greetings and a hug to all.

Isa Your little friend and sister: ISA.  😉

Experience in Mozambique

BeatrizBeloved Missionary Family:

In the joy of receiving the Baby Jesus in our hearts transforming everything that we can not do by ourselves and hurt us, having closed our calendar year in harmony with ourselves and our brothers. I start this new year sharing with you what I’ve lived in this mission until today.

I end this 2014, making community with the Comboni Lay Missionaries, Flávio Schmidt (Brazilian) and Márcia Costa (Portuguese), and joining forces with the Mozambican CLM in formation Francisco and Margarida better known as marriage Martinho, Ancha (all three are teachers) Zeferino (young from the community); working in harmony with the missionary team of the Comboni Missionaries (Fathers and Brothers) and the Comboni Sisters, in the parish of Carapira.

Beatriz As relates to me, I do what it takes to stay well in the human, spiritual and mental. Even with the care I take, I do not escaped common diseases of this area. I have had my moments of spiritual weariness for neglecting my personal prayer however; I try to take it up again, to achieve inner peace. In relation to the study, the local language for me has been a limiting factor because I cannot take the time and concentration to study, most of the time people speak Portuguese. Personally, I feel blessed by God for allowing me and entrust this mission where by my presence and contributions will give the message that God has for this people leaving in the heart of the people I meet every day.

The community for me has been the home that we are built, we have a community day a week distributed as follows: 1st retreat, 2nd free, 3rd issue of training, 4th evaluation and when there is a 5th free. We recognize that it is not always easy. We are limited in our communication and integration for teamwork; important to work together as entrusted to us. We centralize our gaze on the person of Christ, our engine, our source for announcing “The Joy of Gospel”. Going through times of trial where each of us show our strengths and our limits. Pooling areas for improvement has been a way in which we manage to restore dialogue when we’ve moved away from each other, we’ve managed to walk together in this time, making in the best possible way our work and commitments. We have gone through different stages where we have learned to respect, act in solidarity and support us in what we are required or permitted, in times of illness, home activities, needs work, apostolate in the parish, days off, etc.

BeatrizThe CML in formation have been an important support in putting me on my missionary walk, in tune with the reality of the community that frequently, naked eye, is not seen. It is a challenge for me to be responsible in forming them, following a proposal made by international committee. We developed a training plan that meets the needs of the group and thus get to be in tune with the CLM of the world. With them, we make Morning Prayer Tuesday and Thursday one week in each house. They have participated in our annual meeting enriching the results we achieve because they always made their contributions to decision making. We did some missionary animation in the Comboni parishes and Women’s School of Nacala where the Comboni Sisters work, we find a group of Lay accompanying the sisters in Nampula; in some of the animations we put some religious accessories on sale to raise funds for the realization of our missionary work.

We had a missionary week in the community of Namajuba. We met another reality as it is an area where they are exploiting minerals from the earth and also some of the problems of our community (water, schools, land) are repeated and especially forming a good team with two young students of the ISC who joined the CLM group.

In the school, my work has been in accordance with what it is needed. Mainly in the Secretariat, from there you can do any work: cleaning at different school locations, sales, inventories, operating manuals, counseling and vocational guidance to students, etc. Always in coordination with the management, administration, pedagogical and head of boarding school; with the arrival of two workers, who sends the district, has boosted the tasks.

I am part of the vocational parish team with Brother Luis (Ita), Sister Lily (Mex) and in her absence Sister Maria Pia (Ita) joined. We organize monthly retreats with young people who want to have a vocational guidance to enter the seminary or religious congregations. It has been a missionary space I’ve always liked to work.

BeatrizIt was a jubilee year full of parties, starting with the opening of the 150th anniversary of the Comboni´s plan. We had our bimonthly meetings where we used the method see-judge-act to analyze the reality of our mission. Continuing with the diaconal ordination of MCCJ José Alberto and Abelino Diocesan, and also had their priestly ordination in May and December I participate in both of them. The perpetual vows of Sister Lily, the 50th anniversary of Carapira Parish, the Comboni assembly, the assembly the Comboni Missionary Sisters celebrating its 60 years in Mozambique. Celebrations of the Sacred Heart and St. Daniel Comboni, the 50 years of the School Carapira Industries, farewells, welcome and anniversaries.

In the village of Carapira I always learn something new: their patience and availability committed me every day to give my best in performing any activity. It is not easy because I do not know the language, but training the leaders, in each of the different ministries, has being our main activity. All missionary experiences that I lived in Mexico have served me very much, allowing me to share what I have with respect for what they have, without imposing the way to live the faith, but enriching. We have great challenges as a missionary team in this sharing and receiving.

I sincerely appreciate your help and cooperation. We will keep in touch, united in prayer for the good of the mission, your Sister in Christ Missionary Beatriz CLM

P.D Jesus Missionary, who was born to show us with simplicity to be a Human Being in the Love of God, grant us the graces we need for this 2015.

Children and poor rejoice in my presence

Lety LMC

Testimony of Leticia Ordoñez Bañales

Originally from Guadalajara, Mexico, this Comboni Lay Missionary (CLM) decided to accompany the Catholic community of Rondos, a small town located on the heights of the province of Lauricocha, in the department of Huanuco, since November 2011. She ends her commitment this year and now tells us about her experience.

My vocation began when I was 16; I attend a Mass of missionary sending. The parish organized the event to send a Comboni priest who was leaving for Africa. I felt the call of God and in 1988 and I joint the religious Missionaries sisters of Guadalupe. However, I didn´t feel my vocation realizes and in 1999 I retired to participate in the mission fields in Guatemala with the Episcopal Pontifical Mission Societies of Mexico (SSMO) until 2000.

In 2001 I joined the CLM while working in the parish notary of Saints Crispin and Crispiniano of Guadalajara. In 2004, I had to drop everything and travel to Mexico FD to participate in an experience of community formation with other Comboni Lay Missionaries.

I first came to Peru with Rocío Quintero, my Mexican partner, in 2005. We were both sent to Huarin, in the Sierra de Huanuco. Salome Flores, a Peruvian lay, joined us and accompanied us for a year. Rocío had to return to Mexico after the second year. The third year came the Peruvian laities Doris Pereira and Enrique Garcia. I returned to my country and between 2009-2011 participated, along with Mexican CLM Marcela Alanis and Olivia Ayala, of the new mission in Metlatonoc in the state of Guerrero.

Currently, Rondos is the town where I perform my mission since November 2011. When I arrived, I found again Rocío. Together we carry out the work with the “mamitas” and an education program for the children of the town. We give religion classes in primary schools and biblical catechesis for children and youth. We keep the library open during the summer months and organize “useful vacation” workshops for students. Besides, we have training at the School of Mothers and prepare candidates for the sacraments. Especially, we encourage couples to marry in church, but only there was a marriage in 2013. The patron saint fiestas are times of increased demand for sacraments. We always consider on our agenda visiting the sick and helping the poor and vulnerable elderly.

This second experience in Peru has been characterized by the loneliness that many times I have lived. After six months Rocío had to return to Mexico. After a while came Daniel, a Peruvian CLM, with a great desire to work and a great friend of children. But he only remained seven months. The time he was, we make a great teamwork. Last year they sent Sharliman, a Brazilian CLM, who could not get used to the altitude of 3650 m and had to ask to be transferred to Arequipa one month after reaching Rondos. However, the whole time I was alone, God and Mary have been my company.

I confess you that many times I say to God: “What do I do here alone?” And the answer comes from children who knock on the door to ask me something; mamitas who ask me “How are you?”; young people who say, “I have come to visit you”; the sick and abandoned that rejoice in my presence. The school kids exclaim with joy sister Lety! Behold my reason for being present among them! You may wonder why I did not stay? Because I need my blood family and they also need me. In addition Rondos has the right that YOU take my place.

Magazine “Missión Sin Fronteras”