Comboni Lay Missionaries

We share the joy of the CLM group of Mexico.

Isabel, Alma Rosa y CarolinaOn the 21st of October has started the communal experience of Ma Isabel Buenrostro and Carolina Carrear, with some unusual anomalies, they had to start with the mission experience, as the missionary community in Huexuapa, Guerrero, has been left with a single element for family situations while someone decides to go to team up with Alma Rosa Navarro, they will be in the mission until 31 January, to continue his training in Mexico city.

They support in catechetical pastoral, liturgical and pastoral indigenous as well as in their professional work, since one is a doctor and the other has technique degree in childcare.

En el trabajo profesional Caro en la catequesis
Ayudándo a desarrollar habilidades Dirigiendo el momento de Adoración

We entrust to your prayers.


Manuela CLM from Mexico