Comboni Lay Missionaries

Summer school in Ethiopia

CLM EthiopiaWhat is the best way of spending holiday? This question was not in the mind of children living in the neighborhood of the clinic I work in. They mostly come from poor, large families and their parents cannot afford any holiday activities for them. Time just passes while they get bored. We decided to take them out of this summer idleness.

Using their time, which they have in overabundance and financial means received by the group of Polish Comboni Lay Missionaries, we tried to make for them something pleasant and useful at the same time. We organized the summer school. 80 boys and girls of age from 12 to 18 took part in that. Children were divided into three groups: older boys and girls separately and youngest students –together. Each group attended in 1-week program.

We started each day with a prayer “Our Father”. During the classes they were taught about nutritious food, hygiene, environment protection, family planning method and first aid. They were taught about problems facing teenagers ie. addictions, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, abortions, female genital mutilation and forced early marriages.

CLM EthiopiaFor the purpose of better perceiving of the knowledge many of the lessons were conducted as  outdoor activities: practical exercises or games. After the classes about nutritious food children went to do some gardening, when they learnt how to make patches and plant vegetables. At the end of the hygiene lesson toothbrushes and toothpastes were distributed and all children brushed their teeth. Lecture of the first aid, when short “what-to-do” movies were shown, was followed by practical exercises, where young students played roles of fainted, burnt and choked people as well as their lifesavers. During one of the games they learnt how to behave in a good manner – for example when seeing white person better to greet him instead of calling “youyouyou”. What they learnt during all the week they painted during the last lesson.

CLM EthiopiaOne of the classes concerned the creation of the world. There were shown pictures proving beauty of the world created by God, ie. wonderful landscapes of Ethiopia, beautiful sunset at the Awassa lake, at the side they live. Just after that there were presented photos of the rubbish scattered in their neighborhood. After this short lecture we went with zeal to pick-up the rubbish from the clinic compound.

During the school break each student received a pack of biscuits. Every child received daily nutritious lunch: injera with different vegetables, what could be consider as a good example of nutritious food they learnt about during their classes. The school has ended with official graduation ceremony, where certificates of attendance were distributed. Every student as a gift received a school set, consisting of exercise books, a pen, a pencil, and a sharpener, what for many families was a significant reduction of the household expenses. Additionally, twelve the most active students received an extra math’s set (compass, ruler, setsquare).

Everyone like the school so much. Teachers were happy that students were interested in all the subjects. Children are already waiting for another summer school next year.

CLM EthiopiaTobiasz Lemański, CLM Etiophia

Meeting of Evaluation and community living – CLM 11th Formation Session

LMC PortugalThe 11th formation session of the CLM took place on July 7-9 At the Comboni Missionaries House in Viseu.

On Saturday the 8th, we had the opportunity to carry on the “evaluation” by the candidates, or better… a conversation between each one of the people in formation and the formation team over the steps that are being taken in this journey of discovery of the life of the CLM.

The two years formation offered to the candidates who accept the invitation to know what it means to be a CLM is not limited to these two years. It is a formation leading to life. It is life itself. It is a journey of forward and backwards steps that, now and then, needs attention and evaluation by each individual or within the community, sharing “points of reference – on where I am headed as CLM.” At the end we embraced in a wonderful welcome the CLM Neuza and Paula, recently arrived from the community of Granada. They shared with us their experience in the community of Lisanga together with the CLM from Spain, Aitana and David. They also told us about a project – the project they will be developing during the two years they will spend in mission in Arequipa. This project will have as a background the social pastoral where they will be involved in situation of domestic violence, drawing people to the health center, and the formation of leaders, with the help of those who are already working in the parish.

On Sunday we were able to welcome our families and friends and together celebrate the family we have. Again Paula and Neuza spoke of their experience in Lisanga, but this time not only for the CLM but for the families and friends. The Eucharist followed, then came lunch and an afternoon enriched by music, games and dancing.

We wish to take all who took part, both physically and in prayer. It was a very nice day in which we felt the unity that St. Daniel Comboni proposed to his followers. It is a source of pride to belong to such a family. We are together in and for life.

With love,

Carolina Fiúza

I go, I follow Him, but I am not going alone!

LMC PortugalOn July 16 in the community of Viseu, in the parish of Rio de Loba, together with her family and friends we celebrated the missioning of our CLM Neuza Francisco. She will soon leave for our mission of Arequipa, Peru. We share with you her feelings, following this great day of celebration.

I talk about a Yes which has nothing easy about it, but means availability, a Yes which is full of commitment and love. It is a “Yes” given from the humble condition I am in, and from what I have within me. It is a Yes full of perseverance, in the certainty that “God does not choose the most able, but enables those he chooses.” (Msgr. António Couto).

LMC PortugalThis Yes that I am telling you about involves leaving everything, family, friends, and the comforts of a life that for me it had no meaning. It is an attitude of detachment, because only through it we get to experience a personal relationship with Christ, without the dependency and the securities created in the course of a lifetime. I trust in the call that he gives me to be happy here of wherever he will lead me by the hand. It is the certainty of journeying more and more within my very self, to know myself, to be able to touch others, in a relationship which is only possible with the conviction that, walk wherever you walk, God leads me by the hand.

Today I have this deep trust that Comboni walks with me in God’s dream for us and that I, too, am also one of the thousand lives for mission.

Today, He calls me once more to leave my boat at the shore and with him look for other seas. I go, I follow, but I am not going alone. I take along the prayers of all those whose paths I crossed and sowed in me small seeds of a deep love that germinated, and continues to do so, here within my heart. I go, but I do not go alone. I take with me all the hearts I met on my journey and taught me how to love more and more. I take with me all those whose life’s history intertwined with mine and helped me to get to know a merciful and compassionate God.

I hold in me the hugs given along a fruitful and fertile journey, I hold the outstretched hands that, despite the many falls, always helped me get up. I go, but I do not go alone. And, like my grandmother often used to say, I “go with God.”

At this time I am called to Peru. I feel that once more He invites me to love, to share, to be, to offer myself, to trust, so that together with the people to which I am called, we may be one. He calls me to go to the poorest and most abandoned in the outskirts of Arequipa. He calls me to be me and to let the treasure I carry within me bear fruit with others.  I embrace the mission of Arequipa, like someone embraces a dream, experienced since forever. It is a dream to which I have given myself, and continue to give myself every day. I am not talking of utopia or of something unreal, but rather of the dream of being totally connected to the reality I have embraced.

I go, not because I want to save the world, but because I, too, want to be part of the open wounds of the world, wounds made of flesh and bone people who in a faraway world carry within themselves fragments of God. I want to be with them, I want to see the face of God in humanity looking for a meaning, with my feet on the ground and my hands filled with nothing. I want to see God in the spontaneous smiles of those who do not know love, but live daily to give praise.

I walk in the confidence, commitment and joy of knowing that I am following Christ, I bring Christ and will always meet Christ. I walk and every step I take, I take it freely in the knowledge that I will always be in his merciful arms where I will take shelter at sundown, and He will be my hope who will make me get up at each new sunrise.

I leave in the name of a community, in the name of the Church, in the name of Jesus Christ, to announce the Gospel of Love. And in this deep growth in myself, in God and in others I ask you: Pray for me.

LMC PortugalWith love and gratitude,

Neuza Francisco

New Experience in Brazil

LMC Brasil

We arrived! On June 3 we set foot in Piquiá!

At the airport of Imperatriz we were received by CLM Xoán Carlos who took us by car to Açailândia.

After about a one hour journey we reached the house where we will stay, which had already been prepared for us with the help of the local community.

At 7:00 p.m. some community leaders, the Comboni Missionaries, Xoán Carlos and his wife Dida came over bringing something for a lovely supper we all shared together. We were given time to introduce ourselves individually, to chat and share in relaxed and vivacious atmosphere.

The next day we had lunch with the Comboni Missionaries and the team that gives social and legal support to the people of the community of Piquiá de Baixo, who are in the process of resettling.

So, a little at a time, we are getting closer to and getting to know the situation and the people, in order to integrate ourselves in this common journey in the establishing the Kingdom of God.

We count on the prayers of all of you!

LMC BrasilFlávio and Liliana

Weekend of Comboni Missionary Spirituality in Portugal

LMC PortugalOn June 23-25 the yearly weekend of Comboni Missionary Spirituality took place in the Comboni House of Maia, Portugal. Including religious, the CLMs, the auxiliaries, members of cenacles of prayer, young people of the Faith and Mission group, and sympathizers of the Comboni Family, a sizeable group was put together with people coming from the North and the South of the country.

A small group of nine CLM took part. I was there and I thank God for the opportunity. It was great!

Starting from the main theme, “With Mary, missionaries of Jesus,” the meeting was subdivided into three sub-themes, two of them presented on Saturday, and the third one, through group work, followed on Sunday morning.

From Mary we learn the true meaning of discipleship.”

The first sub-theme, titled “the missionary journey of Mary,” entrusted to Comboni Missionary Fr. Dário, introduced Mary as the first disciple, the first missionary, available to “bring” Jesus to others, as an example of Mercy, contemplating the activities of Mary, her “YES,” the visit to her cousin Elizabeth. The presentation was interspersed with short Marian hymns. It was, without a doubt, a beautiful moment! And, quoting Pope Francis, I was left with this certainty:

It is necessary to learn with Mary, relive her “YES,” her total availability to receive the Son of God in her life, which from that moment transformed her.” (from Pope Francis)

Having divided the participants into groups, we had different times for sharing. This helped us to get involved and to get to know other experiences, as true witnesses.

LMC PortugalThe second sub-theme, given to us by Sr. Arlete, a Comboni Missionary Sister, was “the missionary journey of Daniel Comboni with Mary.”

We saw the journey of St. Daniel Comboni from his entry into the Mazza Institute up to his passion for the Africans, passing through his giving of himself and his devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. With the help of Comboni’s writings we came to understand better this devotion.

“You are the one, O divine Mother, who inspired me in the new Plan for the Regeneration of Africa (…).(from St. Daniel Comboni)

MARY, adopted us as her children on Calvary. And, like the Holy Father says: “We have a Mother!” – A mother who protects us and shelters us under her cloak. A mother who is a model of life. A mother who shows us how to follow Jesus.

With this program so well organized we did not lack time for reflection, for singing, and space for making community and for prayer.

On Sunday morning, after morning prayers organized by the CLM, we tackled the third sub-theme, by no means less important: “The place of Mary in our Missionary Journey.” Throughvarious presentations, we had a taste of the work produced by the cenacles of prayer, by the Holy Childhood Group and also by the Youth Movement group of the Comboni Family.

With their presentations, the participants showed the importance of Mary in their lives. And also showed how the devotion to Mary is practiced in the groups.

In between themes and reflections, the reception was a success with the participation of the Secular Comboni Missionary Helena Laranjeiro.

Joy and good humor were not lacking, also because it was St. John’s Weekend!v Also there was no lack of reasons to celebrate: on the day of St. John, Fr. Claudino celebrated 44 years of ordination, and on the 25th it was Fr. Dário’s turn to celebrate his 45 years in the priesthood. Best wishes to both… We wish you many more years in Mission!

LMC Portugal

Sofía Coelho