Comboni Lay Missionaries

Celebrating Plurality

Encuentro alemania
Assembly of Comboni Lay Missionaries of the German Speaking Province (DSP), July 2014 in Nuremberg.

It is now thirty years since the first German Comboni Lay Missionary (CLM) went to the missions in Kenya. He was considered as an associate member of the Comboni Missionaries, in German called “MaZ” (missionary ad tempus – Missionar auf Zeit). A number of MaZ who had returned from the missions and some friends had gathered in Nuremberg in order to celebrate this jubilee. Some of the participants stayed throughout the whole weekend; others just joined the meeting for one day. All enjoyed sharing experiences, talking about vocation, about their life and in turns played with the children of the CLM. All in all there were seventeen CLM, seven friends and eight Comboni-Missionaries, including the Provincial Fr. Karl Peinhopf as well as former and present members of Comboni-Missionaries in charge of CLM.

At the beginning of the assembly, four posters were shown concerning the results of a Master thesis on sustainable impacts by international volunteers and Lay Missionaries such as MaZ from Germany. The posters presented key findings of a survey among persons who had come back from their mission commitment. By now, most of them work as teachers, in the parochial field, as social workers or in the sector of health care (e.g. nurses). Even if they currently do not work in the missions abroad or in development work, they enter their experiences into their work, i.e. in additional projects, intercultural commitments or financial donations. Furthermore, the far reaching impact on the life of ‘missionaries ad tempus’ are commitments concerning topics like sustainable way of living, migration and globalization as well as global justice. Being interviewed, some returnees emphasized that their faith was strengthened by the experiences in other parts of the universal church.

Later on, items of the agenda confirmed this positive and sustainable impact: Mathias returned from Uganda last year and reported about his time in Kasaala. Together we discussed the projects and his input at secondary school and farming.

Sigrun who had been in Matany/Uganda some time ago provided insights into her field of profession in tropical agriculture and horticulture. During the past years she returned to West Uganda several times for biological surveys.

Lena let us have a look behind the curtain of political science, bringing closer the dispute between the African Union and the International Criminal Court.

All the contributions showed the plurality of MaZ and the topics they deal with. Father Markus Körber and Father Hubert Grabmann, two Comboni Missionaries participating in the gathering, reported about their present missionary work in South Sudan and in Kenya. Father Hubert Grabmann assisted in the formation of CLM in the DSP some years ago; now he received CLM in his parish in Kenya for the second time.

Apart from the official programme, there was time for sharing information about life and changes, watching football games of World Cup, having barbeque as well as singing and praying together. At the concluding mass we prayed for the CLMs in formation and those in missions. We thanked Br. Friedbert Tremmel for the hospitality. We bid farewell to Father Günther Hofmann before his departure to South Africa in the near future. For the season of Advent and for next year we have already been planning further meetings with contributions from MaZ/CLM.

Encuentro alemaniaChristoph Koch

Magda Plekan, “New” Comboni Lay Missionary

MagdaOn the 27-29 of June we had the last CLM meeting before holydays during which we concluded our formation year. This was special meeting not only for the CLM group but for the all Comboni Family as well.

On the 27th of June during the Holy Mass of Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus, presided by Fr. Maciek Miąsik, Magda Plekan officially entered into group of CLM Community. The most important moment was the official reading of her prayer as free act and wish to join the community of CLM.

It was big celebration for all our community, although young in age courageously answered the call of God. We are proud and happy for Magda, who beside to Danka, Ewa, Asia and Monika is already fifth Polish full member of the community of Comboni Lay Missionaries. All the girls and all international community of CLM we embrace with our prayer and we wish them unfading enthusiasm taking as their model S. Daniel Comboni.

During the Eucharistic Celebration on Saturday we celebrated missionary sending for monthly experience of our group of seven people. Zuza, Magda, Kasia, Piotrek, Maciek and sister Ula under the eye of fr. Maciek will spend one month in Africa experiencing a bit of missionary life discerning their own vocation.

On Sunday we’ve heard the testimony of Magda, our new CLM. She underlined that the community was very important for her during the missionary experiences and how important is prayer which unites. She shared with us how looked like her way to decide to enter to CLM community. She underlined that during the discernment is important patience and trust in God.

We thank God for Magda and her vocation to be a CLM.

Magda Magda
Magda Magda

CLM group of Poland

With our hearts in the mission


I do not want to hide from you here that when the Holy See entrusted this vast and difficult Mission to me, my conscience was somewhat uneasy, for I was aware of my limitations with regard to this enormous mandate that God has entrusted to me through His august Vicar Pius IX. Then I realized that with our forces we will never succeed in founding Catholicism in these immense regions where the Church, despite the efforts of so many centuries, has never been successful. So I placed all my trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and have decided to consecrate the whole Vicariate to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 14th September next. I have sent a circular letter for this purpose, to make it a great solemnity, and I have asked that admirable apostle of the Sacred Heart, Fr Ramière, to compose the act of solemn Consecration, which he has completed.”(Writings3318).

Dear confreres,

As the feast of the Sacred Heart approaches, I wish to share with you this brief reflection to help us prepare for this celebration, fixing our eyes on that open Heart from which our missionary vocation is born, to draw the strength we need at this point of our journey as heirs of St. Daniel Comboni.

On 31 July, 1873, St. Daniel Comboni wrote a letter to Mgr. Joseph De Girardin from which I have taken the text with which I am starting my reflection. I chose it because it seems to me to contain some elements that correspond to this moment of our life and our mission and merit some reflection on our part.

As in those days, it is not difficult to affirm that the mission entrusted to us continues to be vast and laborious; it often seems to us to be even more demanding and beyond our strength. This – and I do not delay in saying it – is of no help to living it out responsibly and effectively.

The past thirty years have seen remarkable developments in the Institute. In its process of growth, it became involved in many sectors, on many fronts and in many and varied missionary situations whose vastness is plain to see. The immense Vicariate of Central Africa has become even broader with our presence in four continents and such a variety of missionary commitments as to make us feel we are present on all the fronts of the mission. For some of us, this fact is positive and seems to fill the need of boosting one’s ego, making us think we are great missionaries because we bring the Gospel to the four corners of the planet and to all the suburbs of humanity, to use an expression dear to Pope Francis.

To its vastness we must add laboriousness, the complexity of a mission that is demanding, challenging and undergoing profound change due to the frenetic pace of change in the world and in society. The mission is changing without allowing us the time to understand how to react and the great danger seems to be the inability, on our part, to anticipate these mutations.

However, the laboriousness inherent in mission today becomes a challenge to our creativity, our ability to question and to dream so as to take new paths that make us walk in unknown and unheard-of lands – as we were told some time ago – inviting us to avoid living on what we have inherited, which may deceive us with the pretence of missionary omnipotence.

Comboni, in that letter of 1873, said he was uncertain as he knew his own nothingness. Today, we too are becoming more aware of our nothingness. Not only because the statistics show that the numbers of our personnel are decreasing. I do not think it is simply a question of numbers. I believe that this nothingness may make us understand that our forces will never be sufficient to respond to the demands of the mission and that the Lord does not think in terms of numbers.

Sagrado CorazónWhere, then, should we turn our gaze and from where shall we draw strength and light to live radically our Comboni missionary vocation?

I think that, today, our nothingness must be measured by looking at the quality of our lives, our coherence in carrying out personal commitments and the life-options we have made, at our ability to avoid being superficial in living out our religious consecration for the mission, at our complete willingness to go and serve the poorest, at our freedom to avoid being confused by the facile suggestions of our world: consumerism, appearance, superficiality, etc.

Without reference to anyone in particular and with no desire to rebuke anyone, I think that each of us must recognise his own poverty, his own fragility and his own limits and the temptation to make of the mission something that is useful to me rather than that reality which calls me to give myself unconditionally and without using pretence to make it become a “mission made to measure”.

I have the greatest admiration for confreres who live with great enthusiasm, dedication and spirit of sacrifice in situations of unspeakable violence and danger. They are the hidden stones needed – as Comboni reminds us – to build up the mission. It is in the light of this testimony that we must measure our response to the call we have received and to discover how great, strong and capable we may be in order to embrace the mission entrusted to us today.

Comboni says in all humility: “I thought that with our forces we would never succeed”. It was not an expression of discouragement but rather the conviction that he was carrying with him a mission that does not depend on us. “Then I threw all my trust upon the Heart of Jesus”. Perhaps, or, rather, without doubt, now is the time for us to experience this abandonment and trust, of faith and openness to the plan of God in our lives, and this does not mean hiding ourselves in a spirituality that takes us out of reality or absolve us from the responsibility of being involved in building up the Kingdom.

Trust in the sacred Heart of Jesus is still, for us today, the challenge that obliges us to get our hands dirty with the transformation of our humanity by means of our missionary service, not forgetting that the only true protagonist of mission is, and always will be, the Lord.

If Comboni willed to consecrate his Vicariate to this Heart, which is nothing else than the unlimited love of God for us and all those to whom he sends us as his missionaries, I think it is worthwhile living this feast by renewing our availability so that the Lord may carry out his plan for us, recognising that the mission that is born of his Heart has a good future ahead of it. It is for this reason that we must trust that the Lord will not disappoint us.

Happy Feast day to you all.

P. Enrique Sánchez G. mccj

We need missionaries

MozambiqueDuring this time, where I have been fortunate to serve in the international organization of the CLM, I have had the treasure of meeting and interacting with many missionaries around the world.

Many letters we have crossed from one side to another. Many share the joy of a life in service to others, how in their commitment have realized how their life have been filled and they become happier. They tell me about their dreams and difficulties in their work in the outskirts of the large cities, the adventures of teaching in a school with few resources but with amazing students. Looking for a good professional training for students and families of the communities where they live, care for the sick in hospitals and health posts where they are.

They also share how they live their faith with the communities where they are; the responsibility of each member of the community, bringing the Word of God to remote places on foot, by bike, jeep or canoe.

There are a myriad of experiences, joys and difficulties shared with people.

But I also get many requests for staff. Missionaries are needed! In many places the call repeats: are there people available to come to our community?

Cooperation projects are important, schools, hospitals, cooperatives, denunciation of the injustices… all is central and needs people to continue encouraging and being bridges. Someone reminded me that “the bricks do not embrace.” And it’s true, if there is something that I usually hear from the simple people is to thank for the company that offer the missionaries, to be with them, supporting them in tough times, celebrating the joys together… to have this close embrace. Make present the love of God through their hands supporting them and accompanying the road.

Therefore, in this celebration of Pentecost let the Spirit fill us, take us out of our closed rooms and bring us to the middle of the square, to the road.

If you feel a missionary concern I invite you to find the nearest group in the place where you live. You can also visit our website where you will find the contact of the 20 countries where we are in Europe, Africa or America. Find other people like you and find a time to discern your vocation.

Do not wait! Now is the time! Do not delay the response and start your formation that may lead you to your missionary service.


Comboni said that “the mission is a plan of love for which we shouldn´t spare any effort”.

Is up to you!

Three months in London

LondonThree months has lasted our experience in London, in this process of intensive training before leaving for mission, where we worked to improve our English, and where we could know each other better and walk among us as a Community.

It have been the last stage before traveling to Africa, Gulu (Uganda) and it’s been a time we live intensely, to confirm our vocation and to confirm ourselves in this way. Since we landed in March, (Monika, Ewa, Asia and me), we have shared joys, birthdays, walks on the “city”, cultural visits, prayers, moments of doubt, some moments of sadness, but a lot of conversation and laughter.

We have also shared our hopes, our experience of God and our desire to live in this world with an attentive and generous heart. We have begun to discover each other praying together, listening, wondering, watching and we all want to do so in African soil.

We felt welcomed and cared by the Community of Comboni Fathers who have helped us with the language and manage on this amazing city, making these months have passed quickly and without any difficulty.

With the ending of our English classes, our meetings and other activities with people from school, we have realized it was time to start saying goodbye.

Ends specific training, but we know that training always will continue wherever we´ll go, learning every day… and let God transform us slowly. We will try to be open to the Gospel and to evangelization trough others.

With a big smile we leave this country, another experience in the heart, and with our suitcase in hand we are now ready for the next destination…

LondonCarmen Aranda