Comboni Lay Missionaries

Prayer Intentions of the Comboni Family March 2025

Oración 2025
Oración 2025

That Saint Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family, may help all the members of our Institutes to share all that they are and have, even if apparently insignificant, and may ensure that, following his example, we may give the best of ourselves and our very lives in the service of the plan of salvation of God the Father, for the regeneration of all peoples. Lord, hear us.

Community experience in Czerwonak

LMC Polonia

My name is Izabela, on 22 June 2024, during a solemn Mass, I joined the CLM.

I will be leaving for a mission to Kenya in a few weeks.

Preparing to go on a mission field for two years.

The final stage is the community experience I am currently on. It involves sharing life together with Comboni Lay Missionaries.

During the experience, I have many meetings with the lay missionaries who are currently or have been on missions. We discuss various issues concerning mission-related matters, e.g., inculturation, security issues, pastoral care in the mission, etc.

Twice a week there are meetings with the international coordinator of the CLM – Alberto de la Portilla. We learn about the history of the founding of the CLM and discuss documents tied to the lay missionary movement.

There is also time for lecitio divina prayer, that I have with Br. Tomek, and catechesis with Sister Joanna Nowińska. With which I study selected books of the Holy Scriptures.

It is also an intensive time for me to learn English. When I go to Kenya, I will be learning the Swahili language.

On Friday, I go as a volunteer at an eatery for the poor run by the Albertine Sisters in Poznań.

My community experience is with Bogusia and Andrzej in a small village near Poznań. We spend our free time together and pray. We prepare and consume meals together.

Bogusia and Andrew take me around to show me the beautiful surroundings.

The experience is a very valuable and good time that I think will help me adapt to my new place in the mission.

Izabela, Polish CLM