Comboni Lay Missionaries

We need missionaries

MozambiqueDuring this time, where I have been fortunate to serve in the international organization of the CLM, I have had the treasure of meeting and interacting with many missionaries around the world.

Many letters we have crossed from one side to another. Many share the joy of a life in service to others, how in their commitment have realized how their life have been filled and they become happier. They tell me about their dreams and difficulties in their work in the outskirts of the large cities, the adventures of teaching in a school with few resources but with amazing students. Looking for a good professional training for students and families of the communities where they live, care for the sick in hospitals and health posts where they are.

They also share how they live their faith with the communities where they are; the responsibility of each member of the community, bringing the Word of God to remote places on foot, by bike, jeep or canoe.

There are a myriad of experiences, joys and difficulties shared with people.

But I also get many requests for staff. Missionaries are needed! In many places the call repeats: are there people available to come to our community?

Cooperation projects are important, schools, hospitals, cooperatives, denunciation of the injustices… all is central and needs people to continue encouraging and being bridges. Someone reminded me that “the bricks do not embrace.” And it’s true, if there is something that I usually hear from the simple people is to thank for the company that offer the missionaries, to be with them, supporting them in tough times, celebrating the joys together… to have this close embrace. Make present the love of God through their hands supporting them and accompanying the road.

Therefore, in this celebration of Pentecost let the Spirit fill us, take us out of our closed rooms and bring us to the middle of the square, to the road.

If you feel a missionary concern I invite you to find the nearest group in the place where you live. You can also visit our website where you will find the contact of the 20 countries where we are in Europe, Africa or America. Find other people like you and find a time to discern your vocation.

Do not wait! Now is the time! Do not delay the response and start your formation that may lead you to your missionary service.


Comboni said that “the mission is a plan of love for which we shouldn´t spare any effort”.

Is up to you!

Events in Ghana

Ghana1. We met in a village called Dadome some teachers sponsored by In My Father’s House. The target was to sow in their heart the desire to sacrifice themselves for the proclamation of the Good News to the poorest and abandoned. The fact that they were sponsored by IMFH is a predisposition to make such step. IMFH is an Institution witnessing the Good News to the “little ones.” They agreed to start the journey with the CLM. We then planned to be meeting. The coming meeting with them is on the 28th June.

Ghana2. At IMFH, taking advantage of the visit of Knights and Ladies of St John, we let them know about us. As they have already the desire to be closer to the children, they are a land that can produce committed and zealous CLM. We explained who we are and what we are doing to them. Fruit has started coming out already.

3. The Provincial Council of MCCJ has appointed two priests to journey with us. They are Rev. Fr Jean de Dieu Hounongbe (Vocation promoter) and Rev. Fr Yves Gbenou (member of the Provincial Council). Rev. Fr Abel Gueli (Mission Animation Commission secretary) is appointed to represent the MCCJ at the coming continental meeting. We are very happy about the way God is leading us and thank the Provincial Council for all their attention on the lays and their effort to give us the adequate formation as sharers of the same combonian charism.

Ghana4. Talking about the involvement of MCCJ in our journey, we would like to thank God for the fortieth priesthood anniversary of Rev. Fr Joseph Rabbiosi. He is up till now the CLM chaplain. He gave himself totally for the good and consolidation of the CLM. He is the one closer to us, provides advices and show us the way we have to engage ourselves. We thank God for his life and pray that he may become a “holy and capable missionary.”

5. The 24th May, we held our 13th meeting at IMFH. As usual now, we have first participated to the Eucharist. We then met parents of some Senior High School students (students who are under the sponsorship of IMFH). The target was to involve them in their children schooling. The spirit to “save Africa by Africa”, “African should take their destiny in hands” is here our driven strength. Some of the children can be taken care of by their relatives and it is our purpose.


After this meeting, we continued with our CLM monthly meeting. Among the various points discussed are our CLM structure, the letter head with logo, the various ways of raising found for CLM. We thought also on the way to start raising some funds within IMFH to support the same Institution (this is based on an experience in Layibi with the workers of Good Samaritain). The coordinator made the annual report of our group which we all passed through to see the way we are journeying. The challenges are many. The coming meeting will be on the 28th June. We expect Fr Jean de Dieu and Yves Gbenou being among us to continue the journey with us.

Justin Nougnui, coordinator.

Secular Comboni Missionary joins the Community of Mongoumba


Last May 11 was sent in her home parish Palmira Pinheiro, Secular Comboni Missionary that after a period of training in Spain and France along the CLM is already part of the CLM international community present in Mongoumba (CAR).

Palmira, retired nurse, arrived in Bangui (Central African Republic capital) on Tuesday with her suitcases full of enthusiasm and desire to work with the Central African people. There she will work with the CLM Teresa Monzón and Elia Gomes (Spanish and Portuguese CLM) in the mission of Mongoumba. Joining the community reinforces the missionary presence among the Central African people making actually the dream of Comboni of being a Cenacle of Apostles in the middle of the African people.

Palmira, we wish you all the best in this new phase of your life. Remember you have all our support and our prayers.

Come on in

4217The warm Ethiopian hospitality has been constant throughout our 5 years here in Awassa.  We reflect much on how many Ethiopians have opened their homes to us. No matter the size of family, shape of home, economic situation, hosting is a deep part of their culture. It struck us that the hospitality and openness is greater here than we have experienced in many other countries, including our own. Ethiopians are good at hosting and really enjoy just being together.  On New Years Day of the Ethiopian calendar (September 11 in the international calender), we arrived at noon at our neighbour’s home. Before eating, they brought around a pitcher of warm water and a basin, and individually washed our hands. This is customary.  We had a delicious lunch together and then a very long and relaxing coffee ceremony in the afternoon. There was chatting, stories, and even some dancing. Finally it was getting close to 6pm, so I nudged Mark, thinking we may overstay our welcome. However, when we suggested that it was time for us to go, they exclaimed “but we haven’t had supper yet!”.  We stayed until 9pm! This beautiful trait of Ethiopian culture has always made us feel incredibly welcome here.

– Maggie

Maggie, Mark and Emebet Banga, Comboni Lay Missionaries, Awassa, Ethiopia

Ethiopia coffee ceremony

[Mozambique] Meeting of the Missionary Team of Carapira

On the afternoon of April 28th, we had the meeting of the missionary team of Carapira where participated the Comboni Missionaries, the Comboni missionary Sisters and the CLM. The meeting had as its theme “SEE”, from the reflection of the letter from the General of the MCCJ on the 150th anniversary of the plan of Comboni, taking as a guiding line for reflection the question “what is the reality that is challenging us today as a missionary opportunity and with what universal issues?” The evening began with the adoration of the Most Holy. Right away began the works, for which we formed three thematic groups: 1) Health and Women; 2) Education and Parishes; and 3) Justice and Peace, Questioning over land and labor. Each group makes a list of the different views on every issue from the perspective of the question placed at the beginning, later in a general plenary; we all share the results of the work. A summary was prepared that will be used for the preparation of the next meeting of the team that will address the JUDGING. We conclude the Comboni family evening with a typical dish of Mexican cuisine “Posole” prepared by Beatriz CLM.