Comboni Lay Missionaries

The big crisis: The scandal of human fragility

A commentary on John 6, 60-69; XXI Sunday of O.T., August 23th, 2015

P1020309We read today the last part of John’s chapter sixth, the same we have reading for five Sundays. The chapter somehow has a dramatic ending, with a big crisis, that leads the disciples to abandon Jesus. That is why I think it very important for us to meditate on this reading, since most of us pass, in a way or another, through similar crisis. On my side I offer two reflections:

1.- Where does the scandal stay?
The disciples accuse Jesus of say “hard words”. For long time, this “hardness” was explained as the difficulty to accept Jesus’ words understood in a literal sense of “eating his flesh and drinking his blood”. But we know, by now, that Jesus speaks in the context of Hebrew culture and biblical language. In this context, it’s clear that to “eat his flesh” means to believe in the divine presence in his humanity and to “drink his blood” means to accept his life given up on the Cross, out of obedience and love.
But it’s precisely here where we find the scandal that became the big crisis. Many could not accept the image of God as it was revealed in Jesus. For them God is powerful, owner of everything, always triumphant, somebody to be afraid of… And that should be the same with His Messiah. But Jesus presented Himself as the human incarnation of a different image of God: Someone that welcomes sinners gives priority to the healing of a sick man rather than to the sacredness of the Sabbath, someone that appears as fragile and looser on the Cross, someone that shares the experience of death…

Many good people found this totally unacceptable. They were happy with Jesus as a marvellous teacher, they agreed with his plan to renew religion, they were moved by his power over sickness and bad spirts… But now Jesus was going too far. He was proposing a deep change in their image of God. Now He was proposing to leave aside all hypocrisy and falsehood, to accept that they themselves were sinners and fragile, and to allow God to become their companion, someone that wanted to share their fragility and from that deep solidarity to heal the root of their stupid pride. That was the real scandal.

2.- What about us? Where does our scandal stay?
We all pass for experiences that scandalize us. I think that what really scandalizes us it’s not something theoretical or an intellectual “mystery” that we do not understand in our mind. Certainly, there are aspects of the revealed truth that sometimes we do not understand and that we should try to understand better through studying and spiritual deepening. But, on my opinion, the real scandal that prevents us from believing and accepting Jesus totally is our own fragility (personal and social); what scandalizes us it’s the reality of sin (in the Church and outside it); we are scandalized by our own sins and failures, by the failures of the Church, by the failures of society. We are scandalized by a God that does not act as magician to resolve our many problems; we are scandalized by this Jesus, poor and humble, who fails on the cross and at the same time trust in the Father, in solidarity with so many poor, sick and sinners.

But, against our scandal, this is the biggest gift that, according to John, makes the disciples who believe become children of God. This faith liberates me, so that I do not have to “demonstrate” nothing to anybody, I do not have to lie to myself and to others as if I never made a mistake. People obsessed to be always wright end up by being hypocrites and to live in falsehood. On the contrary, Jesus accepts the human fragility, the failure and even the death. And, in doing so, He acts as what He really is: the SON, unconditionally loved and able to love unconditionally.

To believe this is to enter into communion with Jesus, to “eat his flesh” and with him find the way to the fullness of the Father’s love and live. Do not believe it’ s not to “eat”, not to enter in communion with him and to remain in the lie and falsehood of the one that tried to deceive Adam as if He were a God by himself and not in obedience to the Father.
All of us, in a moment of our life, have to go through this crisis: Do I pretend to be like Adam, a false “god”? Do I pretend to be like the prodigal son thinking that I am going to be more autonomous and happier away from the Father? Or do I accept myself, in my fragility, and accept the solidarity of Jesus, who descends with me into the river Jordan of this my fragility and with me rises to the communion with the Father?
To go to take communion regularly means to say yes to the last question and to renew our trust in Jesus and his Father, in spite and through the continuous experience of the many sins and fragilities in ourselves and in others.
P. Antonio Villarino

“Mission in the world today”: Meeting of the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) in Mellatz on 3 and 4 July 2015

German CLM

On 3 and 4 July 2015, some members of the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) met with the Comboni Missionaries Fr. Franz Weber and Br. Friedbert Tremmel in the mission home in Mellatz to exchange views on the theme “mission in world today”. On Saturday, some members of the “Mellatzer Weggemeinde” arrived at the group and we increase at least 15 persons.

At the beginning of the meeting Fr. Franz Weber gave a brief introductory presentation: the term “mission” is quite negatively affected by the history of the conquest and colonization that sometimes went hand in hand with the evangelization of the peoples of Africa, America and Asia. Today, this term should be rediscovered. The mission must come from the heart from where one can live and act as missionaries, that is, the mission begins with me.

Jesus was the “first missionary and the source of all missionary work” brings good news to the poor, and this is testified by his life and his cures. The core mission is the Good News, the Kingdom of God is present with Jesus. “We have to speak about the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).

After this introduction to the topic, the group began to think about how they can act in the sense of Jesus, as individuals and as a group. One of the options that can be done starts in the family, with friends, at work or in the parish.

In conclusion, we can say that the mission is made by and for men and women. The essence is given by me. It is give and take. The day ended with a Mass in which we thanked God for our skills and talents.

The next time the CML Group will meet in the Comboni house in Nuremberg will be on Friday night (9/10/2015) till Sunday (11/10/2015) at noon. The theme will be the new encyclical “Laudato Sí” from Pope Francisco. All people who are interested are invited.

CLM Germany

The true Bread of life: beyond the outward appearance

A commentary on John 6, 24-35: XVIII Sunday OT: August Second 2015


We go on Reading John’s chapter sixth, which we began to read last Sunday about the sign of abundant bread. Well, from one Sunday to another we jump over a part that speaks about Jesus who disappears from the view of the satisfied crowd, crossing over to the other side of the Lake, and people looking from Him feverishly. What we read today is precisely the answer Jesus gives to people’s search. And in that answer John explains to us the faith of those first disciples in Jesus as the true living Bread.

To understand this answer, I propose a few brief reflections on the various and inter-connected meanings of bread the biblical tradition:

1.- Bread (nourishment) sustains our physical life

There’s an experience among the first ones to mark the history of Israel: that they were able to feed themselves in an extraordinary way and in one of the most difficult moments of their march towards the Promised Land, when in the desert there was no food around. We all know the story of the “mana”; we do not know what exactly happened, though scholars have their theories about its physical feasibility. But the important thing is that whatever happened allowed the people to survive physically and that Israel always saw in that extraordinary experience the presence of the providing God.

I think that something similar happens to us many a time, even if not so extraordinary: When in despair, we find a job that allows to keep up the family, our business starts to go well, we receive an unexpected help, overcame a serious sickness… On those cases we may think that fortune has smiled to us or that we were smart enough to merit that positive outcome… Or we may think that God is guiding history in our favour, using even fortune and our own hard work. This is what the Hebrews thought and what many simple people continue thinking today, with a faith that takes them beyond superficialities and appearances.

2.- From Bread to the Word-Law

When Moses brought the Law to the people in the Sinai, then Israel made the experience that the Law was as big a gift as the physical nourishment in the desert. With the Law the people could organize themselves, make progress, find a way forward in the many moments of doubt, and find harmony, happiness and sense. So little by little Israel began to apply to the Law the same meaning of salvation that had given to the bread in the desert: “not only on bread do human beings live, buy also on any word that comes out of God’s mouth”.

I think that we make an equal experience, individually and as communities. Sometimes we seem to despise the value of laws, but we know that a good Law makes a nation better. Without laws, a nation falls down on anarchy and usually that situation favours the powerful and violent against the poor and peaceful. So to have a good law (or a personal project of life) is as important as to have nourishment.

3.- From the Law to the Word-Wisdom

But Law is not the unique manifestation of that divine wisdom that was guiding the people. There were also the prophets, psalmists, and poets, philosophers from other cultures, religious and political, leaders, wise old men and women… Every manifestation of wisdom was considered, together with the Law, as BREAD for the spirit.

We too need to be nourished by every type of wisdom that humanity produces through science and philosophy, religions and arts…Every positive thinking, every luminous word can help us to live better.

4.- From the Word-Wisdom to Jesus Christ


The disciples’ experience with Jesus is wat is explained in today’s gospel: The bread that nourishes in the desert is no more than an image of Jesus as the true Bread that nourishes our spiritual life. His words, his nearness to sick people and sinners, his entire person is like the Bread in the desert, the Law of Moses, the highest Wisdom of humanity. In Him we find the fullness of that Life that God wants for all his children.

Certainly, we all want our basic need (bread, dress, and roof) covered and Jesus –as the Church today- worries and cares about these basic needs, but He does not remain there; He invite sus to eat the true Bread of Word-Wisdom-Love of God made flesh in Jesus of Nazareth.

To accept this, to “eat” it and make it be part of our life, it’s to open ourselves to a deeper life, able to overcome whatever desert we’ll have to cross.

Fr. Antonio Villarino


Bread to cross the dessert: the impossible becomes possible

A commentary on John 6, 1-15 (XVII Sunday of O.T.: July 26th 2015)


Let us remember that in the Sundays of this liturgical year we are reading the gospel of Mark and that we have reached chapter six. Last  Sunday we saw Jesus deeply moved before a crowd of people that were like “sheep with no shepherd”. Today we should go on reading from the same chapter of Mark what is known as “the multiplication of bread”.


But, for this episode, the Liturgy has preferred to offer, for this and the next four Sundays, the reading of John chapter six, that is quite rich in theological references. This Sunday we start off with the first fifteen verses. We can read them personally and try to get its meaning for each one of us today. On my part, I put forward make two points of meditation:

1.- Jesus as the new Moses

John begins his story in quite a solemn way. It’s evident that he means that what he is going to say is very important.  There are at least three elements that mark this “solemnity”:

– Jesus from the lake climbs up to the mountain.  We all know that the mountain, in biblical language, is much more than just a geographical incident. To go up the mountain reminds us, among other stories, of Moses going up the Sinai, where he had that extraordinary revelation of God as liberator and “chief” of his people.

-When He is on the top of the mountain Jesus “sits down” with his disciples.  The gesture speaks of Jesus as the Master with an authority that nobody else ever had. As Moses received on the Sinai Mountain the Law for his people, Jesus teaches on the mountain the new Law, the Word received from the Father.

-The Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near. We know that the Passover, Easter, was the feast in which the memory of the liberation was made, the identity of the people was strengthened and hope was renewed for a new and definitive liberation.

What John is going to tell us in this chapter six of his gospel has to be placed in this solemn set of theological references.

For he disciples, and for us now, Jesus is not an ordinary “rabbi”, nor one of many prophets or somebody who wanted to purify and renew the ethical levels of society… He is the Eternal Word of God that enlightens like a lamp in the night; He is the bread that nourishes us in the dessert of life; He is the new Moses, who, coming down from the mountain, leads the people and sustains it on the way to freedom and full life. He is the centre of the new Passover, the new alliance with the Father for the life of all.

2.- The impossible made possible

John says that Jesus asked Philip how to do to nourish so many people in an isolated place. And Philip gave him the only possible answer: it’s no possible. All of us would have given the same answer, as we really do in front of so many difficulties and problems with no apparent solution.

Philip was right, but it seems that he has forgotten the history of his own people: to nourish a crowd in an isolated place is impossible, as it was impossible that a tiny people could have been liberated from the power of the Pharaoh; or that this same people would be able to cross the dessert and not die on the intent… But the experience of Israel is that God made all this possible, so that indeed it was liberated, it did cross the dessert, and it did reach the Promised Land.

But we should not think that God acted as a kind of “magician”. It is something more simple and deep: When we allow God to go with us and we do our own part, the powerful give way, waters divide themselves, bread is enough, injustice is overcome, conflicts give way to reconciliation and new levels of brotherhood are possible, till the will of God is fulfilled “on earth as it’s on heaven”.

When we confront problems with faith, hope and charity, the impossible becomes possible, as it has happened so many times in universal history and in our own personal life. When we take part in the Eucharist all this is celebrated and made actual.

Fr. Antonio Villarino


To make common cause

A commentary on Mk 6, 30-34  (XVI Sunday, O.T. July 19th  2015)

We read today five verses from Mark’s chapter six, verses that are a transition between two big stories: the martyrdom of John the Baptist (a painful experience for the disciples and for Jesus himself) and the multiplication of bread (a clear sign of a God that sustains his humble people in the desert).

Theses verses are a transition text, but not for that less meaningful. In fact, the text is full up with deep and clear feelings in two directions: the community of disciples and the crowd looking for a better life quality. In Jesus we can contemplate a double movement, similar to the double movement of the physical heart, from the community to the crowd and back. As it happens with the physical heart, the same happens with community and mission: one movement cannot be without the other, community and mission go together. Let us meditate for a while on those two concrete movements of love:

combonianos en Asia- Gerardo (Peruano),Mario (mexicano), Miguel Angel (español), Moises (filipino), Parunñgao (Filipino)

  1. Tenderness towards the members of the community

Mark tells us about the way Jesus receives the disciples returning from the mission: he welcomes them, listens to their stories and invites them to rest, as he used to do in Bethany.

Maybe you remember a fil by Pier Paolo Pasolini, some time ago, on the gospel according to Matthew. It was a very interesting and moving film, but –if I remember it properly- in it Jesus was a prophet quite severe, with a long face and severe words… Certainly, Jesus was quite clear in his denouncing a false religiosity. But what we read today shows us another Jesus: tender, welcoming, giving attention to the needs of his disciples. This is a human attitude that I feel we need so much in our everyday life: in the family, in the Christian community, in the apostolic group. Quite often we wish so much to do well, we try to be so perfect, we wish the best for our family or our Church. So much so that we risk becoming hypercritical, intolerant, angry, negative… Let us pray that we imitate Jesus and learn from him this tenderness that makes us able to be welcoming to people near us and to care for one another.

Cincinnati. St Charles)

2.- Sensible to the needs of the crowd

The attention to the small group of people near him does not make Jesus indifferent to the need of the crowd; rather it’s the opposite: together with the community he becomes more sensible to the needs of the crowd of people that are like sheep with no shepherd; they are hungry of bread, understanding, love… The attitude of Jesus has been imitated by so many disciples, among which Daniel Comboni, who arriving at Khartoum (Africa) said to the people: “I want to make common cause with each one of you”.

Before so many people that today, as in the times of Jesus, are looking for a better health, a better and more just food, a real dignity, a sense of life, real love, the answer of the disciple missionary it’s not indifference, it’s not look  away, but to “make common cause”, to share the problems ,expectation and possible solutions.  This making common cause will give way to many initiatives of solidarity, but the first thing is not to be indifferent, to allow the situation touch our heart, to move our feelings, to share with the people; from that sharing will come out our concrete help, knowing that if everyone does its best, the miracle of brotherhood will take place.

Fr. Antonio Villarino
