Comboni Lay Missionaries

Surgery in Mongoumba. 25 years of dedication and availability


“For more than 25 years, Dr. Michel Onimus, French orthopaedist, devotes his free time to operate in the Central African Republic, particularly in Mongoumba. The patients who are treated are especially children, people with congenital malformations (congenital dislocation in the foot, cleft lip), polio sequelae, burns and fractures. Due to the country’s instability, medical activity has declined during the last three years since Dr. Onimus comes to help, that is, almost exclusively in Bangui”, writes Élia Gomes, a Portuguese lay Comboni missionary, working in Mongoumba.


Before the “crisis”, he used to work with a team of young volunteers (anaesthetists, nurses …). Now he travels just with his wife, Michelle, who deals with logistics. Therefore, he is supported by Barthelemy, a Central African anaesthesiologist from the paediatric Centre of Bangui who always finds a “little time” to spare and work with the professor.

In their luggage, the couple brings everything they need for the medical operations, from surgical material to tapes … and when they go back, they donate to us whatever has not being used.

Since I’ve been here in Mongoumba, we have received the visit of Dr. Onimus four times, the last in February in which 31 patients were treated, 15 operated and 4 scheduled to be operated in Bangui in March.

They arrived early, on February 17. Since I was unable to go to fetch them, Brother Alberto, a Comboni missionary, brought them here and spend a few days in Mongoumba. Then the team started the marathon for the consultations, preparations and surgeries of the patients: a process completed in just three days.


The routine was every day the same: into the operating theatre (so to speak) at 8 am and out at around 15 pm, for a bit of lunch. After a short break, at 16 pm we continued the medical consultations and visits of the patients who had been operated on.

Surgeries are performed in the Health Centre, in an empty room with just the operating table, but with no light sources, without suction of secretions, no air conditioning, no recovery room … A room that has three windows facing the street, with a net to prevent flies from entering inside but not to protect the place from the dust, and curtains to provide privacy but also precluding some light. The only “luxury” is an oxygen bottle that is used only when the professor arrives.

Despite all the shortcomings, we have to thank the availability of the head of the Centre of Health, who not only allows us the use of the room as a place of surgery but makes available the autoclave to sterilize the material.


The patients, before and after the operations, are housed in our Rehabilitation Centre, called “Da Ti Ndoye”, under the responsibility of Bob, the physiotherapist who works at the Centre since its foundation.

Dr. Onimus accomplishes a difficult job in difficult conditions, a labour of love, which has provided a better quality of life for many children and adults. “In so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40).

A missionary hug

Elia Gomes. CLM CAR

Love is a rope that leads you to the top…

CuerdaBeautiful, is truly beautiful the catechesis I am doing with the prisoners. It has just started, but it is doing well and every time I go deeply in love, in fact, we are all passionate. It is a time of sharing, searching the depths of the soul.

This desire to be on the way to understand … to understand each other … to meet God.

We walked with stones in the heart, hard, heavy; we gradually try to scratch them, to make them small as pebbles, which can be removed from the shoe. Up to now, there are six prisoners who are part of the group and that is good, because the smaller group the easiest is to speak because of the intimacy that is created to say the important and difficult things in life. I am also very happy to have the opportunity to be among them without iron bars or divisions, sitting in a circle, in a space that helps to have proximity. It is important to be close, eye contact, listen carefully, take their hand to pray and finally embrace to say THANK YOU. It takes an hour and a half or so. I forget being in a prison, I don´t remember the red uniform they wear. I forget the noise of the other prisoners. We are so immersed in the depth of what is shared which could apparently be the title of a book by Virginia Woolf: “our own room” and it is in fact a space just for them, a space for us. I like a path that works human recovery and self-discovery, leading to a personal growth inside and this applies not only for them but also to me. It is an exchange, a give and take as the dear old but still relevant Paulo Freire said: “no one teaches anyone, everyone learns from everybody”. We can learn from every person, also from prisoners and their stories, and I am grateful.

Emma, ​​CLM.

Times of change


On the 13th, day of the Virgin of Fátima, began the changes in the Apostolic Community of Mongoumba, with Fr Maurice leaving to Rome, where he will take part in a training course to become a trainer of young people who want to be Comboni missionaries. Mary intercede for him to adapt well to his new community, where he will spend this period of training, and to give a good witness of faith and love to all who cross his path.

The 23th we had the joy of receiving Ana, young Polish CLM, she came from Kinshasa, where she has been learning French. We ask the Lord of the harvest to help us in this integration time for Anna to be an example of love, joy and compassion and service to the people we were sent.

Yesterday was the turn to arrive from Paris, where Fr. Fernando, from Mexico, was learning French. In these first months of his stay in Central Africa the Mongoumba apostolic community will grow, it will be where Fr Fernando will learn Sango. Where he will go afterwards, we do not know…

July will be again time of changing with the departure of Elia. The mission will run out a very strong plaster stone…! Will she return someday? That only God knows! For now, we can only be grateful from now, all the good she did for this people and this community. May the Lord accompany her, always.


A big hug to all CLM and especially to all those who have celebrated their birthdays.

Maria Augusta and Elia.


Some are beautiful victories


Some are beautiful victories, small achievements born from battles with the taste of effort, commitment, hope, design, dream, but most are the result of a long journey of one who never gave up, despite the difficulties.

These small victories are joys that can be shared in the work team made up of people who believe in what they do, that with confidence and humility make possible every day the daily work of the prison ministry.

Today, finally, we began catechesis in the maximum-security prison of Nelson Hungary.

Our joy, along with those involved, came after a long wait, because of the necessary permits, bureaucratic entanglements that normally discouraged many… BUT NOT US! We have kept the faith and constancy in our goal trying to make possible an order made by the prisoners themselves, mediating with the “institutional” part who have no confidence in the recovery and development work with prisoners. Some believe it is wasted time, not worth it, that those who are in prison has no right, not even to seek God or themselves, just to be inside a dark cell. However, it is precisely in this darkness that comes the desire to “see”, to meet again, to embrace the mystery that strikes the human soul. Nobody has the right to deny the necessity and spiritual quest that is proper to the human being. Therefore, our struggle was to meet a demand that comes from a personal search, a desire to seek God and look to oneself.

Today begins a new path with a small group of prisoners, and finally, in a room where you can put in a circle, freely, without any impediment bars, handcuffs, dividers of physical space, security agents.

It is very exciting what is shared, strong, human, full of questions and desires. Roads that we built together, where everybody shares and enrich the other, where they teach one another, where emotions, joys and wounds of life to be reconstructed are communicated, a life that does not feel lost or ruined by the weight of guilt or conviction of individuals.

Be blessed this path, be blessed this thirst for God that magnifies the heart, that breaks borders and prison bars made of flesh and humanity in searching the path.

Hurrah for the life that is able to birth and grow, Hurrah for the people who help to grow, hurrah for the will to place on the road and not being afraid to do so.

Among the prisoners’ rights that must be respected it is the right to religious assistance.

All prisoners have freedom of religious worship, and the right to practice in their prison unit; nobody is forced to participate if they do not want to.

Emma, ​​CLM in Brazil