Comboni Lay Missionaries

[Mozambique] Mission Animation with youth of the parish of Carapira

03-Animacao ChegadaOn 16th March this year there was a meeting of young people from the district of Mutoro, one of 3 areas of the parish, involving 96 young including coordinators and animators of Missionary Childhood and young people from 40 communities of 10 areas in this region. At this meeting the CLM and training candidates participated in a moment of missionary animation with youth. The meeting began at 13 hours with the presentation of the participants, where the laity in formation spoke about their history in the group.

Therefore, Mozambique has 3 foreign CLM and 4 Mozambicans lay missionaries in training. Comboni Lay Missionaries shared the story of St. Daniel Comboni, who was a son of a poor Italian family and also shared that the Comboni family are composed of priests, brothers, sisters, lay and secular.

During the conversation a young man asked what means to be secular. Secular means to be a consecrated lay missionary who lives her vocation within her family without the marital union.

We also spoke of some requirements to become Comboni Lay Missionary.

The missionary animation meeting ended with the song << Rejoice in the Lord always. >>

Flavio, LMC and Zeferino, candidate in formation of the Comboni Lay Missionaries

Final Vows of Sr. Lilia (Comboni Missionary Sister in Carapira)

The mission team from Carapira held a big party on March 15, celebrating the birth of St. Daniel Comboni and the lives that continue consecrating. On this day was the sister Lilia Karina Navarrete Solis, who made her perpetual profession, with the slogan “I consecrated you and appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:5). Known as Sister Lily, is a Mexican citizen and works as director of the Health Centre in Carapira. Everything took place in a family atmosphere with the presence of officials of the Health Center, parochial and religious leaders of the Diocese of Nacala and Nampula, among other guests. After the celebration presided by the Bishop of the Diocese of Nacala, Don Germano, we shared lunch. The CLM join together the team that helped acclimate the place, serving food, washing dishes, tidying everything back in place and supporting in every way possible. Sister Teresina, apart from the head of the organization, was also the godmother of the profession.

This is always an appropriate time for missionary animation. Thus, the lay group prepared a panel entitled “Daniel Comboni inspired”, which featured images and short texts about the four branches of the Comboni Family: Comboni Missionaries, Comboni Missionary Sisters, Secular Comboni Missionaries and Comboni Lay Missionaries.

Let us pray for sister Lilia and all vocations!

We are together!

CLM Carapira

Walking strong in a faith with the truth and the knowledge

The weekend of 21, 22 and 23 February the community of life of Porto joined the parish of Grijó for another missionary animation. The meeting began with a reflection and exchange on the encyclical Lumen Fidei where we could reflect upon faith as the most beautiful expression of love for God. But a faith walking strong with the truth and the knowledge, a faith rooted in God and whose trunk strengthen us with the truth, with daily reflection on the Word of God. So, in fact, “As it is light, faith invites us to penetrate it, always more to explore the horizon that illuminates, to better understand what we love.” (LF 36).

It was in this sense that moved by this faith that drives us to always learn more, we share the charism of being Comboni Lay Missionary in the world, we share testimonies of missionary experiences, let challenges in a walk of faith and commitment into a walk of missionary animation for youth. In this way we gave voice to the project KWE ZO ZO – “Every person is a person”, to the JIM´s project (young missionary commitment) and shared with the parish community the gift of being CLM. But for all this to be possible, many collaborated with us. So we want to thank everyone who helped us, from the parish priest, the deacon, the sexton, all catechists, the youth group, the groups of catechesis and the whole entire parish community that welcomed us so well and that generously contributed to the project.

Along our route we tried to interpellate each person in their life, in their routine and simplicity tries to follow the call to holiness, to love this God always gracious and merciful. As Jesus challenged us in the Gospel, “Be ye therefore perfect as your Father, which is in heaven, is perfect” (Mt 5, 48). So we also try to challenge each person to follow the fearless mission entrusted to him/her by the Lord Jesus Christ and to respond with joy to the call that God has for us with the gospel!

In the farewell remained the great joy of our hearts to share experiences, joys and learnings. The joy for the continuation of this path in community, this path that will only be made walking in communion with our brothers around the world!

By Paula Sousa (Portugal)

Sister Angelique Namaika in Granada

CARTEL DEFLast Friday February 7th, Sister Angelique Namaika, Fellowship Award 2013 granted by the magazine Mundo Negro published by the Comboni Missionaries in Spain, was in Granada invited by the Comboni Family to give her testimony and share her life and her work with the poorest and forgotten.

More than a hundred people gave us gathered at the Jesuit Center Suarez to hear a firsthand testimony of this strong and passionate about life woman. A testimony of hope amid so much suffering.

Sister Angelique works with victims of the atrocities of the greatest criminal of the recent history of mankind. Joseph Kony, leader of the vicious Lord’s Resistance Army, which roams freely in Congo, South Sudan and Central Africa. Tens of thousands of people are forced to flee from their homes, leaving their homes and families, sometimes losing their children converted into little soldiers.

This religious woman is a symbol of the work that the Church develops in one of the most dangerous corners of the African continent with a collective, the refugees, often more easily forgotten.

Among many other issues, she told us about her work in the field of training and accompanying psychological support to women who have experienced violence in the first person and how her work is focused on advancing the culture of reconciliation so that little by little go slowly disappearing the hate fruit of lived atrocities.

La hna. Angelique junto a LMC de Granada
Sister Angelique with CLM of Granada
La hna. Angelique durante su conferencia
Sister Angelique during her conference

I’m sending you…

Among the many celebrations and important events that have recently experienced the Comboni Family, was also the official sending of father Maciej Zielinski, who finally is going in mission. He was responsible for the Comboni Lay Missionaries in Poland. Last Sunday Bishop Jan Piotrowski officially sent him and gave him his pastoral blessing for the time of missionary work. Father Maciej from January 1 officially belongs to the Province of Kenya, where he will spend the next few years, working and helping those who need it most.

The celebration of sending took place in his parish- in Tarnów, where family, friends, Comboni Missionaries and Comboni Lay Missionaries attained.

“If someone knows Christ cannot keep it for him or her, but must proclaim Him” – emphasized Bishop Piotrowski. Therefore, Maciek decided that he wants to share his experience of God with those who have not met Him yet, those who have not reached the Gospel yet.

Father Maciej was responsible for the animation of vocations and work with youth for the past few years in Poland. Looking at the number of young people involved in help for the missions, you can freely say that this stay was very fruitful. And although Father Maciej understood young people and you can see that was finding in this work, he still missed Africa, to work on the Black Continent. Now, finally, it fills. And although we are a little sad, we are happy with him.

Each of us owes much to Maciek. As Comboni Lay Missionaries Movement we want to thank you for the time and commitment to our Movement in Poland. For father Maciek kindled enthusiasm and love for the mission. We thank you for every smile, good word, because you were for us like a “father”. We could always come, talk and get a help and solution.

“If a missionary feels alone in the mission, it means that we are not a community, we are not the Church”- said during the homily Bishop Piotrowski. Prayer is very important in missionary work, because it makes you feel the unity of the whole Church and gives the feeling that we are a true community of believers. This call to pray for Fr Maciek, but also for the whole missionary work of the Church, let us will collapse deep in our hearts, and this request will not remain unanswered.

Polish CLM group