The Comboni Lay Missionaries in Mozambique met from 21 to 23 November at the Catechetical Center of Carapira for our ninth annual meeting, the topic we work: “150 years of the plan of Comboni and the challenges for the CLM in Mozambique”.
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We started with a small moment of reflection, based on the Biblical text of Lc 16:24. highlighting the proposal of Christ, renounce to yourself, inviting us to think about what are the things that we must resign to live fully the missionary vocation to which we have been call as CML inside the reality where we are present, becoming aware of our preconceptions, ideas, points of view, practices, behavior, expectations, etc.
To continue, we identified those realities that test us challenging our presence, putting them in the hands of God, presenting them as prayers, through the Traditional Macua ritual of “Makeya” asking the intercession of our ancestors, saints of the church and also the Missioners who have passed through this land of Mozambique and gave their lives for this people.
Then the work began with the reading of the previous minutes, evaluating the proposed activities, personal activities reports and reviewing the issues of formation of candidates to CLM. We closed the evening celebrating Mass with the missionary team in the house of the Comboni Sisters. After dinner, we established what would be the topics to follow for the ongoing formation of the CLM next year. This closed the 1st workday of our annual meeting, asking the intercession of Mary, on the day the Church celebrates its presentation.
On the morning of the second day, we worked on the economics affairs, presenting accounts and defining the activities to achieve self-sustenance of CLM movement in Mozambique. Taking in consideration the agreements reached at international meetings. We evaluate the activities of missionary animation during the year and think about the future activities.
We ended the day with the election of the coordinator and the division of the responsibilities established as follows: Flávio, coordinator; Marcia and Ancha, Secretariat and Communication; Margarida, Treasurer; Beatriz, Martinho and Flávio, Training and Missionary Animation. We conclude the second day with Mass and after dinner we invited the Mission Team to a moment of celebration, first sharing broadly what we worked in the assembly and then with some music, cake, popcorn, rice freshwater…
On Sunday morning, we participate in the celebration with the community of Carapira, where at the end we present the CLM group through a video of the community and missionary testimony. Then we met to define the activities of our Missionary work for the month of December and made the official photo. We conclude with a prayer of thanks for a job well done.
In communion with the whole movement, we ask God that the example of St. Daniel Comboni continues to inspire our way!
We are together! United in prayer and mission!
CLM Mozambique