Comboni Lay Missionaries

[Mozambique] CLM Mozambique Annual Meeting 2014

The Comboni Lay Missionaries in Mozambique met from 21 to 23 November at the Catechetical Center of Carapira for our ninth annual meeting, the topic we work: “150 years of the plan of Comboni and the challenges for the CLM in Mozambique”.

mozambique mozambique

We started with a small moment of reflection, based on the Biblical text of Lc 16:24. highlighting the proposal of Christ, renounce to yourself, inviting us to think about what are the things that we must resign to live fully the missionary vocation to which we have been call as CML inside the reality where we are present, becoming aware of our preconceptions, ideas, points of view, practices, behavior, expectations, etc.

mozambiqueTo continue, we identified those realities that test us challenging our presence, putting them in the hands of God, presenting them as prayers, through the Traditional Macua ritual of “Makeya” asking the intercession of our ancestors, saints of the church and also the Missioners who have passed through this land of Mozambique and gave their lives for this people.

mozambiqueThen the work began with the reading of the previous minutes, evaluating the proposed activities, personal activities reports and reviewing the issues of formation of candidates to CLM. We closed the evening celebrating Mass with the missionary team in the house of the Comboni Sisters. After dinner, we established what would be the topics to follow for the ongoing formation of the CLM next year. This closed the 1st workday of our annual meeting, asking the intercession of Mary, on the day the Church celebrates its presentation.

On the morning of the second day, we worked on the economics affairs, presenting accounts and defining the activities to achieve self-sustenance of CLM movement in Mozambique. Taking in consideration the agreements reached at international meetings. We evaluate the activities of missionary animation during the year and think about the future activities.

mozambiqueWe ended the day with the election of the coordinator and the division of the responsibilities established as follows: Flávio, coordinator; Marcia and Ancha, Secretariat and Communication; Margarida, Treasurer; Beatriz, Martinho and Flávio, Training and Missionary Animation. We conclude the second day with Mass and after dinner we invited the Mission Team to a moment of celebration, first sharing broadly what we worked in the assembly and then with some music, cake, popcorn, rice freshwater…

On Sunday morning, we participate in the celebration with the community of Carapira, where at the end we present the CLM group through a video of the community and missionary testimony. Then we met to define the activities of our Missionary work for the month of December and made the official photo. We conclude with a prayer of thanks for a job well done.

mozambiqueIn communion with the whole movement, we ask God that the example of St. Daniel Comboni continues to inspire our way!


We are together! United in prayer and mission!

CLM Mozambique


Great Missionary “Kermes”

KermeseOn October 12 the CLM of Mexico joins the great feast of the Comboni Family celebrating our founder and guide: St. Daniel Comboni. The priests, brothers, sisters, laity and a large number of benefactors and friends live a great missionary kermes. The activities began very early preparing the place with much enthusiasm. Both breakfast and lunch we were able to taste several Mexican dishes and some desserts; there were even international cuisine, represented by sushi and kimbap. In the area of ​​ amusement we have the raffle (it’s always fun to know what you’re going to win), inflatable, civil registration and the big auction that were a success. By the way, we were in charge of the chopped fruit.

Amid such missionary environment, could not miss the sacrament of reconciliation, and to celebrate with a flourish, our Holy Eucharist, which was enlivened by Comboni´s and missionaries songs. The most important thing we must remember that it’s all for a great cause: THE MISSIONS. We thank everyone who supported this noble work either selling, consuming or simply by their presence and prayer, as their bit was definitely necessary and essential to accomplish our great event. May God continue to bless us all and with the guidance and strength of St. Daniel Comboni we move on.

José Luis Hernández (CLM, México).

New CLM Bulletin in Costa Rica

Costa RicaComboni asked the missionaries to be holy and capable.

Saints, for all who follow Christ should aspire to be a perfect image and likeness of the Lord, in everything, even the cross. A Christian, who does not want to be like Christ, is half on their spiritual journey. And capable, because, like Christ, the missionary must also perfected a work, with concrete actions to build the Kingdom of God here on earth.

In this missionary walking, every member of the community will discover their gifts and talents working together will refine their own skills, and placed at the service of others. And it is in this community effort, where everyone discovers it is essential to build the Church, and to be the Body of Christ.

Thus, little by little, the CLM of Costa Rica have seen the need –following the example of other CLM communities- to communicate and encourage the local church, with means and tools to raise awareness of the missionary charism, and attract more people willing to live the mission to its ultimate consequences.

The first project undertaken by Costa Ricans CLM in the area of communication is the missionary’s newsletter, which first came out in the month of missions. This bulletin is the result of a joint effort in which everyone developed one of the sections of the newsletter.

It is the first experiment which must get better, of course, but also a joy to see realized a dream that began earlier this year. The idea is that, through the bulletin, we may inform of important news of the mission of the whole Church, and more specifically of the work performed by the CLM worldwide.

In fact, we hope that everyone, as a single Comboni family, can be present in this newsletter, which will be monthly spread. For this reason, we encourage you to share your experiences or missionary projects in their various communities and missions to make them known in our country- printed and digitally- and develop, in this way, a strong missionary animation. Any writing or testimony you wish to share can be send by mail to the CLM in Costa Rica:

We hope you enjoy this first edition, and, with your prayers and comments we can improve it every day. United in prayer.

We leave you here a digital copy of it: BoletinCR

Christian Madriz

Meeting of the CLM with stakeholders from Mellatz Christian Community

Grupo MellatzIn the middle of the holidays, from 15 to 17 August, our CLM group gathered. For Saturday Martina and Brigitte had prepared a program on Daniel Comboni and his spirituality. We invite to participated interested persons from the ecclesial community of Mellatz. We deepen our knowledge about the life and work of St. Daniel Comboni and seek the meaning of his spirituality to our reality today. We found it very interesting, the exchange of ideas with the 12 community stakeholders brought so much to us all. This encouraged every one of us to continue or re-start our missionary service: each in their daily personal life but also together as a group. There was also a time to speak personally and to continue the presentation work (website, poster) and plan the next steps for the group. On Sunday we had the opportunity to celebrate Mass with the parish community. After Mass there was time for many conversations with the community about the CLM.

Special thanks to Brigitte and Martina for preparing the meeting so fondly, to brother Friedbert for his support and to all participants.

The next meeting will be from 17 to 19 October in Nuremberg with the theme “The common points between the exhortation of Pope Francis ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ and the Comboni spirituality.”

Grupo MellatzBarbara Ludewig

Conclusions of the 2nd Meeting of the CLM in Africa

CoordinacionThe 2nd Continental Meeting of the Comboni Lay Missionaries took place in Kinshasa, DRC on July 21-25, 2014. The participants included five priests, two sisters and 18 lay people, among them the six coordinators of the French-speaking and English-speaking African provinces. They were joined by representatives of the Central Committee.

The objective of the Assembly of Kinshasa was to establish a concrete plan of action based on the resolutions of previous gatherings – the Continental Assembly of Layibi in 2001 and the International Assembly of Maia in 2012 – having as a theme: “Beginning with what we have starting from our reality.”

Keeping in mind the current challenges of our African reality, where God calls us to live our vocation as witnesses of his love, according to the charism of St. Daniel Comboni, at the service of mission, which is a gift from God, and after having reflected together, we have come to some conclusions that will allow each province to set up a plan of action. These are the conclusions:

1. Vocation

We want to encourage each CLM to live one’s vocation as it was defined at Layibi; to overcome life’s difficulties and to keep the commitments we have as fathers, workers and Christians, thus giving witness to our vocation.

As it was said in Maia, the CLM communities need to formulate processes that will allow the full development of the personal vocation of their members during their entire lifetime. This means setting up a program of prayer, retreats, sacramental life and revision of community life.

In order to facilitate a joint journey in our vocation as an International Family of CLM, we encourage the new groups to keep in touch regularly with the Continental and Central Committees, in order to get help from those responsible for the coordination. We believe that it is necessary to follow the common lines of the international organization.

2. Relations among the CLM

The movement holds one single vision. All must cooperate and work together at living a harmonious community life.

In order to facilitate the integration of new CLM in the local CLM groups, we must strengthen communications and networking between the sending group and the receiving group, the Central and Continental Committees and the MCCJ provincials.

In order to reach full integration, we invite the new CLM to take part in the group’s activities: ongoing formation, assemblies, retreats, administrative practices and financial contributions…

We encourage CLM working in countries where we have no local members to promote our vocation and form a local group.

3. Formation

As a movement of CLM in Africa, we are committed to make our formation journey together, in order to follow Christ according to the charism of Comboni who calls us to make common cause with the people to whom we are sent.

The decisions taken in earlier Assemblies guide us on this journey of formation, where we should keep in mind the following aspects:

  1. The provinces must cooperate in the preparation of the various programs and materials for formation;
  2. We must share programs and topics of formation between the provinces and with the Central Committee;
  3. We must translate in all languages the formation documents.

4. Economy

We want to include the economy in our spiritual life, in order to live a life based on Providence. In this context, we ask the groups to include the topic of our relations with money in their formation programs, placing our stability and confidence in God.

In the process of our financial autonomy, we invite the various groups to form their members in the various aspects of finances, such as: development projects based on the local needs, the search for funds, compatibility…

Knowing that we all belong to this family of CLM, we are called to be responsible for and to support the group. In this sense, all the CLM must contribute to the fund of the local group. From this fund, the group in turn should contribute to the international common fund, managed by the Central Committee. We are also called to inspire the local Church and all people of good will to support our missionary activity.

In order to reach our financial autonomy, we invite the groups to start fund-generating activities such as in the field of agriculture, animal husbandry, pharmacies, movies, internet and photo-copying centers, production of local artifacts, talks, formation, dialogue and promotion of events…

It is not enough to engage in projects, but we are also called to give financial reports with great transparency (ledgers, bank accounts with more than one signature…).

5. Organization

5.1 Each Province must have:

  1. A Coordinating Team made up of : a coordinator, a secretary and a treasurer. This team must send its reports to the African and to the General Committees.
  2. A person in charge of communications (blog, Facebook, Twitter).
  3. A Formation Team which must: plan and prepare the topics of formation; ensure the follow-up and the evaluation of the formation given.
  4. Each group must have someone from those in charge of formation who will be networking with those responsible at the national level.

5.2 African Committee:

  1. The Central Coordinating Team is made up of: a coordinator, a secretary a treasurer.
  2. Its duties are:
  1. Ensure communications with the Central Committee.
  2. Call and organize continental meetings.
  3. Provide for communications between the provinces.
  4. Take care that the decisions taken at the various assemblies be implemented.
