Before Christmas, I could visit the CLM Group in Poland.
As always, visit Poland is a joy and a moment to feel in family. From the host receive from Anna and Fr Chris at the airport until the last day. The first night I went to dinner with CLM community that was in training, we had a nice time walking the streets of Krakow, watching the Christmas atmosphere and keeping out of the winter cold.
The first days I worked with Kasia, Magda and Anna. It was an intense period of training, talked about community life, the CLM internationally, countries where they will go, intercultural relations, the period of inculturation, the presence and missionary methodology and other practical aspects of the mission.
We also had time to connect via Skype with Barbara in Italy and share with her some time about the experience of community formation that each of them was living. We also discussed how it would be the period of common formation that she and Kasia have in Portugal (where the Portuguese CLM Group in Braga now accompanies them).
During the weekend, the house was filled with young people from the CLM Group in Poland. We share a weekend where we could talk about the organization of the CLM internationally, the challenges we are facing calmly and respond to all questions that new CLM candidates had about the movement. It was also time to talk personally, to share concerns about the mission and even the possibilities for future incorporations to CLM and also for mission (hopefully they come true).
In addition, we get some time with the new coordinating team. Facing forward to this new commitment. As a new group does not have much experience in the field but their enthusiasm and desire to do things right make up. Michal was already in the coordinating team in the past as treasurer, now becomes coordinator, for her part Krystyna joins with enthusiasm and with Fr Chris (and the support of others MCCJ in Poland) face forward this missionary service. From the Central Committee we will be helping in any way we can.
During the weekend, we also had time to pray and celebrate Christmas together, sharing good wishes one to each other for the year that soon began.
Finally, on Sunday afternoon after the meeting, I could accompany Anna to say goodbye to her hospital patients and their fellow volunteers with whom she has worked over the past years. Leave a service to serve elsewhere. That’s the life of the missionary.
Magda is now studying English in London to Ethiopia, Anna is studying French in Congo with Congolese CLM before going to Central African Republic and Kasia meets Barbara in Portugal to perfect their Portuguese before going together to Mozambique.
A great joy to share the enthusiasm for the missionary sending. May the Lord bless them and all CLM groups and youth (one for age and other of spirit) who come to discern their vocation and prepare to serve as missionaries wherever there is a great need.