Comboni Lay Missionaries

Mission Promotion – San Mamede Infesta

Animacion Misionera PortugalLast weekend, June 11, we held a program of mission promotion in the parish church of St. Mamede Infesta, in the town of Matosinhos. It was a sunny day and at around 10:00 a.m. we started. I must confess that I was a little worried because 70% of the parishioners were seniors. Would the words of Carlos and Sandra resonate in their hearts? But the Lord reaches everyone and truly, between the two celebrations where we were present and at the missionary rosary that we were allowed to hold, the results were very positive.

Fr. Dario celebrated the Mass at 7:00 p.m. and he gave a different tone to the usual celebration.

To identify myself as part of the Comboni family in front of my parish community made me very happy. It gives you the feeling that you are on the right path, in the way that the Lord showed to me.

Thank you, Comboni Family, for having received me in your bosom with so much kindness and fraternal love.

Animacion Misionera Portugal
Maria José Martins

“Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for the catch” – Missioning of The CLM Liliana Ferreira and Flávio Schmidt

LMC envio misionero“Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for the catch” (Lk 5:4)

On Sunday, June 4, we celebrated with joy the missioning of our CLM Liliana Ferreira and Flávio Schmidt in the parish of Lamas, Miranda do Corvo to which Liliana herself belongs. United in faith and in the love of Christ they are leaving for the mission of Piquiá, Maranhão, in Brazil, having accepted the Lord’s invitation to leave, give of themselves and to be a thousand lives for mission.

And we go with them. We follow them in prayer, in thought and in the wish (belief) that God will give them light in their vocation of and for love, and in their path of dedication to share their brothers journey.

We are grateful for these two lives who generate so much life around themselves and for the gift of life they will multiply in the lands assigned to them by God.

United in Mission

Carolina Fiúza

Mission Promotion by CLM of PCA

Animacion misionera LMC Guatemala…”Holy and capable, making common cause with the poorest and most abandoned” (St. Daniel Comboni)

The CLM of the PCA in Guatemala started a new missionary experience. It concerns mission promotion in the parishes of the city.

We share here the first experience which took place on May 11, 18, 21 and 25.

It took place in the church of St. Rita, in the parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. We did mission promotion with the mission pastoral team of the parish. They are a group of people who ardently desire to proclaim Jesus in the areas of their neighborhood and, by so doing, to be a “Church reaching out,” as Pope Francis is constantly asking. They are beginning to plunge into this beautiful adventure of meeting those who have no desire to approach the Church, in order to encourage them and to invite them and to speak to them about Jesus and of what he has done in their lives.

This is why they asked for our help.

For us it was the first time to have this type of experience and we felt very grateful to God, because he had already been at work in their hearts and we served as instruments in encouraging them not to be afraid to venture out.

We had the opportunity to share our personal witness of our encountering Jesus, together with our experiences in home visits, in the mission we currently exercise in the parish of St. Catherine of Alexandria, located in the red light district of the capital, and on the community life we share here as CLM.

We also explained to them who we are, our identity and charism, with the objective of raising lay vocations. Blessed be God.

My missionaries must constantly keep their eyes fixed on Jesu Christ, loving him tenderly and striving to understand always better what it means to have a God who died on a cross for the salvation of the world.” (St. Daniel Comboni)

Animacion misionera LMC Guatemala

CLM Guatemala

20th Anniversary of the CLM in Brazil

LMC BrasilIt is with great joy that we, the CLM of Brazil, celebrate this year the 20 years of the CLM – the Association of the Comboni Lay Missionaries, a juridical not for profit organization founded on May 31, 1997.

In 1995, a group of people from all over Brazil began to dream of the project of the CLM in São José dos Campos, SP. Those were the days of the great event that took place in Brazil, the COMLA 5, that pushed the Church much beyond its borders. After that, other meetings took place and finally 1997 saw the beginning of the first missionary community of CLM involved in formation and in the sharing of missionary life in the city of Contagem, MG.

After 20 years of existence the Association of Comboni Lay Missionaries has reasons to celebrate, in the light of a history of challenges, a lot of dedication, daring and perseverance, its existence as lay missionaries in the style of St. Daniel Comboni.

We continue in the call to follow Jesus Christ and we are inserted in challenging missionary areas at the side of the poorest and most abandoned of our society, both here and much beyond our borders.

In June we will hold the Yearly Assembly of the ACLM in Curitiba, PR. It will be a privileged time of communion and of sharing our vocation. On the 22nd, we will celebrate a Thanksgiving Mass for the 20 years of the ACLM in the parish of Santa Amelia. We wish to meet, reflect, evaluate, pray, make new plans and continue the “dream-challenge” of the Brazilian Church, totally missionary and open to the world.

Recently we have been living through some beautiful moments in our journey as CLM in Brazil, such as: the formation of groups of Comboni Spirituality and discernment in Curitiba and more recently in Balsas; our participation in the team of Coordination of the Comboni Family, with the various activities planned in common in missionary and vocation promotion; the strengthening in a short time of the CLM in Acailândia-Piquiá together with the Justice project of Raíles; the weddings and births that took place in this CLM Family; the special witness of some members at difficult times for the loss of dear ones and in the struggle to regain their health. In total, it is the commitment of each one on different fronts, persevering in the pro-life option.

There are also challenges and questions over how we must answer our vocation in these new times. What are the specific aspects of our identity? What do we need to change? How can we be more efficient in mission promotion and in promoting new vocations? Keeping in mind that mission is renewed by new missionaries, men and women willing to enter into the dynamics of a Church on the move.

We count on everyone’s prayers and wish to remain united to the great Comboni family spread around the world.

In the light of our reality, in the grace of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Aparecida, inspired by St. Daniel Comboni in the sequel of Jesus and united in our missionary journey to the Church in Brazil and in the world, we are ready to protect and foster each day the missionary call of the Comboni vocation.

LMC Brasil

With every best wish and friendship,

The CLM of Brazil

CLM Easter Celebration in Spain 2017

“Renew us Lord, that the World needs us”
Under this motto, last week the CLM from Spain meet in Community to celebrate Easter Triduum.

During these days we have the chance to meet, we had the opportunity to reflect and celebrate together the great Mystery of Love of God for Humanity and to renew our missionary commitment in family..

May our faith in the Risen One make us sowers of Life every day.

CLM Spain