Comboni Lay Missionaries

Community experience in Kitelakapel

LMC Kenia

My name is Belinda Awino, I am a Comboni Lay Missionary from Kenya currently doing my community experience in Kitelakapel, west Pokot County as I prepare to go to for mission in Peru.

I am glad to have joined the CLM international community in Kitelakapel for my community experience the members of the community have been very supportive since the day I arrived in their community.

Living in the community has taught me the benefits of community life such as praying together, sharing ideas and learning to respect one another. I’ve also learned some of the challenges a community might face and their possible solutions example conflicts and its resolution, management of resources i.e. finances, proper budgeting

Through the community I’ve been able to interact with the local community.

On Sundays I join Linda in Sunday school where we read the Word of God, sing songs and pray together with the children.

On Wednesday, i join Linda and Pius for Life Skill in St Bakhita girls Highschool, where we teach the girls about life, love, relationships…

On Friday I join Marzena in Kitelakapel dispensary where we assist the nurse in charge.

I am grateful for the experience and look forward for more growth in community life.

Belinda Awino, CLM Kenya

Community experience in Czerwonak

LMC Polonia

My name is Izabela, on 22 June 2024, during a solemn Mass, I joined the CLM.

I will be leaving for a mission to Kenya in a few weeks.

Preparing to go on a mission field for two years.

The final stage is the community experience I am currently on. It involves sharing life together with Comboni Lay Missionaries.

During the experience, I have many meetings with the lay missionaries who are currently or have been on missions. We discuss various issues concerning mission-related matters, e.g., inculturation, security issues, pastoral care in the mission, etc.

Twice a week there are meetings with the international coordinator of the CLM – Alberto de la Portilla. We learn about the history of the founding of the CLM and discuss documents tied to the lay missionary movement.

There is also time for lecitio divina prayer, that I have with Br. Tomek, and catechesis with Sister Joanna Nowińska. With which I study selected books of the Holy Scriptures.

It is also an intensive time for me to learn English. When I go to Kenya, I will be learning the Swahili language.

On Friday, I go as a volunteer at an eatery for the poor run by the Albertine Sisters in Poznań.

My community experience is with Bogusia and Andrzej in a small village near Poznań. We spend our free time together and pray. We prepare and consume meals together.

Bogusia and Andrew take me around to show me the beautiful surroundings.

The experience is a very valuable and good time that I think will help me adapt to my new place in the mission.

Izabela, Polish CLM

A Fruitful Start to 2025: Reflections on Our Annual Assembly in Kenya

LMC Kenia

2025 began on a high note with our annual assembly, which took place from Thursday 9th through Sunday 12th January. It was a time of deep reflection, evaluation, and planning as we looked back on the past year and prepared for the journey ahead.

Training moments

Throughout the assembly, we assessed our activities, formation meetings, and the service we carried out. We also reviewed and updated our charter, ensuring it continues to guide us effectively in our mission. Additionally, we evaluated our financial report and laid out concrete plans for the year 2025.

A particularly special moment was the celebration of our members who are preparing for their mission experience in Kitelakapel. Their commitment is a beautiful witness to the call we all share—to go forth and proclaim the Gospel.

The cakes were from the Kitelakapel community to thank the CLM of Kenya for their support, and to welcome the new CLM preparing for mission and who would later join us in Kitelakapel for their community experience.

What stood out most about this assembly was the sense of shared responsibility and the desire for growth. It was inspiring to see how deeply each member is involved in shaping the future of our mission. The emphasis on formation, service, and careful planning shows a strong commitment not just to action, but to sustainable and meaningful missionary work.

New coordinating team

Among the plans for 2025, a key focus is on supporting those preparing for mission abroad and ensuring they are well-equipped spiritually and practically. There is also a strong commitment to strengthening our local initiatives, improving how we accompany communities, and fostering deeper missionary engagement.

As we step into this new year, we pray for God’s abundant blessings upon our mission. May He guide our steps and strengthen our resolve. And may our beloved Saint—Daniel Comboni—intercede for us as we continue to walk in faith and service.

Assembly members

CLM Kenya

Community Experience in Mexico

LMC Mexico


The final stage in the formation of the American candidates of the “Comboni Lay Missionaries” (CLM) movement has begun, a time of being in tune with themselves and with the other CLM before leaving for the ad-gente mission to give a generous response to the call received to go to the evangelization of the most abandoned peoples, the main reason why we exist as a group.

There are four people who share this experience: Mariana Meléndez Cándido, 36 years old; Rosalinda Olivo Oria, 69 years old; Sandra Luisa Rodríguez Andalón, 64 years old; all Mexican and José David Rojas Quesada, Costa Rican, 43 years old; from a human point of view it is not understandable to leave family, work, friends, customs, knowing that only the ideal of Comboni unites them, with the only objective of being ready for the mission.

Now they are part of the same family where, strengthened by prayer, it makes sense to be together. United, remembering that being children of the same Father makes them brothers, rescued by Jesus Christ who from daily life invites them to be with Him and moved by the Holy Spirit to be sent to the most needy as Daniel Comboni did in his time.

Today this legacy continues as heirs of the Charism, the Comboni Family (MCCJ, HC, SC, LMC).

CLM Mexico

Manizales 2025, first CLM Colombia face-to-face meeting.


In the city of Manizales, department of Caldas in Colombia, between January 25 and 26 of this year, in the facilities of the Parish Nuestra Señora del Pilar, the first face-to-face meeting of the CLM of Colombia was held, in this meeting the planning for the year 2025 was done.

Among the topics discussed, the dates and places for the Holy Week and Christmas Mission Camps were defined, for which it is the responsibility of the new coordination to socialize the places with the MCCJ of the country, in order to work hand in hand with them, as always.

Regarding the formation, both for the discernment group and for the deepening group, the programs, topics, responsibles and frequency were established; virtual meetings every 15 days were defined. The discernment program for those who want to be part of the CLM begins on February 5 and ends on December 3 and for the CLM that will enter into the deepening module, the formation begins on February 12 and will end on December 10.

In addition, two other face-to-face meetings of the CLM were proposed for this year; the first one will be held in the city of Cali between June 20 and 23; this will have as its objective a deeper knowledge of the group the persons who are in discernment and who want to commit themselves to the Comboni Charism; the second meeting will be our annual spiritual retreat that will begin on October 31 and end on November 3 in the Municipality of Suaza in the department of Huila.

The economic budget for the present year was calculated and a projection was made, a priori, for 2026, in view of the creation and support of the first national permanent mission that two of the CLM will do, in the municipality of Tumaco, department of Nariño, as a support to the work developed in the community by the MCCJ.

There was a feedback of some of the agreements that were worked in the international assembly of Maia 2024, some of the minutes that were worked during the working days were reviewed and the processes that are being developed to make the recognition of the CLM by the dicastery were explained.

At the end of the meeting a new conformation of the CLM committee in Colombia was proposed, with Janeth Escobar as national coordinator, Jenny Trujillo Marulanda as treasurer and Felipe Mora as secretary of the group.

Written by: Jenny Trujillo Marulanda.