Comboni Lay Missionaries

Love as mission

MarianaIf a year ago you would told me that today I would be writing about the Mission in Carapira, I would have said you were dreaming and that those fertile lands were too remote for me. However, God, as Father Jorge says, knows better what He does than what we want. And it is so true!
Before entering into the risky adventure of trying to put into words what I experienced in Carapira during the month of August, I want you to know that we will lose some sense: hands that touch and are touched; strange odors, but then they are missed, such as land, market, burning garbage, the air hot and heavy; the eyes that see faces that seem to ask us to discover and smiles that remind us that life is the greatest gift of God; greeting mouths at all times, even when you are not known.
Thanks, first, the missionaries that were already in Carapira and, besides of being disciples of Christ, they were heralds of our arrival and faithful companions of our steps, while leaving us free to be. Thank you for the confidence you have placed in us, without which no work could be developed.
The first problem I encountered was the time. In Carapira, time seems frozen in time and, indeed, the days passed slowly. The mornings were far greater than the afternoon and a date marked at three, could be at any time after the scheduled time. I thought the time was slow because there was completely entangled in the agitated pace that the Western world imposes on us. It was then that I realized that being compassionate was walking at the step of the other. If the other slows down, we slow down to walk with them. Then we get carried away by this so different time from our time and our days were filled: with night study in the Industrial School; support for girls at boarding school of the sisters “Mother Africa”, with the presentation of the encyclical “Laudato Si” to the EIC students, teachers, community, priests and sisters; we filled the day with times when we prayed the rosary in communities and try to learn Macua, visiting the sick, or replacing a missing professor.
In Carapira I discovered a charm. After trying to help girls with English, where the theme was “famous people”, I tried to illustrate with Cristiano Ronaldo and that’s when I realized that I had fallen into the terrible mistake of looking at reality only with my eyes. I do not say this no dislodging me, but quickly got the right example, which has always been there and knew very well: Jesus. Who else could be as global as Him? We were going with a huge desire to make Jesus known to others, going step by step, discovering that he was already there and is revealed in the smallest things: in the embrace that shipped with Sister Mary Joseph when I took girls home for holidays; Jesus appeared in the warm way in which these people welcomed us on arrival and took these foreigners as a part of their daily lives without closing the door.
These children show me the face of God, because they unknowingly have been and are an example for me. They get to be so alike and so different in its smallness. And how many childhoods exist worldwide. These children are heroes of palm and a half, before being able to speak carry buckets of water over his hands and head. As if, at the time, they had to endure a burden that is not theirs. Children carrying bricks. Children who care for other children like them. The children who walk kilometers and kilometers from home to go to school. I was also surprised with the ability they had to run for our arms, with sincere and contagious smiles. And I tell you, I will never, ever, be able to forget how they ran up and down the street with those cars made with plastic bottles and caps, or made careers pushing tires with a stick.
I was moved when I discovered that some people left the house, three to four hours before Mass, to drink from the Word of the Lord. I cannot forget the youth group of vocational discernment, traveling kilometer walk and/or bike in order to attend a Sunday training. And they do it every month. Here sometimes when it rains or is cold, the children no longer want to go to Sunday school. And even we, I wonder, how many reasons we out to excuse our faults to Mass? Given this, it is clear that those who wants look for ways and those who does not want find an apology. They are living proof of that!
There are people, people like us, who surprisingly are happy with so little. It is not so little … they are happy just to live. And how big is this give: life! And how big are these people, imagine, deeply grateful that comply with the Father’s. After this month, I know that my contribution was just a drop in an ocean of tasks that remain to be fulfilled. However, as I read in the market the first day I went, “Stop force produces nothing”. I am sure that being young and Christian, today, it is to be this force that never stops. It is not to fall into indifference to be touch by life and be able to do what God expects of us. However slightly, let’s do it, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned here is that the little become a lot. My heart is so full and grateful for this experience.
A “Koshukuru” (thank you) the size of the distance between Portugal and Mozambique is little for all that I have lived this month. Until I return, there is a vast ocean of longing and desire for further meetings. And you know what? I sincerely believe in that old maxim of “Little Prince”, which says that “those who pass by us, do not go alone neither leave us alone”. Today, I am a lucky for all the meetings I had on this land that is a lost paradise in the middle of nowhere. Today, I am richer for being a bit of all those with whom I shared this month.
Mariana Mariana Gonçalves

CLM meeting in Mexico

Grupo Mexico

Hello dear Comboni missionary family,
Came the month of the homeland and with it our monthly Comboni missionary meeting. The CLM of Mexico, DF met at the headquarters of the continental novitiate. After settling, Brother Joel invited us to dinner. The kitchen was already moving with Bayro preparing water melon, José heating the soup, Roger setting the table and Delio organizing the food in the “shopping taste”. After sharing the bread, we turn to our holy hour to the candlelight, between psalms and prayers we discovered ourselves before the Lord needed his strength, and his love to continue in his service.
After a good rest, we set to start on Sunday with the prayer of Lauds, led by Juanita We had breakfast prepared by the sisters of the Oblate Congregation of St. Martha, and we share the Eucharistic celebration with the community; and a youth group that was conducting a retreat. Father Anastasio, MCCJ, during the homily reminded us that our encounter with Jesus should lead us to seek spiritual healing previous to our physical or economic well-being. He invited us out following the example of Jesus; to share with others, to show our enthusiasm and thus, by helping others, we will transform our life and testimony.
Sister Ma. Elena shared with us the theme of women in the plan of Comboni. And between reflections and writings together we discovered what St. Daniel thought of women, how he values, demands, protects, and treats women as an equal, considered a stronghold for the mission. One of the most moving text was a letter written to his mother, Domenica Pace, where he speaks with great tenderness. Finally, we could not leave without organizing the activities of October and giving thanks to God for this meeting, we live with joy in the midst of the Comboni Family.
Martha CLM coordinator of Mexico

Little by little, we are taking off


It was a great joy for me that slowly but with assurance we are moving forward in the response to our vocation. Things planned are being slowly implemented.

Before having our meeting this 12th September, some members came a day before for a discussion about a project. In the evening of Friday 11, we were gathered to meditate upon the Sorrowful Mysteries of our Lord Jesus. After this prayer, we read two letters from the Writings of Comboni, one written to Fr Nicola Mazza on the 4th Sep. 1857 and the second one written on the 20th Sep. 1857 from Egypt to Dr Benedetto Patuzzi (WC 19, 20-26). The main purpose is the knowledge of our Founder. After this, we took some time to reflect a little bit about how we are moving. This time of Community Prayer is to strengthen all the local groups which are formed  by members in the same area.  Before starting our monthly meeting this 12th September, we prayed the Lauds. For our meeting, we had first a mass presided by Rev. Fr Joseph Rabbiosi. At the meeting, we emphasized on the roles that the local groups have to play: the necessity to come together and pray, involvement in JPIC, the formation and preparation of some youth, the proclamation of the Good News in some villages and the mission promotion.

We planned for the coming meeting which falls on the 10th October to present the History of CLM.

Justin Nougnui, coordinator.

A dream come true!

Sofia3Mission in Africa, a dream. Something that I have wanted to live and finally got. I was 17 when I started to dream about Africa when I started to want to learn more about the “world” of the mission. In August, I went as part of Faith and Mission group with another four young and two missionaries of the Comboni Family, we went to Mozambique, to the mission of Carapira. I always thought that the mission was to bring Jesus to others, but when I got to Carapira He was there with open arms to welcome me and tell me that He had chosen me and that was His people.

It was an indescribable experience, but I will try to share: I found a warm, generous, cheerful, full of smiles people. A people without hurry, where time is a detail.

People always have time to talk; they stop to greet each other. You do not feel the stress, if my neighbor is sick, I am not indifferent.

I found a great team of missionaries who does an excellent job, every day gives his body and soul to the people of Carapira.

SofiaBrothers, sisters, priests and Comboni lay missionaries, give their best as educators, trainers. They accompanied dozens of young, regardless of their beliefs. Accompanying communities, trying to be the presence of Christ among the people. I knew about the work of lay missionaries, who work to support the various activities in the Industrial School, where they have a very active role. They lay people involved as someone who educates, cares, as someone who loves, as the young people attending the Industrial School left their homes to study. The laity are a friend and even maternal presence. Lay also help in pastoral, help children and young people to discover Jesus.

With all the missionary community that I met and beside whom I worked and learned a lot, I met that a missionary gives a true love, is capable of love, is capable of unconditional love. I keep me every time I lived, I appreciate the confidence they have placed in my colleagues and me.

The biggest challenge we faced throughout this month was certainly living in community.

The whole experience was extraordinary, impossible to remain indifferent, I really liked all the work we did with young people of the Industrial School. On the Laudato Si, I loved being with the girls in the boarding school, I liked working with the youth of the community, “Save the Youth by the Youth”.. Sofia

It really touch me a conversation I had in the early days, when I arrived at boarding school to work to support the girls in the study and clarification of Portuguese and math. Nelson, a girl aged 13-14, who attends seventh grade, she didn´t get much closer, always watching me, but always a little distant, when I went to try to stop her reserves, she said “I don´t wanna be your friend, because you will be gone in a few days and I will never see you again”. This cut my heart, let me stop, I wanted to say something, but could not find words, I wanted to tell the girl that it would not be like that, but I would be lying because it was true, I had a scheduled trip. I accepted her choice and I decided not to insist. And during the 15 days worked in the boarding school, we talked little, we study together, we discover new and difficult words, we do our homework.

But I know that I interacted with Nelson, I’m sure, she smiled and even joked when I spoke something wrong in Macua, or when I said I was afraid of getting sick from malaria. And the day came when I had to say goodbye to her and all the other girls. And Nelson asked: “Teacher will you forget me now?”

She is an expert in letting me “locked”, is beautiful, has big, beautiful, bright eyes, and they were full of water and I thought how could I forget this, Lord? I will not do it. I hugged her and told her that “I will not forget you”.

What also impressed me a lot was the Eucharist, celebrated with much joy, sing, clap, they are strong, very beautiful. Mozambican women, I cannot stop talking about it, she is struggling, hardworking, always in charge of the most complicated tasks. It plays a fundamental role.

This is what I experienced; it was a good experience that I really want to repeat.

It was very important to me, every day had significant facts that I cannot forget.

And do not forget that dreams come true. We just have to make 5%, God does the rest.

Sofia Coelho

Youth Gymkhana

Last Sunday the gymkhana was performed with the theme: “we are called to live young.” It was organized by the coordinators of youth of the parish of Santo Domingo and aimed to promote integration, encouraging youth engagement in the way of faith and building the Kingdom of God through the civilization of Love.
During the meeting and as a proposal for the month of vocations, some stalls were organized by the Comboni Missionaries, Salesian Sisters, Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Lay Comboni Missionaries.
The organization of the gymkhana began with the Mass in the community of San Judas, the offertory of the Mass has been donated to the settlement Rosa Leon as a concrete gesture of action: “I come to do, with pleasure, your will Lord.”