Comboni Lay Missionaries

Towards the mission

LMC México

Last February 3 and 4, the Mexican CLM held our National Assembly 2024 in Monterrey, N. L. The topics discussed were commitment, belonging, missionary animation and economy.

The dynamic was very revitalizing, it helped the integration of the group. The topics discussed reaffirmed our vocation as CLM, being that missionary disciple in constant integral formation where Christ is the center of his life and in this intimate connection he can give himself to others in the mission entrusted to him.

The meditation was focused on the identity as CLM to be an authentic witness of Christ, recognizing the evangelizing mission, being the salt of the world, for this we must work in social fraternity, transforming the reality of death that we can find in the spaces of our environment, being people generators of life, sensitive to the human needs of the community where we are, rescuing the dignity and freedom of people.

All this helped us to be aware of the team work that we must do to be good missionary animators and to be able to add up to a healthy economy where we all give of what we have to make possible the maintenance of the mission.

In it we committed ourselves as groups and individually to prepare everything for the next sending of some of our members who are already available to leave for the mission ad gentes. Thanks to all the participants, benefactors and MCCJ who supported to make this meeting possible.

Congratulations, CLM! May the fruits continue at the foot of the Cross for the glory of God.


GEC from Curitiba meets to plan the year’s activities.

LMC Brasil

The Comboni Spirituality Group of Curitiba, present in Santa Amelia Parish, met on the first day of March. Present were Jussara, Fátima, Fr Lionel, Leonel, Darlene, Fr Rafael, seminarians Antônio and Tiago, Cleia, Pedro, Cristina and Luzia.

It was an important moment for us to pray together, to welcome the two seminarians who are starting the Propaedeutic Course, which is the first stage of formation in the journey of Comboni priests and brothers.

We also made a plan for our monthly meetings and drew up some guidelines for our work in the communities.

May Saint Daniel Comboni, in this twentieth year of his canonization, continue to inspire us with his boldness and missionary zeal!

Cristina Paulek – CLM Brazil in Curitiba

Recollection of CLM candidates in Togo

Togo LMC

On Sunday 18th February 2024, the CLM candidates of Togo took part in a recollection organized at the house of the Comboni Missionary Sisters in Adidogomé. Focusing on the theme “Prayer and the Eucharist”, the day brought together 5 candidates, a guest and Sister Elisabeth, SMC.

The programme began with an opening prayer and teaching led by Father Michel Adom, MCCJ head of the Cacaveli Missionary Animation Centre. Under the chosen theme, Father Michel outlined the two concepts, placing particular emphasis on the Eucharist as the most excellent prayer, a moment of communion with Christ and his mystical body. He emphasized that the Eucharist is not limited to the end of Mass, and as missionaries we are called to carry the Christ we have received wherever we go.

After this teaching, the participants had a time of meditation and personal prayer. The day continued with the celebration of Sunday Mass in the sisters’ chapel, presided over by Father Michel Adom.

The day ended with a fraternal meal, followed by a reflection on the year’s future activities and a final prayer led by Jean Baptiste Gnimassoun.

By Ernest Botri (CLM candidate), Togo.

Formation meeting and sharing with Father Tesfaye General of the MCCJ


Hello Saints!

Receive the warmest greetings from Comboni Lay Missionaries – Kenya. We hope you all had the best St. Valentine’s Day and a wonderful start to Lent.

We had our monthly CLM-K formation meeting this past weekend from Friday 16th February to Sunday 18th February. This month’s topic was “What is our Identity as Comboni Lay Missionary?” There are three aspects to look at: The spiritual approach, Comboni Charism and the Human aspect.

On the Human aspect, we learnt that Identity grows from discernment. We must all reflect on our values, what matters most, and what we stand for. It matters how you view yourself. Our identity affects the decisions we make. Making decisions without discernment causes strife, unhappiness and discontent with life. We also learnt that our environment affects our identity. In the famous words of Dr. Asfia Qaadir, “Our roots keep us grounded and help us remember what truly matters at the end of the day.”

On the Spiritual approach, we reflected on various scriptures that tell us what God thinks of us. One of my favourites is Proverbs 139:14, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Another favourite is 1st Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” If He who created us in His image and likeness thinks so highly of us, how dare we question his judgement? Our identity is in Christ and by his grace and mercy, He has made us worthy.

Lastly, on the Comboni Charism, we reflected on the life of St. Daniel Comboni. St. Daniel Comboni wrote: “We must pray instead that we may save many souls and go to heaven, not alone but with a great crowd of converts.” These and many more words of St. Daniel Comboni speak of his heart and his identity. He made so many sacrifices, travelling back and forth through the desert, the suffering he endured: tropical diseases, hunger, poverty, language barrier, opposition and more. Yet, he did not give up. Ordained as a priest at the young age of 23 years, he went ahead to become a Bishop and later formed the Comboni sisters who helped him with his missionary work in Khartoum, South Sudan. St. Daniel Comboni gave up his life in service to the poor and most abandoned until his death. Every single morning, he lived for the glory of God. This was his identity. As CLM-K, we must fashion our lives to match the great example set for us by our founder. “So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1st Corinthians 10:31.

This weekend was also quite special for us. On Sunday we had a visit and seat down with MCCJ General Fr. Tesfaye and his Assistant Brother Alberto. They were accompanied by Fr. Juanma and Fr. Christopher. It was so lovely sharing further on the topic of identity with them. What made it more special is their experience over the years. Their sharing spoke of the goodness of the Lord. We are so thankful to you General Fr. Tesfaye, Brother Alberto, Fr. Juanma, and Fr. Chris for making the time to meet with us.

On a final note, we wish to thank all Comboni Priests stationed at Holy Trinity Catholic Parish Kariobangi for hosting us for dinner on Saturday evening. We would also like to wish our MCCJ province well during their annual assembly that began Monday 19th February and will run through Friday 23rd February.

1st Peter 1:3-5, St. Peter wrote to the Christians saying: the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade, which is kept in heaven for us. This Lenten season, reflect on the suffering of our Lord and be filled with hope knowing that Christ will rise from the dead and in him we have been made new.

Warm regards,

Cecilia Nyamu, Comboni Lay Missionary – Kenya

Missionary vocation

Campaña Manos Unidas

As every year the NGO of the Spanish Church Manos Unidas organizes various activities to raise awareness and involve Spanish society in development aid. In this case it was a march against hunger where children and adults ran to finance several of the projects of this NGO.

Manos Unidas has been supporting the missionary work of the Church in the world for many years. And we, as Comboni Lay Missionaries, also collaborate with it by contributing through our witness in the places of mission in various acts of this campaign as in the marches, in the hunger dinners or in the parishes where the campaign is carried out.

In this case also the program Witnesses Today of the regional television (Canal Sur) was present and took the opportunity to spread the event and make an interview with us that was broadcasted last Sunday.

We leave you today with this interview where we do a little tour on our vocation and missionary trajectory. (The interview is in Spanish)

Greetings to all of you

Alberto de la Portilla, CLM