On May 13, three women of the small group of German CLM went to Berlin, to make a spiritual retreat in the streets. We were anxious, how will that be? Full of gratitude we can say that it was worth it! The Jesuit Christian Herwartz and the Comboni sister Margit Forster affectionately accompanied us. Each of us made her personal and profound experience, going to places that made possible an encounter with God in a special way: the jail, a drug sales point, a meeting place for the homeless, tourist places in the center… Like Moses, we take off our sandals (fears, prejudices, judgments) and in the holy places we find God in a new way. Unfortunately, we had to return home on May 17. It was a brief but very rich experience, especially together. THANK YOU!
The delegates from America and Asia to the XVIII General Chapter, meeting in a continental assembly in Mexico City from 11 to 15 May, share their approach and reflection through an open letter addressed to those responsible for the Comboni Family on the occasion of the beatification of Mgr. Oscar Arnulfo Romero, to be celebrated on Saturday, 23 May, in El Salvador. Below is the letter of the missionaries.
Open Letter
from the Comboni Missionaries of America/Asia
on the Occasion of the Beatification of Bishop Romero
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As the delegates from America and Asia to the XVIII General Chapter we greet you fraternally. We wish to express our closeness to you and to share with you our reflections on the Beatification of Bishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero (Saturday, May 23, 2015). Without doubt this is an historic event of great importance for our Church. For this reason we would like to share our reflections on some aspects of this event:
The solemn beatification by the universal Church confirms what our people already believe and celebrate: Romero is a martyr. In this beatification we also celebrate the gift of their lives offered by so many other martyrs whose struggles we have perhaps never known about. We admire the courage and fidelity of those who will be beatified in Peru this coming December: Fr. Zbigniew Strzalkowski, Fr. Michael Tomaszeck and Fr. Alexander Dordi, victims of terrorism, as well as of hundreds of committed lay persons, catechists, men and women who obstinately defended human rights; they were adults, the elderly, youth and innocent children, religious and priests martyred for the love of Christ, the Church and the people in societies that regard themselves as Christians. The Reign of God is proposed to all to become the commitment of all. Like them Bishop Romero was a victim of the forces of evil embodied in the alliance of the economic, political and military powers that hold on to their illegitimate privileges against the struggle of the oppressed for freedom.
In a time of rapid and great changes in which we are called to rediscover the prophetic dimension of our faith and consecration, we wish to reaffirm that Bishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero is a model prophet for our time. The suffering of our defenseless brothers and sisters, violence in all forms that is increasing everywhere, and criminalizing human rights defenders are challenges to our prophetic commitment today.
To be a martyr cannot be improvised. With this affirmation we mean to highlight the profound mystic quality of Bishop Romero that was forged in the daily prayer by which he lived out his being a Christian, priest and pastor. His priestly spirituality is manifested in his Episcopal motto: “Sentire cum Ecclesia”. However since all spirituality is a journey of growth and docility to the Spirit, the martyrdom of Fr. Rutilio Grande, SJ and the violence carried out by the military against the people, mark his process of conversion: from indifference/comfort to solidarity with the poorest and oppressed.
In Bishop Romero we discover the image of the Good Shepherd who fully identifies with his people and who suffers in his own flesh the abuses against the dignity of persons, who raises his voice to condemn injustice and preach peace, who prays for his brothers and sisters and loves them so much that he willingly gives up his life in the firm hope that his death will be a source of life for the Salvadoran people.
What meaning does this ecclesial event have for us today? The beatification of Bishop Romero presents him as a model of life and mission:
Interpreting reality in the light of faith should bring us to a personal and community conversion;
Evangelization includes commitment to the integral liberation of persons and peoples;
The evangelizer identifies in a radical way with the situation of the people in their sufferings and hopes;
The values of the Reign of God are always the utopia that enlightens the path of our missionary service;
Giving one’s life for the sheep gives tangible form to our vocation to follow the pierced Heart of the Good Shepherd who gave his life for his sheep.
Finding security as we trust in the words of the Gospel: “If the grain of wheat does not fall into the ground and die, it remains alone; but if it dies it produces much fruit” (John 1224), we want to invite you to create a new path of renewal and hope for ourselves and our peoples. In communion with all of you, in memory of Bishop Romero and of all the martyrs of America, and in particular Fr. Ezekiel Ramin, we firmly believe that the XVIII General Chapter that is now approaching offers us all an opportunity to renew ourselves in faithfulness to the charism of St. Daniel Comboni and in imitation of the martyrs of our church in America.
Mexico City, May 15, 2015
From the 17 to 19 April we celebrate in Viseu the eighth meeting of the training program of CLM in Portugal. The training was dedicated to the theme “Comboni: God, the Cross and Mission”, presented with enthusiasm by our sister Carmo Ribeiro. Participating in this meeting, Carlos (CLM), Andreia, Carolina, Flavio, Marisa, Neusa, Patricia and Paula, CLM candidates.
We were welcomed generously (and comfortably) by the Community of Viseu of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, to whom we are very grateful for the hospitality.
The kick-off of our trip was the movie “The Mission” 1986, a historical drama directed by Rolland Joffe that presents the period in the history of the evangelization of the Guarani Indians of Brazil.
On Saturday and Sunday morning Sister Carmo guided us in finding Comboni, his life and mission, which transmits Christ: “Speak of Comboni, his life and mission, is to talk about his experience of God. This experience that molded, shaped, give meaning and direction to all his life. The life that became mission. The experience of God is the aliveness of God, let God live in us, and above all let us live in Him”.
In first person, we get to know Comboni through his writings read in parallel with quotes from the Bible that inspired it.
Our itinerary went through the discovery of the pillars of the life and mission of Comboni who are also the pillars of any Comboni vocation. Here I present these pillars citing the writings of Comboni.
1st Trust in God
“May the Lord dispose as best it pleases Him. We are in his hands and we are only too well supported. Thus may it be done according to God’s will”. E 457
2nd charismatic moment: pierced Christ’s love, of Christ the Good Shepherd
“The Catholic, who is used to judging things in a supernatural light, looked upon Africa not through the pitiable lens of human interest, but in the pure light of faith; there he saw an infinite multitude of brothers who belonged to the same family as himself with one common Father in heaven. They were bent low and groaning beneath the yoke of Satan, and they were placed on the threshold of a most terrible precipice. Then he was carried away under the impetus of that love set alight by the divine flame on Calvary hill, when it came forth from the side of the Crucified One to embrace the whole human family; he felt his heart beat faster, and a divine power seemed to drive him towards those unknown lands. There he would enclose in his arms in an embrace of peace and of love those unfortunate brothers of his, upon whom it seemed that the fearful curse of Canaan still bore down “. E 2742
3rd The Love of the Cross
“I find myself right on top of Golgotha, in the same place where He was crucified the only Son of God, here I was redeemed.” E 39-43
“The cross has the power to transform Central African in a land of blessing and salvation”
4th Cenacle of the Apostles
” This Institute, then, becomes like a little Cenacle of Apostles for Africa, a centre of light sending to the centre of Africa as many rays as are the Missionaries who go out from it. These rays of light, bringing warmth as well as illumination, cannot but reveal the nature of the Centre from which they spread out “. E 2648
5th Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of Africa
“To you I owe, O Mary, not died yet … Oh Mary show yourself also queen and mother of the poor Africans, because they are also your people… Show yourself Mother!” E 1639-644
6th Saint Joseph
“St. Joseph is always young, always has a good heart and honest intentions and always love Jesus and the interests of his glory.”
“We are the happiest in the world, because we are in the hands of God, Mary and good San Joseph.” E 5082
7th Prayer
” Since the work I have in my hands belongs completely to God, for it is with God above all that we must deal with every important and lesser matter of the Mission: therefore it is very important that piety and a spirit of prayer should prevail among its members”. E 3615
8th Sense of Church, belonging
“I refuse to convert the entire world, if by the grace of God it were possible, if not mediate the mandate and approval of the Holy See and its representatives.”
In addition to the richness of these days, yet there was time for two meetings. We visited and were visited. On Saturday afternoon we visited the Community of Sisters Conceptionist of Santa Beatriz da Silva, who shared the joy and the mission of a life totally dedicated to God in a fruitful silence and inhabited (as someone said, it’s beautiful!). On Saturday night, we received a visit from two Comboni Missionary Sisters, Sister Lourdes Ramos and Sister Augustine Guida. Sister Lourdes Ramos shared her missionary experience among the indigenous of Amazon and later on the island of Lampedusa. Following the example of Comboni, a life made mission, forgetting herself, wounds to serve and love the brothers.
By unfortunate coincidence, that night of April 18, shipwrecked at sea an immigrant ship in route to Lampedusa, we know the tragedy that followed … that night the sister made memory of those who leave their houses and risk their lives to live and when arriving to land has nothing to live with. “We are all people,” I think that even today, in our prayer these brothers are not indifferent… “He felt his heart beat faster, and a divine force seemed to push him to these barbarian lands, to squeeze in his arms and give a kiss of peace and love to those unfortunate brothers “…
Finally, we finished our meeting celebrating Easter, the glory of the Risen Christ; LIFE that flows from the pierced heart. “My God is a God wounded”, recognized by Thomas in the marks of his love for us: “My Lord and my God!”
On the 18th and April 19th took place in Madrid the II National Meeting of the Comboni Family present in Spain.
Under the theme “Comboni Family: sharing the joy of the mission“, we had the opportunity to reflect and deepen together how we can share our mission from the diversity and joy of faith.
This time, we have the presence of Fr. Pascual Piles, Brother of St. John of God, who encouraged us to continue working in the line of the shared mission that was already started by Comboni. The mission can only be built if we work together as community.
One of the richest moments was working in groups where emerged ideas and initiatives that will certainly be giving shape from now to realize the dream of Comboni: “Save Africa with Africa“.
The following reflections are simply meant to be comments on the second goal proposed by Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter to all religious on the occasion of the Year for Consecrated Life, in November 2014, to help us to live as Comboni missionaries in our time. “The passion for an ideal – in our case the mission – is related to enthusiasm. Passion is not gained once and for all. It is like a plant that we must care for and nourish every day. Because of this it is necessary to make use of such initiatives as that which the Pope proposes to us for the Year of Consecrated Life, to review how we live our consecration and examine our ties with the Gospel, the Institute and the mission”, writes Fr. Rogelio Bustos Juárez, mccj.
“The past, which is memory, and the future, which is imagination, we evoke by the present” (Saint Augustine)
The sequela Christi as primary reference point
When we speak of the birth of charisms, the history of religious life teaches us that the starting point of founders and foundresses was the Gospel. It was through their attentive reading of the Good News that they came to know Jesus Christ, received the Word and discovered how they could follow Him. Some placed the accent on the thaumaturgical Jesus who healed the sick, others placed it on Jesus the Master who, with authority, taught new things; we, as missionaries, have been struck by the itinerant Jesus, intent on proclaiming the Gospel to all peoples, since He was sent for this reason.
From this were born the rules and constitutions as a theoretical basis for making the charismatic intuition come alive. In the Rules of 1871, our Founder said: It is certain that, a humble spirit that sincerely loves its vocation and wishes to be generous with its God, will heartily observe them, considering them as the way marked out by Providence, but it is important to state clearly that the Constitutions, the Rule of Life and the traditions of any Institute whatever, will remain vigorous only when and if they continue to draw inspiration from Gospel values.
In this sense the Pope writes: “The question we are invited to ask ourselves during this Year is whether and how we allow ourselves to be questioned by the Gospel; whether it is truly the ‘vademecum’ in our everyday lives and in the choices we are called to live by. This is demanding and requires to be lived radically and sincerely. It is not enough just to read it (even if reading and studying it are extremely important), it is not enough just to meditate on it (and this we do joyfully every day). Jesus asks us to put it into practice and to live according to his words.
I am not at all certain that, having finished our basic formation, we have all taken seriously our ongoing formation. Today, people speak of the liquid society and liquid love (cf. Z. Bauman), with reference to the speed with which the world, society, the Church and religious life are changing.
The Gospel is the source which, with its dynamism and its relevance, may indicate paths on which to direct our steps. In this regard, we may find useful the third chapter of Evangelii gaudium (nos. 111-173) in which Pope Francis invites us to revisit the way we approach the Word we proclaim.
It is not enough to be experts in Biblical or pastoral theology if we are unable to practice what we preach. We are invited to revisit the place the Word has in our lives; whether it is truly the reliable guide to which we have daily recourse and which, little by little, makes us resemble the Master.
Conforming our life to the model of the Son
Fr Manuel Pinheiro. Peru
If it is Jesus Christ that we follow, it will be useful for us to reflect upon the second half of our name, “of the Heart of Jesus”, since it will enable us to deepen our identity. When, in 1885, through Mgr. Sogaro, the Holy See allowed us to become a religious Congregation, we were called: Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1979, reunification was attained and we were reborn with the name Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus. The fact that the reference to the Heart of Jesus was kept is interesting.
Pope Francis, in his letter, maintains that, if the Lord is our first and only love, we will learn from him what love is and how to love since we will have his very own heart. That is, we will identify ourselves with him. This is what some Fathers of the Church meditated upon and passed on to us.
Saint Irenaeus of Lyons, for example, speaks of “Jesus Christ who, for the abundance of his love, became what we are in order to make us what He is” (Contra haereses, Preface to book V).
Saint Gregory Nazianzen develops another aspect: “In my earthly condition, I am bound to the life of here below, but being also a divine particle, I bear in myself this desire for the future life”.
Man is not only ordered morally, regulated by divine decree, he is also part of the “genos”, of the divine line, as St Paul says: “we are the children of God” (Ac 17, 29).
Saint Athanasius, in his Tract on the Incarnation of the Word, maintains that the divine Logos became flesh, becoming like us, for our salvation. And, with a well-known phrase, he says that the Word of God “became man so that we could become God; he became corporeally visible so that we might have an idea of the invisible Father, and endured the violence of men so that we might inherit incorruptibility” (54, 3).
Our Founder, St Daniel Comboni, making his own the spirituality of his time, was able to respond to the challenges of the mission by drawing inspiration from the spirituality of the Sacred Heart, broadening its meaning and giving it a more social and missionary character.
To sum up, if those who approved our name thought it necessary to include in it reference to the Heart of Jesus, it is therefore necessary that we increasingly identify ourselves with His sentiments and transform them into attitudes.
We follow Jesus not in any way whatever but obliging ourselves to be “cordial” in our manner of working, to be a reflection and an expression of the sentiments of the Son of God. All this has its consequences in personal and community life. Even to the point of becoming an existential parable, a sign of God Himself in the world (cf. Vita Consecrata n. 22).
3. Faithful to the mission entrusted to us
The third point invites us to review our fidelity to the mandate we received from our founders. A charismatic intuition is, at the same time, gift and responsibility. Gift, because we did nothing to deserve it through the persona and work of our founders which, however, has been recognised by the Church and we must, then, avoid distorting or altering it, but be the ones who continue this gift which has been placed in our hands.
At this point, there are two possible ways to go: either we cling to the thought and work of our Father and Founder and, out of charismatic fidelity, try to reproduce, sine glossa, that which he did, or, instead, we act in such a way that all we do, does not resemble at all what was suggested or proposed by our founders as we work in complete freedom, interpreting the new challenges as we please with a scribbled reproduction of the inheritance we received 150 years ago.
I think it is best we avoid these two extremes. It is, in fact, necessary to take the torch from the hands of our predecessors with a clear mind so as to discover how we must respond to the challenges of the present without weakening the charismatic originality. This, it seems to me, was the aim of the Ratio missionis and the work of re-qualifying our commitments upon which the Institute has insisted in recent years.
Pope Francis exhorts us to ask ourselves if, in this Year of Consecrated Life, our ministries, our works and presences correspond to what the Spirit asked of our founders. In short, he invites us to live in an attitude of constant discernment so as not to go wrong but to be an expression of that ecclesial charism we have received.
4. Becoming experts in communion
Fr Gino Pastore. Mozambique
With things the way they are and considering the value fraternal life has for us, it would be opportune to question ourselves about the quality of our life in common. In this regard, our Founder was very clear in his description of the characteristics of the Institute: “This Institute, then, becomes like a small Cenacle of Apostles for Africa, a centre of light sending to the centre of Africa as many rays as are the zealous and virtuous missionaries who go out from it. These rays of light, bringing warmth as well as illumination, cannot but reveal the nature of the Centre from which they emanate” (Writings 2648).
It is interesting to note the image of the “Cenacle of apostles” used by St. Daniel. The cenacle is a room on the upper floor where the Master entrusted to his disciples what he bore in his Heart on the vigil of his greatest gesture of self-giving. Being together is that reality which transcends us and brings us closer to God when we live in communion with our brothers. It is also an intimate place where we may open our hearts to our companions to show ourselves as we are. It is there where we share that which we are, discovering our gifts and limits and those of the people who live with us. Theologically, the Trinity is our model: three distinct persons but only one God. Living together helps us to share our gifts and to welcome the richness of those who live next to us. We are different but we cultivate and promote unity by means of respect and tolerance. In an international Institute like ours, the challenge is greater but not impossible.
In the image used, there is also mention of apostolicity. From the “cenacle of apostles” there will come forth like “rays” solicitous and virtuous missionaries to bring light to situations of obscurity: the Pope speaks of a clash, of difficult coexistence among different cultures, the overpowering of the weakest and inequality, and we could continue with a list of situations we know and are faced with in the different parts of the world where we work. To all of these we are asked to bring a word of hope and encouragement, illuminating the darkness and sharing an experience of fraternity, fruit of the communion we have experienced. We will not base the strength and effectiveness of our missionary vocation on the material resources we may bring to the mission but on our willingness to share our authentic experience of God and the amount of humanity we can transmit. The quality of our mission will depend on the time we are prepared to dedicate to people emarginated from society. Our place, as missionaries – and the majority of local Churches recognise this – is there where there are tensions and differences, where there are situations incompatible with the human condition. It is there we must bring the presence of the Spirit, seeking to give witness of unity (Jn 17, 21), as the Pope reminds us.
All of this is expressed in a proper style that must be one of listening, of dialogue and collaboration with the persons with whom we come in contact. We may well be dynamic and capable people but, if we are not able to work as a team, it will be hard for us to witness to the Trinitarian love on which community life is based. Differences must not prevent us from giving witness of unity before the Church and the world.
5. Passionate for the Kingdom
A final consideration: to follow Jesus, to want a heart like his, to continue to be in love with the mission and to be builders – and not just users – of communities, will be possible in so far as we keep alive the passion for the Kingdom. If we look closely, many of us show a fair degree of irresponsibility in the way we administer the time and goods we have at our disposal. If we lose touch with people, it will be difficult to imagine what is lacking to the majority of our people. In his letter, quoting Pope John Paul II, Pope Francis affirms: “The same generosity and self-denial that moved the Founders must move you, their spiritual children, to keep alive the charisms which, with the same power of the Spirit who brought them about, continue to grow and to adapt themselves, without losing their genuine character, to place themselves at the service of the Church and bring to completion the establishment of his Kingdom”.
Why do some of our candidates later lose their initial enthusiasm when they enter the Institute? Why, for many of us, is it easy to cease to be Combonians when there appear difficulties and disagreements? Why is it increasingly more difficult to obey and to respond to the challenges that come our way? Why has our passion for the Gospel and for all that concerns the mission diminished? Why do so many live like pensioners before their time? Is it not, perhaps, because we have neglected some fundamental reference points linked to our identity, leading us to go off the road or lose our way?
The passion for an ideal – in our case the mission – is related to enthusiasm. Passion is not gained once and for all. It is like a plant that we must care for and nourish every day. Because of this it is necessary to make use of such initiatives as that which the Pope proposes to us for the Year of Consecrated Life, to review how we live our consecration and examine our ties with the Gospel, the Institute and the mission. Fr. Rogelio Bustos Juárez, mccj
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