Comboni Lay Missionaries

National reflection meeting of Comboni Lay Missionaries in Mexico

LMC Mexico

On Saturday August 1, 2020, solemnity of Saint Alfonso María de Ligorio, the Laity from different parts of the country of Mexico, we held a national meeting, to share our experience in the pandemic. Lay people from: Michoacán, Guanajuato, Guadalajara, Morelos and Mexico City participated, accompanied by our national advisor: Gustavo Covarrubias MCCJ. We started with prayers to promote the missionary spirit, starting with the prophet Naum 1, 7. Then, we share the way in which we are living our vocation as Comboni Lay Missionaries.

We were enlightened by reality, meditating on the different social, political and family scenarios that we face and the way in which we can live them just as Saint Daniel Comboni would have done. Taking three strategies: Prayer, solidarity and cooperation and being signs of Hope in the world. Subsequently, we meditate on the Word of God to translate into concrete commitments in our missionary work: Prayer, meeting the other, working little by little in different missionary days, always giving priority to health, taking as reference the valuable and worthy which is human life.

Lastly, we share the panorama of mission at the international level and close with a moment of prayer to invoke the maternal protection of Our Mother Mary of Guadalupe, committing ourselves to remain consolidated as a single Comboni missionary family.

“Without the laity the mission work is sterile” (EC 1219).

Juan José Mendoza Buenrostro

Cultivate a dream


We finish this series of videos with which we have accompanied the 35 years of the martyrdom of Father Ezequiel Ramin. On this occasion, the Comboni Lay Missionaries of Brazil encourage us to cultivate and follow a dream in life as Fr Ezequiel encouraged.

Let us remain faithful to our vocation and be brave. May the example of Fr Ezequiel and other martyrs in Latin America give us strength and courage to change the injustices of the world by walking together with the peoples who suffer it.

Let us receive the candle in our hands and let it give us light in our path.

Comboni Family in Mission

Pilgrimage with the testimony of Sister Dina and a letter from Fr. Ezequiel


As we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Servant of God, Father Ezequiel Ramin, Sister Dina Siquiera, a Comboni missionary sistere, shares her testimony of life and vocation and Miriam reads one of Father Ezequiel Ramin’s letters: “The situation is heating up. The Catholic Church organized Labor Day on July 25. Among the courtships, bands and processions, they were expected to have promoted something. In Cacoal, before our eyes, the police arrested the president of the rural union, a farmer with 2nd class. We were forced to protest at the risk of arrest. In Aripuanã, a nearby place, the police fired during the procession. The bishop was leading the demonstration. Three wounded, including one very serious. The parish car was left as a strainer. Land reform is required. The reaction of those who have 10,000 hectares of land is evident! But the Lord always protects us and this is enough. “

Comboni family in mission

Pilgrimage with testimony of Father Jorge Padovan and letter from Father Ezequiel


35 years have passed since the martyrdom of the Servant of God, Father Ezequiel Ramin. Father Jorge Padovan, Comboni missionary, companion of Ezequiel Ramin, shares his testimony of life and vocation and Jeferson reads one of Father Ezequiel Ramin’s letters.

Comboni family in mission