After 3 days in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic, to address the problems of documentation for obtaining a letter of residence in the country and also to accompany Élia and Teresa, my colleagues in the Mission, who had to buy food supplies, medicines, fuel, etc., we depart on the 24/05 at 6:00 am, to Mongoumba place of my destiny. On the road we came across the MISCA soldiers who were there to control the inputs and outputs, and still other groups of “popular militias” hitchhiking to collect “tolls”, money for their livelihood. We made several stops to visit some communities of sisters who are on their way, and especially to greet the Bishop of this Diocese M’Baiki, primarily responsible for this portion of the flock of Christ, the Church. I had a warm welcome and he gave me some advice, especially to be available to “serve” the people. We arrived to Mongoumba about 17:30, where the Comboni Fathers were waiting for us, responsible for this mission, which embraced with love and joy, and that night offered me a “welcome dinner “.
My first day in the mission
I left my parish, where I receive the “missionary mandate” in the Good Shepherd Day (May 11, 2014), and it was the motto: “That all may have life in abundance.” That He (Good Shepherd) sends his collaborators around the world. And so I went from Portugal to Central African Republic with this eco vibrating in my soul. Give life, give joy, give love. “But the Lord, never outdone in generosity, wanted to give me a good gift in my first day in the Mission: “To live with these people the full joy, the true “life in abundance”. With Élia and father Jesus we went to a Christian community in which was held, during the Eucharist, the baptism of 11 young, 6 boys and 5 girls, the result of “life” that others surrender to generate these Sons of God and the Church. I felt at home, in the country of my dreams and my soul vibrating with joy, to live the Party, the real “Party of Life”. Who said or thought I came to deal with the bullets, or death? Here, life is breathed through every pore of the body and soul!

The Mass began with a procession to the beat of a song with hundreds of vibrant vocals, drums and dance. It was the party started. At the appropriate time were called the catechumens, with decisive and powerful voice answered the priest: “I want the baptism of the Church”. They were then baptized, one after another, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Then all leave the church and leave aside their old clothes and now dressed all in white, come back in procession to the altar of the church, singing and dancing, feeling the true joy of the children of God and the Church. Of the hands of their parents, received the lighted candle from the Paschal Candle to continue singing and dancing around the altar, holding, not the sword of death but the candlelight of life that was given to them from the Altar of Christ they surround with enthusiasm. It really touched me and I let a few tears roll. I looked at my watch and it was 10.15 hours, then remembered that it was celebrating Mass, also in my parish, Torredeita, with the difference that here had started at 9:00 am! I felt in tune with who I left, but deeply rooted in the people that the Lord provides me with such tenderness and benevolence.
At the time of consecration, were not the parents, but that the newly baptized that lit their own candles at Easter candle and make a crown around the altar, symbol of the guests for the wedding of the Lamb (Jesus Christ), who blew himself up to give them life. The Mass ended around noon; 3 hours party where everyone showed their smiling faces, a sign that they still wanted to continue.

Father Jesus took the opportunity to introduce me to the population as a well reinforces the community of missionaries, the servants of the People.

Élia was the photographer of the day, and at the end everyone were approaching her asking for a picture. Back home still Élia has to be “bad” and leave part of the passage of all those who want to return in the car, but they were so many that it was impossible. We got home three hours later. Élia asked: “Are you tired?” And I answered: “no, I’m very happy”. Maria Teresa was out with another priest and came later. However, it also came with an air of satisfaction.
And so began my first day of mission in the Central African Republic. A missionary hug to you all.
By Palmira Pinheiro