Comboni Lay Missionaries

Celebrating a great feast

This year our Comboni Lay Missionaries group in Peru celebrate its eighteenth year anniversary, as it was in November 1996 when it started with a general invitation.

Really, it’s an event that fills us with pride and redoubles our commitment since we reach the age of maturity; this commits us to live this way of life with greater responsibility.

These years that have elapsed were full of difficulties, but also successes, sorrows and joys, and above all… love for the mission.

We remember fondly all the CLM-Peru who started this madness because many of them are no longer with us due to circumstances, also the MCCJ advisors who passed through our community we want to thanks them for their patience, perseverance and availability.

To our friends and colleagues thank you for your prayers and trust placed. We will follow the footsteps of St. Daniel Comboni by the hand of Jesus.

Thank you.

Fisher A. CLM

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