Comboni Lay Missionaries

A dream come true!

Sofia3Mission in Africa, a dream. Something that I have wanted to live and finally got. I was 17 when I started to dream about Africa when I started to want to learn more about the “world” of the mission. In August, I went as part of Faith and Mission group with another four young and two missionaries of the Comboni Family, we went to Mozambique, to the mission of Carapira. I always thought that the mission was to bring Jesus to others, but when I got to Carapira He was there with open arms to welcome me and tell me that He had chosen me and that was His people.

It was an indescribable experience, but I will try to share: I found a warm, generous, cheerful, full of smiles people. A people without hurry, where time is a detail.

People always have time to talk; they stop to greet each other. You do not feel the stress, if my neighbor is sick, I am not indifferent.

I found a great team of missionaries who does an excellent job, every day gives his body and soul to the people of Carapira.

SofiaBrothers, sisters, priests and Comboni lay missionaries, give their best as educators, trainers. They accompanied dozens of young, regardless of their beliefs. Accompanying communities, trying to be the presence of Christ among the people. I knew about the work of lay missionaries, who work to support the various activities in the Industrial School, where they have a very active role. They lay people involved as someone who educates, cares, as someone who loves, as the young people attending the Industrial School left their homes to study. The laity are a friend and even maternal presence. Lay also help in pastoral, help children and young people to discover Jesus.

With all the missionary community that I met and beside whom I worked and learned a lot, I met that a missionary gives a true love, is capable of love, is capable of unconditional love. I keep me every time I lived, I appreciate the confidence they have placed in my colleagues and me.

The biggest challenge we faced throughout this month was certainly living in community.

The whole experience was extraordinary, impossible to remain indifferent, I really liked all the work we did with young people of the Industrial School. On the Laudato Si, I loved being with the girls in the boarding school, I liked working with the youth of the community, “Save the Youth by the Youth”.. Sofia

It really touch me a conversation I had in the early days, when I arrived at boarding school to work to support the girls in the study and clarification of Portuguese and math. Nelson, a girl aged 13-14, who attends seventh grade, she didn´t get much closer, always watching me, but always a little distant, when I went to try to stop her reserves, she said “I don´t wanna be your friend, because you will be gone in a few days and I will never see you again”. This cut my heart, let me stop, I wanted to say something, but could not find words, I wanted to tell the girl that it would not be like that, but I would be lying because it was true, I had a scheduled trip. I accepted her choice and I decided not to insist. And during the 15 days worked in the boarding school, we talked little, we study together, we discover new and difficult words, we do our homework.

But I know that I interacted with Nelson, I’m sure, she smiled and even joked when I spoke something wrong in Macua, or when I said I was afraid of getting sick from malaria. And the day came when I had to say goodbye to her and all the other girls. And Nelson asked: “Teacher will you forget me now?”

She is an expert in letting me “locked”, is beautiful, has big, beautiful, bright eyes, and they were full of water and I thought how could I forget this, Lord? I will not do it. I hugged her and told her that “I will not forget you”.

What also impressed me a lot was the Eucharist, celebrated with much joy, sing, clap, they are strong, very beautiful. Mozambican women, I cannot stop talking about it, she is struggling, hardworking, always in charge of the most complicated tasks. It plays a fundamental role.

This is what I experienced; it was a good experience that I really want to repeat.

It was very important to me, every day had significant facts that I cannot forget.

And do not forget that dreams come true. We just have to make 5%, God does the rest.

Sofia Coelho

[Mozambique] Arrival of the youth group “Faith and mission”

Chegada01Today arrived at the mission of Carapira a group of 5 young portuguese to stay 1 month of missionary experience in this reality. They are part of the vocational group called “Faith and Mission”, and since October of last year they have come through a process of reflexion and discernment of their missionary vocation. This vocational path culminates with this moment of sharing in a factual mission.
They arrived animated. Three boys, Germano, Leonardo and Pedro, and two girls, Sofia and Mariana, followed by father Jorge, combonian, and the secular Paula Clara, that are members from the training team of them.

 Chegada02  Chegada03

Thereby, at this night we had a brief moment of welcome and sharing as missionary team.
Let us pray that this will be a “time of grace” in each of their lives.
We are together!
CLM Mozambique

Mozambique: NO to the ‘land-grabbers’

MozambiqueThirty Comboni missionaries who work in the Comboni provinces of Europe have participated in the “Symposium of Limone 2015”, an event organized by the European Group for Theological Reflection (GERT), from 7 to 11 of April at Limone sul Garda (Italy), the birthplace of Comboni. This year’s theme was: “To be good news today in Europe: to consolidate, deepen and envision.” At the end of the Symposium, the participants signed a statement condemning the project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security of the Government of Mozambique, who is about to grant 102,000 square km of fertile land (one third of Italy) to the Consortium ProSAVANA, made up of Mozambican, Japanese and Brazilian entrepreneurs. Below we report the press release of the missionaries.

Mozambique: NO to the ‘land-grabbers’


In these days in Mozambique is taking place another serious chapter of the land grabbers: the so-called land-grabbing.

In fact, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security of the Government of Maputo has published a document of 204 pages in which it is implied the sale of 102,000 square km of land (one third of Italy) to the Consortium ProSAVANA made up of Mozambican, Japanese and Brazilian entrepreneurs. These fertile lands are found in the northern parts of Nampula, Niassa and Zambézia. In these regions are concentrated 4.2 million people. It is amazing that Mozambique, which has about 30 million hectares of arable land, intends to yield 10.2 million hectares to a private consortium.

The Government of Maputo said that this project will help small farmers and the feeding of the population, while we very well know that this project will use very little of the local labor because high technological mechanical means will be used and the end product will solely be for export.

Where will all this population end up when removed from their land? And what will be the environmental impact of such mega-project? What will be the repercussion on the underground water resources? And, finally, what political effects will have on the fragile balance on which today the peace in Mozambique is holding on?

In support of the local farmers’ associations and of our confreres and Sisters who work with them, we Comboni missionaries and Comboni Sisters, Comboni Secular missionaries and Lay Comboni of Italy and Europe, gathered here in Limone sul Garda, the birthplace of St. Daniel Comboni, raise a warning cry against this latest act of ‘land grabbing’ that will be severely paid by over 4 million people living in those regions.


Limone sul Garda, April 10, 2015

Father Alberto Pelucchi, Vicario Generale dei Missionari Comboniani
Father Alex Zanotelli, Direttore di Mosaico di Pace, Napoli
Father Antonio Guarino, Castel Volturno, Napoli
Father Antonio Porcellato, SMA, Vicario Generale, Roma
Father Arlindo Pinto, Coordinatore di Giustizia e Pace, Roma
Father Benito De Marchi, Inghilterra
Father Dario Balula Chaves, Portogallo
Father Domenico Guarino, Palermo
Father Efrem Tresoldi, Direttore di Nigrizia, Verona
Father Fernando Zolli, Firenze
Father Gianluca Contini, Roma
Father Gino Pastore, Troia
Father Giorgio Padovan, Brasile
Father Giovanni Munari, Superiore Provinciale dei Comboniani in Italia
Father Guillermo Aguinaga, Polonia
Father Juan Antonio Fraile, Spagna
Father Karl Peinhopf, Superiore Provinciale dei Comboniani di lingua tedesca
Father Martin Devenish, Superiore Provinciale dei Comboniani del Regno Unito
Father Ottavio Raimondo, Bari
Father Palmiro Mileto, Bari
Father Pierpaolo Monella, Limone sul Garda
Sister Dorina Tadiello, Superiora Provinciale delle Comboniane in Italia
Sister Fernanda Cristinelli, Comboniana, Roma
Sister Kathia Di Serio, Comboniana, Verona
Carmelo Dotolo, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Roma
Clara Carvalho, Secolare Comboniana, Portogallo
CLM community, La Zattera, Palermo
Felicetta Parisi, Napoli
Brother Friedbert Tremmel, Germania
Maria Lucia Ziliotto, Secolare Comboniana, Treviso




[Mozambique] Missionary Animation in the Parish of the Holy Cross


The fourth weekend of each month, the CLM in Mozambique, have the habit of meeting for basic training and lifelong learning. These meetings are mainly for training but on certain occasions a parish is chosen for Missionary Animation. As it was done this March 28, in the Parish of the Holy Cross, in the city of Nampula, starting on Saturday afternoon, we presented ourselves at a group of this parish, consisting of singles and young couples.

???????????????????????????????We share the word of God and we talked about the movement of the CLM at the level of Mozambique and in the world. Deepening phrases of St. Daniel Comboni who says: “Save Africa with Africa”, “I die, but my work will not die”, “thousand lives for a mission,” “The works of God are born and grow at the foot of the Cross “; all this was cause for our reflection.

???????????????????????????????Once finished on Saturday, on Sunday 29, we were in the community of San Juan de Brito, which belongs to the same parish where our animation culminated with much joy and coinciding with Palm Sunday. Where is celebrated the day of youth. At the end of the celebration, we met to continue talking about our movement, particularly the activities in the parish of Carapira and the Industrial School.


Therefore, after the presentation of the phrases of St. Daniel Comboni, we mentioned above, people with the need to reflect, requested the translation in their local language (Macua). Among other translations, focused heavily on “Saving Africa with Africa” in macua “Wopola w’África nor Africa”. They gave various examples. Believers of this community were moved from this animation, having the need to be more informed. So, we left an opening dialogue through our contact.


Another important aspect that we talked about was the family that is rich because today has Priests, Brothers, Sisters Laity and secular.


By last, we appreciate the availability and receipt of the parish, and this community. At the end they still offered us some products of “machamba” (orchard).

By Rui Evaristo Assane, CLM candidate

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[Mozambique] Vocational meeting

With the 2015 school year kicked off our vocation meetings. We do it the second Sunday of each month in the catechetical center. We have already done two. It is good to mention that we have formed a team to organize these meetings. Form by Brother Luis (Italian), Sister Maria Pia (Italian), who gave us the news that she will be sent to the provincial community so she will continue to support with their prayers, CLM Beatriz (Mexican), Amanda (American volunteer) and the young Sabonete (Mozambican), who is making the year of discernment to start the stage of basic training in the CLM group of Mozambique.

Basically, they are three years in which vocational guidance is given to young people who have this concern to discover their way forward. We introduce specific vocations for them to choose the one to which they feel called by God. The Bible is our main tool, to know how different people were called and how they responded to the call received is to discover that God calls us all in different ways. We have the opportunity to present testimonies, we can talk about our personal experiences from when we were their age and thus, with games, dynamics, group work, plenary, we share the joy of proclaiming the Gospel in the vocation they choose and help to build the Kingdom of God.