Comboni Lay Missionaries

[Mozambique] Training of monitors for Literacy and Adult Education

On days 24 to 26 April at the pastoral center of Mutoro take place literacy training. This formation included 33 monitors of the various areas of the parish of Carapira, having as principal speaker Professor Dr. Adelino Zacarias Ivala. It took place in a favorable environment, having good collaboration between the trainer and the trainees. It has also attended the three Comboni Lay Missionaries of Carapira and sister Paula, Comboni missionary sister. Of the 33 participants were three Mozambicans CLM trainees.

We thank you for participating in this training that will help us in enriching our missionary training.

May God continue to bless us in our walking!

Ancha, Margarida and Zeferino, CLM’s in training.



[Mozambique] Youth meeting in the parish of Mossuril

The meeting took place in the town of Namitatar, community of Saint John the Baptist, where 130 adolescents and youth participants assist from various areas of the Parish of Mossuril, motivated by the celebration of the “World Youth Day”, with the following schedule: Saturday; welcoming, games, dynamics for integration, Stations of the Cross prayer and a film. Sunday; reflection on topics of JPIC for youth such as “recenseamento” and the law of the land; and a topic about the stage of adolescence with the adolescents. After, animation, culminating with the celebration of Palm Sunday, where young people proclaimed singing and dancing that Jesus is the King of the Universe.

On Saturday the group of CLM of Mozambique organizes the procession of the Cross, as a sign every young wear a cross to their personal reflection within the family and community. On Sunday, we share together the celebration of Palm Sunday, we had a moment to do missionary animation where we invite people who feel called to live this lifestyle to approach our responsible, Father Paulo, pastor of that Parish. I liked so much to have participated in this event and I hope to continue to do it more times in order to prepare myself in my journey to the mission and God bless the youth of Mossuril.

Ancha Luis, candidate of the CLM in Mozambique


[Mozambique] Mission Animation with youth of the parish of Carapira

03-Animacao ChegadaOn 16th March this year there was a meeting of young people from the district of Mutoro, one of 3 areas of the parish, involving 96 young including coordinators and animators of Missionary Childhood and young people from 40 communities of 10 areas in this region. At this meeting the CLM and training candidates participated in a moment of missionary animation with youth. The meeting began at 13 hours with the presentation of the participants, where the laity in formation spoke about their history in the group.

Therefore, Mozambique has 3 foreign CLM and 4 Mozambicans lay missionaries in training. Comboni Lay Missionaries shared the story of St. Daniel Comboni, who was a son of a poor Italian family and also shared that the Comboni family are composed of priests, brothers, sisters, lay and secular.

During the conversation a young man asked what means to be secular. Secular means to be a consecrated lay missionary who lives her vocation within her family without the marital union.

We also spoke of some requirements to become Comboni Lay Missionary.

The missionary animation meeting ended with the song << Rejoice in the Lord always. >>

Flavio, LMC and Zeferino, candidate in formation of the Comboni Lay Missionaries

Final Vows of Sr. Lilia (Comboni Missionary Sister in Carapira)

The mission team from Carapira held a big party on March 15, celebrating the birth of St. Daniel Comboni and the lives that continue consecrating. On this day was the sister Lilia Karina Navarrete Solis, who made her perpetual profession, with the slogan “I consecrated you and appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:5). Known as Sister Lily, is a Mexican citizen and works as director of the Health Centre in Carapira. Everything took place in a family atmosphere with the presence of officials of the Health Center, parochial and religious leaders of the Diocese of Nacala and Nampula, among other guests. After the celebration presided by the Bishop of the Diocese of Nacala, Don Germano, we shared lunch. The CLM join together the team that helped acclimate the place, serving food, washing dishes, tidying everything back in place and supporting in every way possible. Sister Teresina, apart from the head of the organization, was also the godmother of the profession.

This is always an appropriate time for missionary animation. Thus, the lay group prepared a panel entitled “Daniel Comboni inspired”, which featured images and short texts about the four branches of the Comboni Family: Comboni Missionaries, Comboni Missionary Sisters, Secular Comboni Missionaries and Comboni Lay Missionaries.

Let us pray for sister Lilia and all vocations!

We are together!

CLM Carapira

International Women’s Day in the ISC

On March 8 it was the International Women’s Day. A time to celebrate, yes, but mostly for reflection and questioning about the situation of women in society.

In this sense, here on the Industrial School of Carapira (ISC), the juniors (10th grade), as an activity of the subjects of Civics and Moral Education and Computing, organized billboards and theaters on the subject of domestic violence, from the reading of the law made ​​to combat domestic violence in Mozambique. During the morning, in the school hall, posters were presented to other students and teachers. Not all were present, although there was significant student participation. In addition to the 3rd year classes, also collaborated in the presentation the cultural school group called WINA WIPA WOPA that translated from the local language (macua) means SING-DANCE-PLAY. They performed two songs that deal with the issue of violence, one in the opening and again in the conclusion, and even a preview of a small play that are organizing on the issue of human trafficking, which also includes the status of sexual exploitation of women.

At the end of the activities, gave a small gift to the women of the school: the students, secretaries, volunteers for the Peace Corps and the CLM through a card with a message.

It was a rich time of information and reflection, and it was good to see the commitment and animation of the students, especially in the theater. We hope to keep the message and commitment to combat these situations.

For all women, our respect and gratitude! And through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of Africa, God bless you in your mission!

We are together!

CLM Carapira, Mozambique