Comboni Lay Missionaries

Remembering the past…

Emma Brasil LMC

Five months have passed since my arrival in Brazil, I arrived on December 1, 2013 in Nova Contagem, on the outskirts of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.

The first months were not easy, as all beginnings, because of the new culture, language, customs, way of doing things very different from mine, in a place that I did not know. You have to go to mission open to re-learn and be patient with yourself and others, give yourself time to enter, find, meet, hear, interact, listen and understand. You have to know how to create a culture of encounter with the other and their difference, their time, their thoughts that allow us to identify the coordinates where you and me can start a shared way. We should not just relate superficially but, we have to “touch-meet” and be “touch and meet”, being willing to change. It is not easy when we are adults, when we have our own formation, our own way of thinking, it is sometimes painful, difficult, but it is important and enriching. Re-learn to know how to accept, re-learn to wait, to know how to re-learn to grow and, above all, know how to love. On mission, you have to be with your head, feet and heart, otherwise you live a partial and limited experience. In these five months, I have learned to do this and I still do, every day, with the difficulties and the problems that this entails.

I realized that I am finding God in a different way; I am living in a different way. The depth of gestures, events, situations, places, creates a dialogue with Him, more intense and deep. Share the Word of God in a small brick house, simple and poor, has a completely different feel and a perspective completely different.

Here in Nova Contagem I got involved in prison ministry, visiting the prison. Prison is an environment, hard, difficult, with many challenges. The first are those bureaucratic and time it takes to get to the identification and review. Most of the time I relate to prisoners standing behind an iron gate in a small space where you have to reach out for a handshake, negotiating with the bars. Are important moments of encounter, listening times, to greet, to promote human rights (prison ministry also aims to denounce the inhuman and unjust situations) and share the Word of God. It is an “intense” moment to pray the Our Father, hand in hand, with all the difficulties of the bars and then conclude with a round of applause to thank everybody.

In addition to the prison ministry, I am starting to learn the APAC (Association for the Protection and Assistance to the Convicted) system. It is an alternative to the prison system, where there is respect for the person and dignity. No police in these structures, no humiliating reviews, volunteers and the prisoners themselves run everything. An innovative system that does not punish, but educate and are educated together. Living the two experiences: APAC and prison allow me to see the differences, see how in APAC people is recover and in the penal system do not, because on one hand there is the respect for the individual and the importance of the person in prison, on the other hand the imprisoned is considered a waste of society, worthless.

They are two completely different worlds.

In the community of Ipê Amarelo, where I live, I help in the pastoral care of children. Up to now, I am dealing with families visiting and invite then to weigh each month as a form of control to combat and prevent situations of malnutrition, undernutrition and obesity. Going into some of the houses, which opens to me a reality made of so much poverty and deprivation.

Finally, another important moment in my missionary experience is the family group of addicts (drugs and alcohol). People involved are simple people, often women, mothers or wives who share stories of hardship and pain (who lost a son because he killed, who have a child who is using drugs, a husband with alcohol problems). The instrument of this group is simply to share and listen, tell us how to make a change. And direct individuals seeking recovery by offering help and support. There are a lot of strength and a lot of faith in these people, it is a group that “transform me” every time I participate. Every Tuesday I am pleased to participate and return home converted.

Meaningful to me is life in community, planning a common path with others, accepting differences, reflection and the experience of Comboni spirituality, love for God and Life. It is a journey of growth and discovery of others and myself.

Very important are the times of prayer together, where through the Word of God, we share our own experience and missionary group, a moment of personal and community relief.

Here, up to now, my missionary walk part from these meetings, these moments, these roads. I have still much to discover, but I am on the way and, with courage and faith to follow this path, reminding me that mission is not a matter of doing great things, but little things that are valuable.

02.10.2016 Today…

It seems like yesterday I arrived in Brazil, but it was two years ago and I am in the third.

I feel a little tenderness to read these words of the first moments. I remember, still, the first insecure and timid steps. Today, looking back, I see the way I did and am still doing, a beautiful path, sometimes difficult, sometimes falls, but always walk and climb. The mission will change you if you allow it for changing. It is not true that we have no expectations when we went out of our country, we had it and they fall when we start to shed our mentality and try to get into the mindset of the other, dropping our barriers.

Community life teaches much about this. Coexistence is an ongoing mediation and auto-meditation, discover and auto-discovering, sometimes fighting, sometimes through difficult times, but always trying to find each other. Each of us has its personality, its temperament and its wounds we carry and the fights are not so much with others but with your own wounds.

We need witnesses, be word embodied in action right where we live and this place is, in first place the Community.

“Community, place of forgiveness and celebration,” a place for sharing and communion.

Today my feet are strong and safe, but always in a walk of discovery and learning … barefoot.

Emma Chiolini, Comboni Lay Missionary

Formation Meeting of the CLM in Portugal

ComboniOn days 22, 23 and 24 January 2016 another formation of Lay Comboni Missionaries was performed, the first in 2016, in the house of MCCJ in Viseu. Training by the CLM Pedro Moreira, that focused on the role of the laity in evangelization, using the documents of the Church.

On Saturday morning, we started the day with the celebration of the Eucharist with the community of Viseu. In the morning, after breakfast, we start with the Lumen Gentium, Cristifidelis Laici and Redemptoris Missio encyclical. The aim was to deepen the true role of the laity in the Church. The laity incorporated into the Church through baptism should always be witnesses of Christ in the family, at work, with friends, in short, in all situations of life. Still in the morning, we were invited to meditate individually some of the texts proposed. The silence was very productive and allowed us to listen to God who wanted to talk to us. In fact, the life of a Christian, of a missionary, has to pass through the arid desert to Jesus returns us productive. As we emphasized at the meeting, faith is a personal encounter, is an experience of personal encounter.

In the afternoon, we move into our training as lay with a missionary charism. As CLM, we were invited to reflect on various writings of Comboni, deepen the spirituality of Comboni, whose essential characteristics are: the Cross, the Good Shepherd, the Heart of Jesus and life in the cenacles (of prayer). Before dinner, we had a moment of prayer with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. In this encounter with Jesus, face to face, between meditation of a text and silence, we let Jesus look us, as Pope Francisco says.

After dinner, we heard the moving testimony of Barbara, Italian CLM preparing to go to Carapira, Mozambique. We heard a testimony of life rich in Gospel, where Barbara clearly substantiated us the option to leave a stable job, which culminated in home, car, family and social life, “it is Him that asks us to leave everything and follow Him.” A very interesting testimony.

The 24 began at 08:00 with the prayer of Lauds. In the morning, we were asked to form four groups and then go to ponder some of the texts proposed. During this time, the group had the opportunity to exchange our points of views with colleagues, a very interesting dialogue. At noon, we celebrate the Eucharist, which is always time for unity, sharing and joy. After lunch, the candidates started on their journey back home, because it was the day of the presidential elections and most of us still must fulfill our civic duty.

I believe that this meeting was very important and intense. It challenged us to grow spiritually, to become aware of what the Church calls and wants of the laity, in addition to seeking God in silence. I appreciate the wonderful meeting that the CLM, through Pedro Moreira, provide us with the certainty that we are a real family which is passionate for Christ and mission in the manner of Comboni.

By Pedro Nascimento (CLM candidate)

Polish Comboni Lay Missionaries Prayer


Jesus Christ, You are the first missionary of the world, thank You for the grace of faith and for all the people who helped me get to know You.
I ask you to teach me hear Your voice, to humbly discover my vocation and accept the tasks You put in front of me.
Help me grow in a greater awareness of myself and send me the Holy Spirit to overcome my weaknesses. Let me follow St. Daniel Comboni’s example having energy and sensitivity to serve God and His people with my whole life as Comboni Lay Missionary.
Support missionaries who work in every place you send them so “every tongue could confesses that Jesus Christ is the Lord”.


CLM Poland

“I was in prison and you came to visit me”

pastoral penitenciaria LMC Brasil
Prison ministry group with Father Adriano.

Among the various pastoral activities in the parish of Santo Domingo, led by the Comboni Missionaries in Nova Contagem, there is also the Prison Pastoral, carried forward by 15 volunteers, including Comboni Lay Missionaries, as part of the parish.

Every Tuesday and Wednesday morning, the group meets to visit the pavilions of the maximum security prison Nelson Hungría, located in Nova Contagem, with about 2,000 prisoners. The appointment is at 08:00 in the square next to the prison.

Prisons in Brazil, as elsewhere in the world, suffer high prison overcrowding due to a system with little attention to the recovery of the detainees.

Prisons of Minas Gerais, for example, can receive 32,000 prisoners, divided into 144 prisons, actually are 54,000 prisoners within the various units. This situation can only deteriorate the living conditions of prisoners, with a purpose of punishment more than re-education and re-socialization, with serious violations of human rights.

The action and commitment of the Prison Pastoral group, mostly made up of women, is to believe in the work of promoting human dignity, respect for human rights, and overcoming the limits of the current prison system in favor of a model that allows effective recovery and reintegration of the prisoner.

The most important of our pastoral action is the testimony of a God who does not discriminate any person in a place marked by contempt, prejudice and violence, making our own the words of the Gospel: “I was in prison and you came to visit me”. It is the teaching of Jesus, the method, the model, who heads the walk of this pastoral, recognizing the face of God in every person, even in prison.

There are many challenges and difficulties faced in our pastoral activities, such as excessive bureaucracy that often delays and complicates our work, controls, restrictions on visits, limited permissions; but this small group of volunteers face difficulties with courage. This also allowed in 2014, to create two groups of catechesis in prison and enabled some prisoners who had requested to receive the sacraments.

To this are fundamental the moments of ongoing formation we do each month, with a space dedicated for programming and training, allowing pastoral prison agent to know and learn the actions and information that will help improve visits to the prison and the relationship with prisoners. We also attend the training conducted by the diocese.

That’s the job of the prison ministry. A simple action, holding hands, meeting face to face, listening to the life stories of those who are on the other side of the bars in order to witness the justice and dignity of every human being, because as the Gospel says ” By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (Jn 13, 35).

Emma Chiolini, Comboni Lay Missionary


Meeting General Councils of the Comboni Family

ConsejosFCLast weekend we met in Carraia (home of the secular missionaries) the General Councils of the Comboni Family.
Like every year, this event helps us to be close and attentive to the news that each of the branches are having.
The morning, after a set time of prayer, was dedicate for sharing these progresses.
The Comboni missionary sisters told us their walk and especially the steps that have being taken to prepare the chapter this year as well as the reorganization of the institute taking into account the new realities. The Chapter is been prepare with a first experience in a concrete and challenging reality in every community which split reflection and sharing. Looking guide the institute toward truly significant presences, knowing that not all is graspable.
The Comboni missionary Secular told us their way from the last assembly and the challenges that arise. The importance of reappropriate its own history and experience of the charisma while remaining faithful in their everyday to their vocation, keeping growing and trying to maintain a spirit of collaboration with other secular institutes and the rest of the Comboni Family.
This year the new general counsel of the MCCJ told us their way of preparation and conduct of the general chapter, collecting the reflections arising in each province and each brother. The inspiration they have had in the teaching of Pope Francisco. And the central themes that have come during the Chapter on the Mission, the Person and the Restructuration of the Institute.
For our part, the CLM explain the great challenges we are trying to pursue. Especially seek to strengthen each group and the CLM family in general, work with each group and at continental level, the importance of communication, training and the economy, ending with the commitment and challenge that from the charisma is presented as Comboni Family referring to our missionary work and witness our missionary being.
Later in the afternoon, we had a period of reflection on mercy in the life and mission of St. Daniel Comboni from a text of Father Carmelo Casile. A rich sharing time, which also helped us think as a family.
The day ended with the joint celebration of the Eucharist and dinner in a cordial atmosphere. In Carraia we felt very welcomed by the secular missionaries and enjoying the good atmosphere that characterizes these meetings.
