We share this video about the Comboni sisters. To learn more about their work and be closer during this month that they celebrate its XX General Chapter.
Interview with Sandra Fagundes (Portuguese CLM)
We let you here an interview for “netra radio católica (Catholic radio)” to our colleague Sandra Fagundes at the “Missão Jovem 2016 (Youth Mission 2016)” meeting.
XX General Chapter of the Comboni Missionaries Sisters
From 05 to 30 September will take place in Verona (Italy) the XX General Chapter of the Comboni missionaries Sisters under the theme: “DARING THE MYSTERY OF ENCOUNTER IN ORDER TO LIVE COMBONIAN MISSION TODAY”.
“…Our missionary life consists of encounters: encounter with God, with people, with ourselves, with reality and with all that is created. But it consists also of clashes and, sometimes, also of indifference. In the context of a globalized and pluralistic world, we are challenged to cultivate and nurture the mystery of encounter, so that the other becomes a companion on the journey, a sister, a brother, and not a threat to be eliminated or from whom to flee. “Today, when the networks and means of human communication have made unprecedented advances, we sense the challenge of finding and sharing a “mystique” of living together, of mingling and encounter, of embracing and supporting one another, of stepping into this flood tide which, while chaotic, can become a genuine experience of fraternity, a caravan of solidarity, a sacred pilgrimage”. (EG 87). Considering the challenges for our missionary life, yesterday and much more today, we realize that these focus on relationships, on the encounter with the great diversity in our world, through a pluralistic mission, through being mission more than doing mission”. (Taken from the letter of the General Council)
As Comboni family, we join in prayer with all the sisters and ask, through the intercession of St. Daniel Comboni, that this time become a time of grace and listening to discover the challenges that the mission poses to the world today.
Departure of Marisa for London
Yesterday left to London, from the Francisco Sá Carneiro´s airport, Marisa Santos, as the first phase of its specific preparation before heading to the mission of Awassa (Ethiopia). She will remain there until the end of October to improve English language.
Her family, friends and the CLM wanted to be present in her farewell.
We know that she arrived well and is already in the MCCJ house of Dawson Place.
We wish Marisa to have a fruitful time of learning. May the Lord and St. Daniel Comboni accompany and protect her.
We are together!
Carlos Barros, CLM Portugal