Comboni Lay Missionaries

Departure of Marisa for London

Marisa LMCYesterday left to London, from the Francisco Sá Carneiro´s airport, Marisa Santos, as the first phase of its specific preparation before heading to the mission of Awassa (Ethiopia). She will remain there until the end of October to improve English language.
Her family, friends and the CLM wanted to be present in her farewell.
We know that she arrived well and is already in the MCCJ house of Dawson Place.
We wish Marisa to have a fruitful time of learning. May the Lord and St. Daniel Comboni accompany and protect her.
Marisa LMCWe are together!
Carlos Barros, CLM Portugal

Comboni Lay Missionaries meet in Portugal


The European Assembly of the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) is taking place from August 21 to 27 in Viseu, the mother-house of the Comboni Missionaries in Portugal. There are 74 adults and 22 children from Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Poland and Portugal in the meeting. The Comboni Missionaries who work with the CLM in their respective countries are also present. Two representatives were invited from the Comboni Sisters and Comboni Seculars. It is a week with a detailed schedule of prayer, reflexion, sharing of experiences and relaxation.

The CLM organize their European assemblies every three years. They intend to mark moments of togetherness and joy and to give continuity to the reflexion of the main themes from previous meetings.

The last European meeting took place in 2013 at Krakow, Poland. That meeting singled out some issues that were considered priority to be deepened in groups and individually, at CLM level in every country of Europe. The issues were related with the CLM life. This week’s issues are: identity and vocation, formation, organization and coordination, economy and sustainability, communion and Comboni family.

The goal of all this work is to share the journey of every single group on each of the single issues. This sharing among people from different countries will assist the CLM members to feel better integrated in their missionary vocation.

The specific goals that are targeted at the end of the assembly are:

  • To celebrate the CLM vocation, starting from the characteristics that are common to all groups;
  • To share vocation experiences made by members from different countries in order to know the lifestyle of one another;
  • To reflect upon the journey already made in Europe and at intercontinental level, where they are aiming at and what is lacking to reach the goal;
  • To draw some inspiring lines to help the CLM to walk better united and to be engaged at all levels;
  • To strengthen the ties as the CLM European Movement and their sense of belonging to the Comboni Family.

“The meeting would not be possible – said Paula Ascensão – without the effort, availability and dedication of the Viseu community. The Comboni Missionaries opened their doors to us and they showed availability to host the CLM formation and meetings in their houses. When we asked to organize the European CLM assembly in Viseu, they gave a positive answer and they are helping us organizing it. It is thanks to them that the Portuguese CLM are able to welcome almost 100 European CLM here in our country. We are very thankful. And we ask prayers from all who are following us from afar, so that this European assembly may to be successful and produce much fruit.”


Poland – Hawassa World Youth Day

Magda LMC

In Krakow, Poland, over a million people celebrated World Youth Day from July 25 to 31. My own little dream had been to attend the event (in Krakow). However, following my greater dream – that of going on mission to Africa, I had to drop it. However, I still wanted to join with Poland and the whole world in celebrating World Youth Day in whatever way I could. Because of that I got the idea of trying to organize a festival for the youth in Awassa, coinciding with the visit of Pope Francis and the program in Poland. As things turned out, it wasn’t easy.

Cooperation was a big challenge: some would come late, others would not keep their promises; things were disorganized and not everybody was very committed. Before the festival, I tried to build a team, but the leaders who were supposed to have helped did not always come to our meetings.

Two people helped with most of the issues: Tesfa, a young man very involved in Church activities and Engida, a parish worker. I was rather disappointed with the first day of the festival. Some people who were supposed to prepare some items were either late or did not turn up at all. Sometimes I had to improvise. Later on, things improved quite a bit.

Despite the difficulties, we managed to keep to our original plan. During the festival, we sang the WYD hymn, said the official WYD prayer, got to know St John Paul II and St Faustina Kowalska and listened to sermons about mercy. We had adoration of the Blessed  Sacrament on Thursday. On Friday, we prepared the Stations of the Cross and a Reconciliation Service. Each day, we followed what was happening in Poland and we watched the news or even the live transmissions together.

On Saturday we went to Mother Theresa House – a centre for the sick – and we organized a short walk together. In the afternoon we had an artistic program including a theatre play, we had singing with various hymns, choreographies, poetry, a quiz about Poland and a conference. All parts of the celebration were associated with the Divine Mercy. I have to say that Saturday was wonderful.

We had some technical problems on Sunday, but we finally managed to watch part of the live transmission from Poland. We sang some hymns and evaluated the whole program. The participants seemed to be very happy. Even when some things went totally haywire, even with all the defects, the huge delays and different problems, I can say that, with the help of God, things worked out quite well. It was certainly a big lesson in humility. My lack of deep knowledge of the language created some difficulties and the lack of a well-organized team was also a huge drawback. Some people put great effort into the event, especially Tesfa who worked so hard on the program. I also got great help from people who just volunteered. In addition I have to say that local people were, as always, very kind, understanding and supportive when they saw I needed help. It was a great privilege to help organize the festival. It taught me a great deal about the place and the culture. I thank God for this wonderful experience; I thank everyone who helped make it a success. I have no regrets whatever!

Magda LMC

Magda Fiec, CLM Ethiopia