On December 9-11The CLM of Portugal held another meeting in Santarem.
In the Spirit of Christmas we celebrated together another weekend as breat as the CLM of Portugal!
Each meeting begins with a welcome, warm hugs, laughter and jokes typical of people who meet in a joyful mood and hoping to spend the day conversing with each member of this growing “family,” sharing in friendship.
On Saturday morning, after prayer and breakfast, we started with the report from Rufina García on the topic of “Refugees in the world and in Portugal.” Following the presentation of this very relevant reality, she spoke to us of her work in the Caritas of Porto Alegre, Brazil, as an example of how much needs to be done for refugees who run away from war, with nothing, hoping to survive and find peace. Following the charism of St. Daniel Comboni and remembering the challenge formulated at the European meeting of the CLM, we need to keep track of this crisis and act accordingly.

Later, we were asked to put ourselves in the shoes of a refugee from different continents and build a Christmas tree with our desires and dreams. Only by placing ourselves in other people’s situation can we begin to understand a bit of their sorrow and become attentive to the refugees’ problems.
Finally we listened to the story of two refugees from Pakistan, Nadia and Milam. They told us about some of the many difficulties they encountered and still face. Nadia arrived about a year ago, thanks to the work of Caritas, but she does not speak Portuguese, because it has not been possible for her to exercise her right to be taught the language. Milam, currently unemployed and a driver by profession, arrived in Portugal four years ago after a six months journey. His greatest desire is to get his driver’s license in Portugal and find a job.
On Saturday afternoon, we held several activities designed to make us know the difference in the economic power of the different continents. The inequalities are abysmal! Finally, we were invited to go to the meeting of “love” which includes a time for reflection and personal prayer.

In the evening we had a time of relaxation together with other members who were not even present, such as Marisa, with whom we conversed extensively through Skype. In the spirit of Christmas we exchanged small gifts and good wishes.
On Sunday, family members and friends joined us for the Eucharist. After that we had the opportunity to listen to the witness of the CLM Elia, who recently returned after five years of missionary work in the Republic of Central Africa.

She spoke of “Christmas in Mission.” The sharing of Elia, simple and real, was marvelous and enriching, especially for us candidates who have not yet had mission experience. Other lay people joined us to share more briefly their experiences of Christmas lived in the missions, in poverty, but rich of the real meaning of Christmas, without materialism, consumerism and the distractions that are inescapable in our western world.
The desire to continue this path of formation and of sharing was evident in all of us. Following the example of Mary, the mother of Jesus, let us put our trust in the Lord.
We wish you all the continuation of a happy Advent! Let us welcome Jesus who may be coming, who knows in the person of a refugee!
By Gloria Rocha