Comboni Lay Missionaries

Third Formation Meeting of the FEC – Mission, Cultures, and Religions

Curso fec PortugalThe third formation session of the Faith and Cooperation Foundation (FEC) on the topic of Mission, Cultures and Religions took place on March 11-12. This time it was held at the Capuchins’ house in Fatima. The moderator was Bro. Vítor Lameiras, a member of the Hospitaller Order of StJohn of God.

We can only confront our culture when we know another.

Saturday began with the theme of inculturation, as a way to approach. The speaker gave a brief explanation of the concept of inculturation. He stressed that it presupposes the ability of starting a dialogue with other cultures rather than imposing our own. It is strictly connected to the values of Christian faith and to its adaptation in a different cultural context.

The afternoon program followed a shared meal. We spoke of mission and culture in dialogue. Here we had the opportunity to reflect on the many pre-conceived ideas that can exist concerning other cultures and, above all, on the Gospel values that are evident across the world and in all cultures, as being the same. They are not “solely Christian” values, but rather universal. And what are these Gospel values? They are the values that allow a dialogue between cultures: first of all love (“to love to the point of loving the enemy and give one’s life”), tolerance, humility, spirituality, giving, acceptance, sacrifice, trust, faith, fidelity, the capacity of active listening, opening to those who are “different,” detachment. We are called to sow, not to reap.

Knowing that mission does not exist as a mechanism of escape and flight, this requires great integrity on our part, a heart open to what is new, total availability of our soul, it also requires honesty and humility, values deeply rooted in a greater commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.” The only certainty that accompanies us is the certainty of love, gratuitous love, as the principal value that will give life to mission.

Following, we saw a video on the mission experience of Catarina Lopes of the FEC team of East-Timor. From this video, we are left with the image of a great missionary. Let us be honest: in all the segments of formation Catalina surprises us and makes us think of something else, of her missionary experience and the fruits that came of it. From the video, we were left with some sentences that she was writing in her diary during her mission there and that she shared with us:

Here (in East-Timor) we cry over death because we celebrate life.”

“Our job is to sow, not to reap.”

“I thought that I was going to save the world (…) I discovered that the world saved me.”

Following this moving video, we began to work: we started with a hands on activity “face to face. Which means that Bro Victor challenged us to share our values as a couple by using our hands. This turned out to be an interesting exercise of knowing the other and of the other’s way of making oneself known through the hands. First of all, it requires an attitude of active listening devoid of judgment of the other. At the end, each one told the group what the partner had said both in words and with the hands. We came to the conclusion that both the hands and the way we relate to the world speak volumes about ourselves and we need to look at the other without prejudice. This is something that is certainly necessary when we try to relate to other cultures, in inculturation, when we try to enter another culture.

Bro Victor also proposed another group activity. There was a group representing a specific Portuguese population with specific needs, and another representing missionaries. The objective was that the group with specific needs would alert the group of missionaries. Then the missionary group had to identify their abilities/capabilities/gifts, how the needs could be answered, the characteristics of that population (rhythm of life, culture, traditions, customs, education, etc. and, secondly, together with the asking group, come up with a plan of action/a mission with objectives, a methodology and a time line. Several conclusions emerged from this activity, namely: difficulties in communication between the two groups and within each group, the importance of humility in order to learn how to say “I can’t do it.”

In the evening we listened to the missionary testimony of Daniela Pereira of the Hospitaller Youth, who shared her missionary experience of a year in Mozambique. The experience marked her for life, as it was reflected in her eyes and in the frailty of her voice.  Saturday ended with prayer in the Shrine of Fatima. Thus, together with Mary, we had the opportunity to reflect over all that we had heard and to offer her the next day.

On Sunday we began with group work, just as on Saturday: here again we had two groups – a group of missionaries getting ready for mission from which four candidates were picked to go; the other group picked to represent an African people of their choice. The “African” group picked the Democratic Republic of Congo, identifying the problems of child exploitation, and the health situation. While presenting the problems to the missionary “candidates,” they in turn introduced themselves with their motivations/talents/gifts. It was a very active exercise that allowed us, among other things, to realize the difficulties involved in formation, namely: difficulties in facing the real needs of the country, since we do not know many of the specifics of the other culture. There may be many candidates, but not everyone can go. This is a difficult moment in formation: to accept our own frailty, of being incomplete, on a journey, unable and that it is not all bad. When we lose the ability to ask questions, we lose the capacity to live fully the gift of life.

Those who love, make mistakes

The meeting ended in the best of ways, with the celebration of the Eucharist in the Shrine of Fatima.

Curso fec Portugal

By Carolina Fiúza y Neuza Francisco.

CLM of Portugal


The miracle of Blessing

LMC Awassa EtiopiaIn the Mother Teresa Home where I work, most patients stay for only a few weeks – months, just for treatment. However, there is also a small group of people for whom the center is home. They are mainly people with intellectual disabilities who do not have any relatives, who were found by the sisters on the street. Among them is Bereket (which means Blessing) – man with Down syndrome. He has been living here for many years, so since I came to Awassa I have been meeting him almost every day – either at the center or somewhere in the street when he comes back from school or in a church where he serves the Mass… Every time he greets me, usually with a wide smile and great joy, he likes to talk about various things, such a cool moment for me was when once he came and said he’d like to show me something… He led me into the room, opened the cabinet and proudly presented a collection of stickers with football players 🙂 Such a small thing, but for me it was very touching that he wanted to share something important to him, such a sign of friendship.

But recently, Bereket has started to get seriously ill. One day when I saw himself alone in the room and feeling a little better, I came with the Picture Bible and together we started to read and tell biblical stories, it was so beautiful! His faith in God, so simple and so strong! And it seemed to me that he was in quite good health, that he was getting back to strength … But when I returned to the center the next day, he was unconscious, with a face full of bruises, with people gathered around him in prayer. It turned out that he had epilepsy all night (for the first time in his life), fell out of bed and got some wounds and bruises. For following few days, his condition worsened, epileptic attacks were repeated, he did not want to eat or drink anything, the sisters tried their best to help him, but the drugs did not work … The priest came and gave him the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. It seemed like he was going to die soon… It was very difficult time, filled with prayer and hope. And I was so surprised when, after coming back from Addis, where I was staying over the weekend, Bereket greeted me at the gate! Except the bruises on his face, he was looking totally healthy! Miracle! And when we started talking, the first thing he showed in the image of Merciful Jesus and said – “thanks to him I’m healthy! After the priest came with Holy Communion, I felt much better.” Such strong testimony of God’s power and power of prayer. And then when we continued the conversation he asked when there will be the Way of the Cross from Awassa to Gethsemane (a retreat center located about 7 km outside the city), because he is already looking forward to go there. Hearing it from a man who was barely alive a few days earlier … Amazing … Glory to the Lord that works such miracles! And I’m so thankful for the testimony of Bereket’s faith, which is also very strengthening for my own faith.

Madzia Plekan. CLM Awassa (Ethiopia)

A Retreat that Leads us to Savor Life

El silencio es un don de Dios, un don capaz de dar mucho fruto a los que se atreven a "perder" tiempo para ganar calidad de vida, una vida plena que sólo Jesús puede darnos. Todavía estoy saboreando todo lo que escuché, medité y sentí en el retiro de Cuaresma organizado por los Laicos Misioneros Combonianos y orientado por el Padre Horácio Rossas, MCCJ. Como hemos mencionado anteriormente, este tiempo de Cuaresma y, en particular, el tiempo que estuvimos en el retiro, es un tiempo que Dios nos ha regalado para "perder" tiempo con Jesús. Pero en el fondo, quien quiso pasar tiempo con nosotros fue el mismo Jesús. Es increíble, ¿no? Jesús quiso pasar tiempo conmigo y con todo el que se atrevió a salir a su encuentro. Alguien tan importante como Jesús, alguien que es Dios, no sólo quieren saber de mí y quiere estar conmigo, ¡es él quien quiere pasar tiempo conmigo! Se nos invitó a reflexionar sobre varios pasajes bíblicos que nos propusieron. ¡Fue intenso! ¡Fue emocionante! Como ya he mencionado, ¡la vida espiritual necesita momentos de gran silencio exterior y gran trabajo interior! Y este retiro fue muy fértil en momentos de reflexión, en momentos de encuentro personal con Dios y en momentos donde sentir Su amor puro, de una manera tan grande, como aquel momento en que dejó nuestro corazón limpio, después de que el sacramento de la reconciliación. Nada es por casualidad y seguro de que no fue un accidente empezar escuchando al comienzo del retiro, las palabras del Salmo 63: "¡Oh Dios, tu eres mi Dios mío! ¡desde el amanecer ya te estoy buscando! Mi alma tiene sed de ti". Recuerdo como reflexionamos sobre nuestra insistencia en querer hacerlo todo por nosotros mismos. ¡Los discípulos echaron sus redes y no pescaron nada! Pero cuando Jesús aparece... Ah, cuando Jesús aparece, ¡todo cambia! Después de todo, ¡es Él que hace todo posible en nuestras vidas! Qué bueno es entender que todos mis miedos, mis inseguridades, todos los obstáculos pueden ser superados si confío en Dios, un Dios que es amor y que nos ama hasta la última gota de amor. Por otro lado, fuimos invitados a meditar en qué medida permitimos que Dios nos ame... El discípulo amado puedo ser yo, ¡puedes ser tú! ¡El discípulo amado es todo aquel que permite que Dios entre en su vida y se deja amar por Él! ¡El amor de Dios es un regalo gratis! ¡Él no nos ama porque seamos guapos o porque sólo hagamos el bien! ¡Él nos ama tal como somos! ¡Él nos ama con nuestras limitaciones! ¡Él nos ama con nuestros errores! Honestamente siento que Dios me ama a pesar de todas mis debilidades y todos mis errores, me da una alegría y una paz interior que sólo puede venir de Dios... ¡Nunca nos debemos resistir al amor de Dios! ¡Debemos dejarnos amar como somos! También nos invitaron a reflexionar sobre el Cristo resucitado porque quien no hace la experiencia de Cristo resucitado todavía no dio un saltó de fe. La fe en la resurrección nos da una nueva mirada a la realidad. ¡Llegamos a ver la vida de otra manera! ¡Creo, sinceramente que este retiro me ha ayudado mucho en el crecimiento de mi fe! Yo, en realidad, me encontré con Dios varias veces este fin de semana: en las diferentes explicaciones de la palabra de Dios; en las meditaciones personales; en misa; en la reconciliación; en la contemplación de la naturaleza... Terminamos el retiro con la celebración de la Eucaristía dominical. Como la mujer samaritana, todos pedimos a Jesús: "Señor, dame de esa agua". ¡Al final todo es por Él! ¡Gracias Jesús por invitarnos a pasar este hermoso retiro contigo! ¡Eres importante para mí, Eres importante para nosotros, Laicos Misioneros Combonianos! ¡Te queremos! También en la Eucaristía del domingo, la LMC Cristina Sousa, con la familia LMC, declaró su compromiso. También ella hace parte del plan que Comboni soñó, también ella es una de las mil vidas para la misión. LMC PortugalSilence is God’s gift, a gift capable of bearing much fruit for those who dare “waste” the time in order to gain quality of life, the full life that only Jesus can give us. I am still enjoying all that I have listened to, meditated upon and felt at the Lenten retreat organized by the Comboni Lay Missionaries and led by Fr. Horácio Rossas, mccj. As we already mentioned, this time of Lent and, in particular, the time we spent on retreat, is a time that God has given us to “waste” time with Jesus. However, in the end it was Jesus himself who chose to spend time with us. Incredible, no?! Jesus chose to spend time with me and with all those who dared to come to meet him. Someone as important as Jesus, someone who is God, not only wants to know about me and stay with me, but chooses to spend time with me!

El silencio es un don de Dios, un don capaz de dar mucho fruto a los que se atreven a "perder" tiempo para ganar calidad de vida, una vida plena que sólo Jesús puede darnos. Todavía estoy saboreando todo lo que escuché, medité y sentí en el retiro de Cuaresma organizado por los Laicos Misioneros Combonianos y orientado por el Padre Horácio Rossas, MCCJ. Como hemos mencionado anteriormente, este tiempo de Cuaresma y, en particular, el tiempo que estuvimos en el retiro, es un tiempo que Dios nos ha regalado para "perder" tiempo con Jesús. Pero en el fondo, quien quiso pasar tiempo con nosotros fue el mismo Jesús. Es increíble, ¿no? Jesús quiso pasar tiempo conmigo y con todo el que se atrevió a salir a su encuentro. Alguien tan importante como Jesús, alguien que es Dios, no sólo quieren saber de mí y quiere estar conmigo, ¡es él quien quiere pasar tiempo conmigo! Se nos invitó a reflexionar sobre varios pasajes bíblicos que nos propusieron. ¡Fue intenso! ¡Fue emocionante! Como ya he mencionado, ¡la vida espiritual necesita momentos de gran silencio exterior y gran trabajo interior! Y este retiro fue muy fértil en momentos de reflexión, en momentos de encuentro personal con Dios y en momentos donde sentir Su amor puro, de una manera tan grande, como aquel momento en que dejó nuestro corazón limpio, después de que el sacramento de la reconciliación. Nada es por casualidad y seguro de que no fue un accidente empezar escuchando al comienzo del retiro, las palabras del Salmo 63: "¡Oh Dios, tu eres mi Dios mío! ¡desde el amanecer ya te estoy buscando! Mi alma tiene sed de ti". Recuerdo como reflexionamos sobre nuestra insistencia en querer hacerlo todo por nosotros mismos. ¡Los discípulos echaron sus redes y no pescaron nada! Pero cuando Jesús aparece... Ah, cuando Jesús aparece, ¡todo cambia! Después de todo, ¡es Él que hace todo posible en nuestras vidas! Qué bueno es entender que todos mis miedos, mis inseguridades, todos los obstáculos pueden ser superados si confío en Dios, un Dios que es amor y que nos ama hasta la última gota de amor. Por otro lado, fuimos invitados a meditar en qué medida permitimos que Dios nos ame... El discípulo amado puedo ser yo, ¡puedes ser tú! ¡El discípulo amado es todo aquel que permite que Dios entre en su vida y se deja amar por Él! ¡El amor de Dios es un regalo gratis! ¡Él no nos ama porque seamos guapos o porque sólo hagamos el bien! ¡Él nos ama tal como somos! ¡Él nos ama con nuestras limitaciones! ¡Él nos ama con nuestros errores! Honestamente siento que Dios me ama a pesar de todas mis debilidades y todos mis errores, me da una alegría y una paz interior que sólo puede venir de Dios... ¡Nunca nos debemos resistir al amor de Dios! ¡Debemos dejarnos amar como somos! También nos invitaron a reflexionar sobre el Cristo resucitado porque quien no hace la experiencia de Cristo resucitado todavía no dio un saltó de fe. La fe en la resurrección nos da una nueva mirada a la realidad. ¡Llegamos a ver la vida de otra manera! ¡Creo, sinceramente que este retiro me ha ayudado mucho en el crecimiento de mi fe! Yo, en realidad, me encontré con Dios varias veces este fin de semana: en las diferentes explicaciones de la palabra de Dios; en las meditaciones personales; en misa; en la reconciliación; en la contemplación de la naturaleza... Terminamos el retiro con la celebración de la Eucaristía dominical. Como la mujer samaritana, todos pedimos a Jesús: "Señor, dame de esa agua". ¡Al final todo es por Él! ¡Gracias Jesús por invitarnos a pasar este hermoso retiro contigo! ¡Eres importante para mí, Eres importante para nosotros, Laicos Misioneros Combonianos! ¡Te queremos! También en la Eucaristía del domingo, la LMC Cristina Sousa, con la familia LMC, declaró su compromiso. También ella hace parte del plan que Comboni soñó, también ella es una de las mil vidas para la misión. LMC PortugalWe were invited to reflect over various Bible passages that were proposed. It was intense! It was moving! As I have already mentioned, spiritual life needs times of interior silence and a lot of internal work! This retreat was very fertile in moments of reflection, moments of personal encounters with God and in moments where we felt his pure love in such a deep way, such as the moment when he purified our hearts, after the sacrament of reconciliation.  Nothing happens by chance and for sure it was not a coincidence when we listened, at the beginning of the retreat, to the words of Psalm 63: “O God, you are my God. From the dawn of day I look for you. My soul thirsts for you.”

I remember how we reflected on our insistence to do it all by ourselves. The disciples cast their nets and caught nothing! But after Jesus appeared… Ah, when Jesus appears, everything changes! After all, he is the one who makes everything possible in our lives! How good it is to understand that all my fears, my insecurities, my obstacles can be conquered if I trust in God, a God who is love and who loves us to the last drop.

Retiro LMC PortugalOn the other hand, we were invited to meditate in what measure we allow God to love us… The disciple who is loved could be me, or you! The disciple who is loved is anyone who allows God to enter his/her life and consents to be loved by him! The love of God is a free gift! He does not love us because we are good looking or only do good things! He loves us as we are! Loves us without limits! Loves us with our mistakes! Honestly, I feel that God loves me in spite of my weaknesses and mistakes and gives me a joy and the interior peace that can only come from God… We must never put up a resistance to the love of God! We must allow ourselves to be loved as we are!

We were also invited to reflect over the risen Christ, because those who have not yet experienced it have not yet experienced the leap of faith. Faith in the resurrection gives us a new view of reality. We come to see life in a different manner!

I sincerely believe that this retreat has helped me a lot in increasing my faith! I, in fact, met God many times during this weekend: in the various explanations of the word of God; in my personal reflections; at Mass; during reconciliation; in contemplating nature…

We ended the retreat with Sunday Mass. Together with the Samaritan woman, we asked Jesus: “Lord, give us of this water.” In the end qall is for him! Thank you, Jesus, for this invitation to spend this retreat with you! You were important to me, to us, CLM! We love you!

During our Sunday Eucharist the CLM Cristina Sousa, with the entire CLM family, made her commitment. She too is part of the plan Comboni dreamed of, she is one of the thousand lives for mission.

Retiro LMC Portugal

CLM Portugal


LMC RCAMbi bala ala…
Greetings to you in Sango…
Here also begins Lent… prayer time!
Listening to Combonis stories one of the problems of Central African Republic is that it does not exist! It is not in the news, it is confused with Congo or it is thought to be a LAND in Africa not well defined, nevertheless it exists and it is a LAND with clear limits and a history. When I have been told, although myself had to search for information in the atlas, because I did not know of its existence, it seems strange, but in this globalized and technological world we discover in the SKY new planets similar to EARTH, but in EARTH there are corners of HEAVEN ignored!… we do things UPSIDE DOWN we look at the SKY… and we forget the EARTH…
For two Sundays I went with Fr. Gabriele to Mass in the convent of the Benedictine Sisters where we celebrated in Sango (local language), and as we can imagine it was a party with drums, guitars, songs, as a concert, but during the Our Father’s Prayer is sung a cappella, clapping hands, almost out of place in the midst of everything else, is like a lament, a heartfelt prayer of a people dwelling in this EARTH and that it will not be forgotten by the Father who is in HEAVEN … a cry that goes from DOWN to UP… and a bread that descends from ABOVE to DOWN…
On the first Sunday of Lent, on the other hand, I went to Mass in the Cathedral of Bangui, where Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of the Jubilee of Mercy. Here, also the heavens (roof) and the earth (the ground) have the same color… almost like a sign of UNITY… RED LAND of Africa! In the cathedral there are no paintings, no gold, no picture frames, no luxuries, very simple (see photos)… the House of HEAVEN like the houses of the EARTH, built with red clay, a sign of communion between EARTH and HEAVEN…
“Today Bangui becomes the SPIRITUAL CAPITAL of the WORLD”. The Holy Year of Mercy has advanced on this Earth. A LAND that has suffered for several years from war and hatred, misunderstanding, lack of peace. Bangui becomes the SPIRITUAL CAPITAL of PRAYER for the mercy of the Father. All of us pray for peace, mercy, reconciliation, forgiveness, love. For Bangui, for the Central African Republic, for the world, for the countries that suffer the war and seek peace, and together we ask for love and peace. “Doye Sirirí!” (Pope Francis at the Opening of the Jubilee of the Mercy on November 29, 2015 in Bangui).
Even here, tomorrow is women’s day… on the grass in front of the cathedral they have placed a stands (I heard that will remain for some days), to raise awareness about the plight of women in the Central African Republic… They also ask not to be forgotten in this EARTH … where even the moon grows from UP to DOWN …
A greeting, a hug, a kiss, a prayer and a thank you … (in particular to women in their day).
Simone CLM Central African Republic

María Augusta writes from Mongoumba (Central African Republic)

Maria Augusta LMCDear CLM, friends, family …
Anna and I are fine, thank God. The fathers in Mongoumba have malaria; we hope that with the medical treatment they will recover soon.
Fr Jesus has been in Spain. The first fifteen days accompanying the Cardinal and the Imam of Bangui who were receiving the prize of “Fraternity” offered by the Comboni magazine “Mundo Negro”. He also takes advantage of the journey to make missionary animation and sensitize about the reality that we are living here. He has also spent some time with his family.
The small Merveille returned on the 13th of this month after two months of hospitalization. I was impressed because of the way she came back. She has recover the weight she had with four months 3.5 kg when she already weighed almost 5… She suffered a lot! They have also found her tuberculosis and are treating it. I hope she quickly regain the lost weight. May the Lord do what is best for her.
The stay of the CLM Irene, from Congo, was very good. She wants to return to share her life with this people for a longer period. I learned many practical things with her on health issues, with medicines and products from nature. I liked being with her, I think she’s a real comboni. On January 2, when she had to return the barge broke in the middle of the river and went down the river with four cars, stopping after two kilometers. Only after three days it returned to its place and we were able to recover the car. Irene had the plane on day 3 so a father from Mbaiki had to come for her. She managed to pass the river by canoe. That night she slept in Mbaiki and very early in day 3 she left for Bangui, getting thus to travel to Kinshasa. It was a great adventure!
From January 23 to February 15, Anna’s father and sister were with us. They came to visit her. Communication was difficult because they only speak Polish. Through gestures and with the translation of Anna we made ourselves understood. How nice it would be if there was a language that everyone may talk…
In the month of January, we sent to Mbaiki to 5 young fellows from the parish to take training and then teach children around 3-5 years old (pre-primary). If it goes well, we will open three classes in three villages.
Yesterday, I brought from Mbaiki 3 couples, responsible for the chapels, with their 8 smaller children, they leave everything… The Lord will reward them!
We are helping a pygmy woman who has breast cancer. We took her to Bangui, stayed in the hospital for two months, where they did many tests and finally brought her to Mongoumba worse than she was. Every day he comes to eat with the Pygmy students who come to school. We also took the time to heal the breast. We give her tea that she says is helping her. Only a miracle can save her, pray for her, please. May Mary intercede for her along with her son Jesus!
For two months I have not left Mongoumba. Traveling tires me a lot because the roads are in very bad condition, full of bumps.
I wish all the laity and the family a good Lent and a holy conversion.

Maria Augusta LMC
Always united in prayer.
A Missionary Embrace.
Maria Augusta. CLM in Mongoumba.