Comboni Lay Missionaries

Weekend of Comboni Missionary Spirituality in Portugal

LMC PortugalOn June 23-25 the yearly weekend of Comboni Missionary Spirituality took place in the Comboni House of Maia, Portugal. Including religious, the CLMs, the auxiliaries, members of cenacles of prayer, young people of the Faith and Mission group, and sympathizers of the Comboni Family, a sizeable group was put together with people coming from the North and the South of the country.

A small group of nine CLM took part. I was there and I thank God for the opportunity. It was great!

Starting from the main theme, “With Mary, missionaries of Jesus,” the meeting was subdivided into three sub-themes, two of them presented on Saturday, and the third one, through group work, followed on Sunday morning.

From Mary we learn the true meaning of discipleship.”

The first sub-theme, titled “the missionary journey of Mary,” entrusted to Comboni Missionary Fr. Dário, introduced Mary as the first disciple, the first missionary, available to “bring” Jesus to others, as an example of Mercy, contemplating the activities of Mary, her “YES,” the visit to her cousin Elizabeth. The presentation was interspersed with short Marian hymns. It was, without a doubt, a beautiful moment! And, quoting Pope Francis, I was left with this certainty:

It is necessary to learn with Mary, relive her “YES,” her total availability to receive the Son of God in her life, which from that moment transformed her.” (from Pope Francis)

Having divided the participants into groups, we had different times for sharing. This helped us to get involved and to get to know other experiences, as true witnesses.

LMC PortugalThe second sub-theme, given to us by Sr. Arlete, a Comboni Missionary Sister, was “the missionary journey of Daniel Comboni with Mary.”

We saw the journey of St. Daniel Comboni from his entry into the Mazza Institute up to his passion for the Africans, passing through his giving of himself and his devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. With the help of Comboni’s writings we came to understand better this devotion.

“You are the one, O divine Mother, who inspired me in the new Plan for the Regeneration of Africa (…).(from St. Daniel Comboni)

MARY, adopted us as her children on Calvary. And, like the Holy Father says: “We have a Mother!” – A mother who protects us and shelters us under her cloak. A mother who is a model of life. A mother who shows us how to follow Jesus.

With this program so well organized we did not lack time for reflection, for singing, and space for making community and for prayer.

On Sunday morning, after morning prayers organized by the CLM, we tackled the third sub-theme, by no means less important: “The place of Mary in our Missionary Journey.” Throughvarious presentations, we had a taste of the work produced by the cenacles of prayer, by the Holy Childhood Group and also by the Youth Movement group of the Comboni Family.

With their presentations, the participants showed the importance of Mary in their lives. And also showed how the devotion to Mary is practiced in the groups.

In between themes and reflections, the reception was a success with the participation of the Secular Comboni Missionary Helena Laranjeiro.

Joy and good humor were not lacking, also because it was St. John’s Weekend!v Also there was no lack of reasons to celebrate: on the day of St. John, Fr. Claudino celebrated 44 years of ordination, and on the 25th it was Fr. Dário’s turn to celebrate his 45 years in the priesthood. Best wishes to both… We wish you many more years in Mission!

LMC Portugal

Sofía Coelho

Holiday Return of our CLM María Augusta

LMC Portugal

Our dear CLM María Augusta has returned for vacations from the mission in which she was called to serve over these last few years, the Republic of Central Africa (CAR).

Her return to Lisbon, yesterday afternoon July 4, was marked by a warm reception at the airport where her family and some CLM were waiting for her.

Currently, María Augusta is at Janeiro de Baixo, Pampilhosa da Serra, with her family, for a time of vacation.

Welcome María Augusta! Thanks for your generosity, dedication and commitment in the service and responsibility of mission. We wish you a good and well deserved vacation!

CLM of Portugal

Announcement of the Comboni Family at the general level

On June 2, 2017, the annual meeting of the Central Committee of the Comboni Lay Missionary and the General Councils of the Comboni Missionaries, the Comboni Secular Missionaries and the Comboni Missionary Sisters was held in Rome at the General House of the Comboni Missionaries Sisters. A full day lived with moments of prayer, exchange, reflection, programming, meals together and Holy Mass. The MCCJs had just finished their Symposium on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of its founding, and therefore shared with us all the fruits and provocations gathered during the symposium.
Fifteen years after the letter written together by the three General Councils on “Collaboration for the Mission” we now wanted to return to our intuitions, recognizing the path cover, reinforcing certain aspects and exploring new proposals for cooperation. The Comboni Lay Missionary are an integral part of the Comboni family that now also wants to open to new forms of Combonian laity that arise in the different realities.
The publication of two letters, one for all members of the Institutes and movement and another for those in charge of formation will collect the work and guidelines that emerged during this day.

familia combonianaGeneral Counsels of MCCJ, SMC, MSC and the Central Committee of the CLM

Formation Week in Granada, Spain


Last week I visited the Lisanga community in Granada. This time the formation was in Spanish, which paradoxically was a drag because most of the material I had was either in English or in Portuguese, but it turned out well in view of having the material available in various languages.

This is always a special time for me: To leave the office, away from e-mails and video-conferences and have the opportunity to share personally with our CLM. In this case it was with David and Aitana, Spanish CLM, and especially with Paula and Neuza, Portuguese CLM who are in Spain preparing to go to Peru.

David and Aitana are teachers and they were in their last week of classes so they were very busy with exams, evaluations and activities typical of this time. Just the same, they took time to share in some important moments of formation and of the week. They volunteered to welcome and make community with Paula and Neuza during the months thy will be here to study Spanish and to prepare to leave for Peru.

I spent most of my time with Paula and Neuza. We would get up early in the morning to say Lauds and start the day. The first few days we studied Spanish in the morning, but for the rest we took advantage of the first part of the morning to do some sports. We have to keep in shape, as mission requires it of them. Above all, they must be ready to do a lot of walking with the people.

After that, we had plenty of time to talk about mission, about community, to share our Comboni charism, to speak of Church and of the different styles of mission, to get to know more deeply our CLM at the international level and lots of other things.

It is always exciting to share these moments prior to the departure: The worries, the challenges to be faced and above all the trust in the One who calls us by name to serve far away from home.

During this time in Spain many people have shared with them their experiences of mission, have visited them or they themselves were able to visit many Spanish CLM and religious who have served in mission, in Peru and in other places. This way mission becomes community. They are not going on a personal quest, but they are sent as missionaries by our CLM community, which is always present, commits to their formation and follows them as well with prayers. Some commented that we all go to Peru with them.

The week ended with a meeting to evaluate the CLM of the Southern Zone of Spain. I think they felt most welcome by all and by the religious Comboni family of Granada with whom they are sharing lots of time during this month. And for the Southern Zone it was an electrifying moment, because any time mission knocks at our door, it mobilizes us, it animates us, it sets us moving and feeling alive. And so it was here in Spain as well with the preparation of our companions from Portugal.

Thank you.

We pray that all may go well in their mission and we will always be ready to accompany them on this journey of service to our brothers and sisters in Peru.

LMC en GranadaGreetings

Alberto de la Portilla

Sharing life and knowledge

saberesWhat is there in common between an over 70 Russian woman with a university education and an uneducated woman of about 50 from Guinea-Bissau? Perhaps the fact that both live in Portugal, in a low class neighborhood of the great city of Lisbon and that they both want to learn Portuguese.

And so it is that in the Quinta de Mós, in a space given by City Council for the use of the parish of Camarate, based on the concrete need of these two people, a literacy program for adults came into being. Based on the method of Paulo Freire, suited to this specific reality, we start classes in the afternoon. The learning levels and the individual needs vary greatly. But with this method, that fosters learning starting from the concrete reality, and allows the person to look critically at herself, interaction is possible and, even more, it creates solidarity between the people involved.

A little bit at a time, people are joining the group and we open a new class in the morning, because some of the women work in the afternoon. The flow is constant. There are desertions due to work, health, domestic problems.

The two classes are made up of women. A group ends and three continue. The two original women are still there and another girl, much younger who only has a second grade education.

Classes involve more than alphabet and words. They consist in conversations, in sharing of difficulties, of support, help in filling out documents, finding apartments for rental, translating conversations, clearing doubts from day to day, improving pronunciation… One has to leave her home, but another has a house to rent; One wants to learn sewing, and another knows how and is willing to teach; One finds food and shares it with another who draws no salary… And so we move on, sharing life and knowledge, promoting learning and the appreciation of the person, the sharing and the solidarity! “Saving Africa with Africa!”

CLM Flávio Schmidt