Comboni Lay Missionaries

CLM Presentation at the XIX Chapter of the MCCJ


Yesterday it was time for the intervention of the Comboni Family at the XIX General Chapter of the MCCJ.

As the chapter is taking place with strong preventive measures because of the pandemic, this time the CLM intervention was done online.

For all of us as Comboni Family the chapter of the MCCJ is a very important moment. It is a time of reflection and listening of reality, a time of discernment and missionary intuition that enlightens everyone.

Our intervention is located in the reports that help to see the reality and in particular to see the road traveled as CLM throughout the last years.

Initially the idea was to focus the intervention as part of the Comboni family, to understand our journey as part of the journey we make as a family at the service of the mission and in a particular way to remember how we want to walk together, what we have done so far and the ways of collaboration open.

Then, during the central block, we tried to develop the challenges that we as CLM want to face. In particular, we believe that it is important to make known the agreements reached at our last international assembly, which set the course we intend to follow.

We too, in the light of the analysis of reality and the principles we share, seek to give a common response to the needs of an increasingly globalized world:

“One world, one humanity, one common response!”

Our interrelationship with the Comboni religious is very strong since we share our presence in the places where they are also present and we collaborate closely. On the other hand, we receive a lot of help and support from them and the more they know our reality, strengths and weaknesses, the better this collaboration can be for the good of the mission.

We as CLM dream of a style of collaboration as a Comboni family that we wanted to emphasize. Concrete proposals from where we understand that it is easier to move forward.

Before us is the great challenge of collaboration based on complementarity. In line with the Synodality in which Pope Francis has challenged the Church, and where we are called to be light as Comboni Family. For us it is not a novelty but rather a return to our roots, to the charismatic intuition of Comboni who conceived us as a family. Comboni understood the responsibility of the whole Church, the complementarity and necessity of all its members (priests, confreres, religious, lay missionaries and local people, catechists, artisans, families, etc.) for the accomplishment of the mission. Today it continues to enlighten us on this path of collaboration/synodality for the good of a World, of a Humanity that needs the effort of all to continue to grow, taking care of the weakest and most excluded.

I leave you with the conclusion of the report where we dare to paraphrase Comboni in this common dream.

The Work must be Catholic, no longer Spanish, French, German or Italian….

All men and women of good will must help to build a better world, a fairer world where we take special care of the neediest, of the excluded, and where we all take care of this planet that is a legacy for future generations.

Individual initiatives, be they MCCJs, SMCs, MSCs or CLMs, have undoubtedly done a lot of good, but they have not been able to put an end to so many needs. Our horizon seeks a collaboration that can start from the Comboni Family but that cannot end there, not even at the ecclesial level, but must be opened and promoted with civil organizations and other religious denominations with which to share and encourage common objectives. So far, we see that there continue to be great injustices and inequalities in the world today. There continues to be great need and thirst for God. The human heart desires an encounter with God as it aspires to a life worthy of being sons and daughters of the Father, sisters and brothers all.

For this reason, our Plan aspires to make the Kingdom of God present in the world, a more human, more divine world, reaching out in a special way to the most remote and forgotten communities, the most impoverished countries, punished by war, material and spiritual poverty, precariousness and misery… where the dignity of human life needs to be defended.

And for this, it seems to me, all the already existing works (ecclesial and civil), all the people of good will must unite, who, independently of their civil or ecclesial status, their religious confession, their culture or ideology, seek the good for all humanity, who, having unselfishly before their eyes the noble end, must put aside their particular interests.

This is what we believe in and we must be the seed that makes it possible.

Alberto de la Portilla, coordinator of the CLM Central Committee.

Prayer Intentions of the Comboni Family June 2022


We pray that the celebration of the XIX General Chapter of the Comboni Missionaries may bring such abundant fruits of missionary joy and enthusiasm in rediscovering the charismatic experience of Saint Daniel Comboni as to render present today the mystery of the grace granted to him in the mission to the peripheries of human experience. Lord hear us.

Testimony of David Aguilera on Africa Day

LMC Etiopia

We want to share with you this testimony sent to us by our dear colleague David on this Africa Day for the Spanish NGO AMANI that supports CLM:

Dear AMANI family.

On the day of Africa, that land of hope loved by those of us who live this vocation, I wanted to be present to share a gift from heaven.

In my last period in Ethiopia, fraught with difficulties such as the political situation, the war, the displaced persons and refugees, we also received the gift of an Ethiopian Comboni vocation with whom I was able to share life and project.

The scholastic Abreham, who studied all his theology in Peru, was called to the Gumuz land to make his missionary experience.

If it is already a difficult area, being an Ethiopian it is even more so, since the ethnic conflict could affect him negatively. Anyone in his place would have refused, as he might become a target of the rebels. He acknowledges that he came with fear, and we were afraid for him too. But his trust in God was greater.

He soon began to get involved in helping refugees, welcoming orphaned children, helping so many families broken and disintegrated by the war through the creation of a macro garden where to give work to young people and allow them to support the families and allow them to return to school to reach the last grade of compulsory education (since they did not have to work all day as in the other jobs, in addition to being encouraged to go to school, their school fees were paid and school supplies were bought for them).

Saving Africa with Africa. Firstly, to fight for the Gumuz land to regain hope through procuring the livelihood of all needy families through the work of the young and healthy, while committing to go back to school to improve their future. And two, an Ethiopian who could be according to their canons of the enemy Ethnicity, being the one who reaches out to them, welcomes them and frees them from so many prejudices.

The experience was precious. We both started it and today he continues it.

He was recently ordained a deacon. Instead of choosing his parish church, the Provincial house or one more easily accessible to his own family, he decided to be ordained in his very hard parish of Gumuz. His “Abba Abreham” made a clear commitment to them, the forgotten of Ethiopia.

I am enclosing photos of the young people he continues to help.

The money that AMANI sends from the collaborations of the partners is precisely for these projects. I will make a more detailed account of all of them to share with the AMANI family.


-David Aguilera, Comboni Lay Missionary.

Happy Africa Day to all!

¡”Ma Kitelakapel”!

LMC Kenia

Tragicomic chronicle from West Pokot, Kenya: first episode!!!!

Why “tragicomic?” Because, even without meaning to, I already know that it’s going to be a bit like that…and so, here, I would like to share with you the joys and sorrows of my being here!


– the Kenya Comboni Lay Missioners (CLM) group is a lively and welcoming group, I am glad to be a part of it.

(Father Maciek and some Kenyan LMCs, my first Sunday in Nairobi)

– For about 3 months I will be a guest of the Comboni Fathers in Kacheliba. I need to learn the local language, Pokot (I will have class every morning), and try to get a good understanding of how things work here. Later on, together with another Kenyan LMC, Josephine (who is also already here), I will move to the new house in Kitelakapel, 15 km from here, to start our full-time activities.

Our house is almost ready.

– During this time we will also be engaged in these activities:

1) Tamarind juice production: there are many tamarind trees in this area. We have put some ladies from Kitelakapel Chapel to work to collect these fruits. A small amount we have already sold in Nairobi, now we have to prepare everything so we can then continue to produce the juice. It will be a way to self-finance ourselves a little bit as a group of Kenyan Comboni Lay Missionaries.

(our tamarind!)

(our lay people selling tamarind juice, peanut butter and honey after Mass in Nairobi)

2) Participation in jumuiyya/parish groups/associations: we will go around among the various groups in the parish, especially in the Kitelakapel area, to get to know people, make connections, get a good understanding of the various realities of the parish, and see what needs there are, so that we can also understand what kind of activities we can fit in, or possibly what new activities to propose, especially in the pastoral area.

3) Activities in schools: we will meet with the directors of some schools near Kitelakapel, to see if the possibility of giving some part-time classes can be materialized, perhaps in exchange of a small contribution (so that we have a little something extra to self-support ourselves)

4) To establish the foundations of our community, preparing our ” charter” and other necessary documents.

We may become three! Another Ugandan Comboni Lay Missionary may join us in July. For this in particular, we rely on your prayers (because it would be a huge help, given the mountain of work ahead!).


Polepole ndio mwendo” say the Waswahili (Swahili speakers). It means, more or less, “he who goes slow, goes steady and goes far…” And so, I wish I had great achievements already to list, but unfortunately, or fortunately, things move very, but very slowly here. I have just arrived and I am asked, rightly, to tiptoe into this reality, polepole, because no matter how much experience one already may have–and I have very little–every reality is different, and here, by the way, everyone is rightly very busy, so I really cannot expect everything to be explained to me right away, or to be immediately involved in every possible and imaginable activity.

Upon my arrival, I was greeted with great affection and enthusiasm by the Kenyan Comboni Laity, who immediately made me feel at home. It is good to feel that I am not alone, but that, together, we are walking toward a common goal.

From Nairobi I moved to Kacheliba, about 15 km away from where I am going to live, Kitelakapel. This is how it works here: the main parish office is located in Kacheliba, but the parish covers a very large area full of outstations, that is, small chapels (sometimes they look like tiny houses, and they are actually “churches”!), often far away. There are currently two fathers, and one deacon. And they cannot be multiplied like the five loaves and two fish (unless the Holy Spirit intervenes…) so the work is really a lot. Kitelakapel is one of these outstations, but the fathers would like it to become, sooner or later, a parish, and so, in addition to the little church (larger than the little chapels I mentioned above), there is a house where the fathers stop to sleep sometimes, if necessary, and which could become, in the future, the home of the fathers of the new parish. Not far away, on the same “road” (if you can call it that) the construction of another house is now almost finished, where we Comboni lay people will stay. It’s quite a big house (we trust in the arrival of new lay missionaries!), with lots of space around it, to build a hospital as well (and, I hope, on the other side, also a playground to organize activities with the kids. How to deny my Salesian origins?).

(our little church in Kitelakapel)

(Mass in the chapel in Mtembur)

(Our house inside and out, almost finished! It looks like a Grand Hotel, but then thankfully inside is much more sober than it looks heheheh!)

Joining me on this adventure will be Josephine, the Kenyan Comboni laywoman who, like me, has given her availability for this mission, and so together, on April 29, we practically founded this new international community of Comboni Lay Missionaries. She is just originally from these parts, and she speaks Pokot, and for that I am really grateful, for the help she will be able to give me in understanding not only the language, but also to avoid possible mistakes or misunderstandings or figureheads related to my ignorance of the local culture.

(Josephine in traditional Pokot skirt, the “loruà”)

(the new LMC international community in Kitelakapel!)

When the construction of the house is fully completed, Josephine and I will move to Kitelakapel for good. At the moment, however, we are in Kacheliba, both because the house is not yet ready and because we need to take the Pokot course (in my case) and experience some community life here with the fathers.

Hoping I have not bored you, I send everyone a big hug and warm greetings.

Ah, important: THANK YOU!!!!!   

I sincerely thank all those who have contributed with their donations to start this new community. It is very embarrassing to find ourselves living off the charity of others, it is a new situation for me, but for anything, our own survival, expenses to start the community and any projects/activities with people, we now depend on Providence. The “beautiful” aspect of this is the fact that this somehow means that the flourishing of this new Christian community in Kitelakapel will be the fruit of a shared effort: by me and Josephine, with our direct presence, and by those who support us, through their indirect contributions. It becomes a team effort! Thank you very much!!!
