Comboni Lay Missionaries

Prayer Intentions of the Comboni Family February 2023

Comboni y Jesus
Comboni y Jesus

That the celebration of the International Day against Female Genital Mutilation (on 6th February) may help all of us, women and men missionaries, to increase our attention and care for the dignity of women, especially those most vulnerable, and that, through the intercession of Saint Bakhita, we may know how to find new ways of “making common cause” with all victims of oppression and inequality. Let us pray.

Getting ready to leave for Kenya

CLM Poland
CLM Poland

Hello Everyone 🙂

Greetings from Poland! Almost three weeks ago I started my community experience before going to Kenya. Now I’m in Warsaw and I live with Ewa, my friend from community. Time is running so fast! I have a lot of meetings and so a lot of oportunites to learn something more. I speak a lot with others missionaries. They share with me their experience. Tell me more about challenges on mission.

I have biblical catechesis twice a week and meetings with Alberto. I have english lessons because there is also a lot of work to do 😉

Apart from that I spent a few days in Poznań where my friends from community did for me a great repetition of first aid! They also told me a lot about their pastoral work on their mission and many many other topics we discussed.

CLM Poland

Y por supuesto, también hablamos sobre el tema principal durante este tiempo – la comunidad. Con Ewa pasamos tiempo juntas, rezamos juntas. Tenemos un día de comunidad a la semana y este tiempo es sólo para nosotras . También visitamos a los Padres Combonianos aquí en Varsovia 🙂

CLM Poland

Os mando saludos desde Varsovia 🙂 por favor, rezad por nosotras 🙂

With pray


Prayer Intentions of the Comboni Family January 2023

Comboni y Jesus

That the week of prayer for Christian unity may be an occasion for growth in mutual knowledge and finding common elements among the different Christian denomi-nations that urge us to create deeper relations between ourselves, promote universal brotherhood, and so contribute to the dream of Jesus, “That they may all be one” (Jn 17,21). Let us pray.