Comboni Lay Missionaries

16 years walking as CLM!

On January 25 (1998), at the home of the Comboni Missionaries in Maia (Porto) began the adventure of the Comboni Lay Missionaries in Portugal. Many were those who attended this first meeting, and God intended, with the efforts of some, that this exhilarating adventure continues today.
At present, the CLM, inside and outside its borders, testify of Christ as St. Daniel Comboni did. In fact, for us: “there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3: 28), so we proclaim Christ – Light of the World and joy of Humanity – to all men and women. For us, this challenging call passes through the explicit announcement as well as the development and human promotion.

16 years later, we are part of the larger Comboni Family and in particular, of the great CLM family extended worldwide. Today, we want to leave a thank you to all who “sow and look after” the CLM seed and all that, with us, continue to live this exciting adventure that makes us dare to go further in the ways of the mission.

by Susana Vilas Boas

The official sending of a Comboni Lay Missionary in Poland


“The mission is not going away, because the mission is not a touristy tour of the world, but we are sent on a mission”- emphasized Archbishop Victor Skworc, who sent Monika Krasoń our Comboni Lay Missionary from Poland to work in Uganda. Monika will go on mission to Gulu, where she will work in an orphanage which is led by Comboni Missionaries. She will spend two years serving the poorest and the most abandoned and she will give a testimony of love of God, who doesn’t forget about Africans.

The official sending took place on 12th January in her family parish in Łaziska Górne. It was in the church of Our Lady the Queen of the Holy Rosary in the presence of family, friends, Comboni Missionaries, Comboni Lay Missionaries and all parishioners. It was an unusual event, because Monika is the first missionary in her parish.

In the homily Archbishop emphasized that we are responsible for the future of the Gospel and we have to share with those who hadn’t heard it yet. Everyone is called to be a missionary, no matter if it’s in their country or in a missionary country which is distant, sometimes thousands of miles away. Monika decided to go to Africa. It is a very beautiful work, but also very difficult, so it’s important to support her, especially in prayer. The Archbishop assured Monika that the Church and her parish will support her CLM commitment both in prayer and through material support.

Monika received a cross from the Archbishop. That cross will be a guide in her missionary work, help in danger and give consolation in difficult times. It was an unusual and beautiful experience for Monika which means the real beginning of the mission. We wish Monika all the best, beautiful moments in Uganda and good mission experience among the Acholi. And of course we all promise a memory in prayer.

Envio Monika Envio Monika Envio Monika
Envio Monika Envio Monika Envio Monika
Envio Monika Envio Monika Envio Monika

Polish CLM

Echoes of Christmas 2013 meeting

“All different, but all united in Comboni wearing the face and the Word of Jesus Christ here and beyond.”

We begin by thanking all those who have contributed directly or indirectly to make possible this Christmas gathering. We are grateful to Sandra for organizing the meeting, to Sister Carmen Ribeiro, Brother Paul and the secular missionary Joanna and Paula for sharing all that is essential for us, LMC candidates, to understand in particular this missionary vocation of the Comboni family. Thanks also to Father Avelino who shared his missionary experience and celebrated the Eucharist. Thanks, finally, to all others not mentioned but that they worked hard to make the meeting possible.

This meeting was full of smiles, hugs, moments of conviviality and animated dynamic. It was the sharing of a joy that with Jesus Christ reborn endlessly. This was a family reunion. We truly felt as a family. We are in the same boat and we rowed in the same direction. In this boat where they are not only all those with whom we live this weekend, but all the other members of the Comboni family no matter where they are and where are they from. We feel with renewed strength and with real and physical certainty of knowing united, not by blood, but by the same creator and make us share the same mission. All different in our vocation but all united in Comboni wearing the face and the Word of Jesus Christ here and there.

By Paula Sousa (Portugal)