Comboni Lay Missionaries

Easter CLM-Spain “in code of hospitality”

HospitalidadLike every year, the CLM of Spain have gathered as a community to celebrate Easter. This year we wanted to live these days in “code of hospitality”, because the experience of hospitality and welcome in our world is a challenge for us. In these days of meeting we wanted to allow ourselves to be touched by Jesus “is at our door and knocks” to welcome HIM in our neediest brothers.

“It’s tempo for convictions. We are convinced that we are human, we are brothers. That there are no borders for life. Let’s gather all our dreams, like a torch, to light a new world where everyone fits. A world without borders or barbed wire. ”

CLM Spain

Mission, Death and Resurrection

“The mission allows us to understand the resurrection as the miracle of a life that cannot be destroyed by selfishness and ambition without limits, but that asserts itself as a joy which rises from the heart of God that we carry in the frailty of our human being. For this reason there is no real mission that does not involve death in us, a death which is not synonymous with destruction, but which turns into an opportunity to be finally reborn to the true life that only the Lord can give us as a gift of the Father”.

These are the closing words of the Easter message sent by Fr. Enrique Sánchez González to all his Comboni confreres.

Below we publish the message.

Happy Easter to all.



“The great Works of God are only born at the foot of Calvary”

(Writings 2325)

The celebration of Easter, mystery par excellence, which makes us enter into the death that marks our humanity and into the life without limits, a gift of God, that in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus makes us live in a time of hope and faith.

How to live this mystery so that it becomes a source of life in this time of contrasts, where the dryness of our fragility is compared with the invitation to live the joy of rediscovering the ever new presence of the Lord who, from the depths of the empty grave, reminds us that He is alive and present in our midst?

Life and death, past and future, pain and joy, darkness and light, war and peace, love and hate. How many other combinations, in addition to these, mark our existence, our human travelling on the divine paths that lead us to that eternity which we cannot define, much less say, with the poor words of our daily actions?

Immersed in the frantic rush of our work and our efforts to change the world, each one goes through the entire day with his vision, his interests, his ideas, and his plans. With the claim to possess the whole truth, to know and to manage everything even more than others.

We live with an arrogance that has become infectious, that makes no distinction between rich and poor, great and small. We all feel entitled to criticize, point out the limitations, faults and sins of others. The criteria of distrust, suspicion, advantage and competition are trying to impose themselves while trust, sharing, support of others, mercy and forgiveness sound like music that disturbs the ear and does not penetrate the heart.

Isn’t this the scenario in which we find ourselves as we live the mission as an ancient and ever new proposal that prevents us from getting lost in the tragic, pessimistic and depressing vision of the present day of our history? Isn’t, instead, the mission lived in silence, in a hidden way, in anonymity that makes us “hidden stones” that speak about a life which does not make noise and does not need to be advertised? Isn’t this the mission that makes us live intimately with the mystery of a death that becomes life?

A death that is not the last word


Today, more than ever, we are confronted with situations that go beyond the imaginable, news stories that become yellow, red and of all colours.

Violence and war destroy entire populations and condemn millions of people to flee, and no one knows where, as refugees, displaced persons, migrants or just captives in their own countries. These images have become the choreography of TV shows that transform such human drama into telenovelas which are stories really taking place but presented to us as if they were the winner of an Oscar.

Fortunately, the mission allows us instead to tell these stories in another way: it becomes impossible to silence the testimony of those who have seen the destruction and death not through the screen but on the face and bodies of brothers and sisters with whom until shortly before we were working, celebrating the Eucharist, studying in their small schools with thatched roofs, celebrating the life and the joy of being in this world.

We no longer see Christ who lies dead on the wooden cross. As missionaries we have discovered, through the eyes and the deep pain of so many of our confreres, that today the Lord climbs upon the cross of the indifference of the powerful people of our time, of those who forget about the poor, of those who promote the exaltation of power and the idolatry of money.

The riots, protests and clashes gather the desperate cry of so many brothers and sisters who cannot manage any longer, do not know how to survive in a world that seems to deny those minimum conditions necessary to call life certain types of existence.

The great temptation is to fall into the trap of thinking that the shadow of death has taken hold of our time and has asserted itself as a criterion to govern our history.

And how many more deaths do we find closer to us? Is it not death the destruction of the missions in which we work in South Sudan, or the violence that does not end in Central Africa, where there are so many people still forced to flee their homes in fear of their lives?

Is it not death the decrease in the number of missionaries in our Institute? Or our having to give up a missionary presence where we can clearly see that such presence could do so much good? And is it not true that the closing of communities is experienced by us as an actual funeral, because we have no missionaries to spare?

Don’t we perhaps feel like dying when we are refused permission to enter a country or we are denied the opportunity to continue our service to the poor, to the local Church, simply due to the ideology of the politicians of the moment? Is it not death the mediocrity that threatens us every time we try to organize our lives according to our own interests, when we seek excuses to justify our unwillingness to leave for the mission, to obey, to accept the mission as a gift that should be received without preconditions?

It is indeed the mission that introduces and accompanies us into the mystery of death, because when it is lived in all honesty, we cannot say anything other than what the Lord himself shouted from the depths of his spirit, ‘Father, your will be done’.

St. Daniel Comboni says it with words that describe the scenario he contemplated in the heart of Africa: “Confronted by so many afflictions, among the mountains of crosses and sorrows… the Catholic missionary’s heart has been shaken, but this is no reason for him to despair; strength, courage and hope can never desert him.” (W 5646).

catedral_064The mission introduces us to the mystery and beauty of the resurrection

There is an afterlife after death which for the mission is the foundation of everything, the guarantee of a future that is not built on the basis of our resources, ability or strength.

The mission makes us touch and contemplate with our own eyes the ever present project of God, who never rests, who tries to build a humanity in which we can all discover ourselves as brothers and sisters.

God is at work and, despite our walking through paths that do not lead to life, He does not give up his dream of seeing one day all his sons and daughters gathered in a family where there is no more need to stick labels of religions, ideologies, political preferences, races, cultures or colours.

The Risen Christ reminds us that for God the time has come, but that He is not in a hurry, that He will always be willing to wait for our arrival, hoping that in this time of waiting, there will not be a waste of lives sacrificed because of our inability to think less with the head and more with the heart.

The mission allows us to understand the resurrection as the miracle of a life that cannot be destroyed by selfishness and ambition without limits, but that asserts itself as a joy which rises from the heart of God that we carry in the frailty of our human being.

For this reason there is no real mission that does not involve death in us, a death which is not synonymous with destruction, but which turns into an opportunity to be finally reborn to the true life that only the Lord can give us as a gift of the Father.

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness. In fact we have been healed by his wounds” (1Pt 2:24-25).

Happy Easter to all.

Fr. Enrique Sánchez G., mccj Superior General

[Spain]: “COMBONI CHARISMA: The branches of the tree”

Familia Comboniana

I think the more we feel challenged, more can be the conviction to accept the challenge.
We have always known that the presence of the laity in the evangelizing mission of Daniel Comboni was a reality since the beginning of his ministry. However, feel saying the speaker of “work shop” about the PLAN FOR REGENERATION OF AFRICA, Joaquim Valente (Comboni missionary) to be a fundamental intuition of the Plan, the Comboni Family: Religious and Lay, the CHARISMA is as a tree with branches that if any of these are separated from said tree, and ceases to have life the whole tree is affected.

Fidelity to our Comboni charism keeps questioning and invites us to live more deeply the desire to grow in union between the different BRANCHES of the Comboni Family; we’re waking each other through mutual understanding.
Personally, and I have not been the only one, I have noted with great joy at this meeting that I already knew all the Comboni Lay Missionaries, unthinkable just a few years ago. This knowledge creates bonds of friendship, love and understanding of the different lifestyles that lives the Comboni Family.

With great joy I have experienced this encounter; 20 years lived in Uganda have enriched me at level of collaboration with other apostolic forces and have experienced the joy of union. The current Spanish situation can actually be more tiring this path of collaboration and union, but if in other continents and contexts we can cooperate even without having the same CHARISMA, aren´t we going to get it among the members of the Comboni Family?
I think that the unity challenges us in a same way: Comboni Missionary Sisters, Comboni Missionaries and Lay Comboni Missionaries. I also believe that the way forward is listening to the Word of God, listening to the greatness of the legacy of Comboni (Charisma) and listening to each of us to understand how we should be faithful to the novelty that each one brings and enrich at the present time in our history.

We have experienced the pride of having a Founder with intuitions (PLAN) so divine and human, and this has increased our desire to grow in unity. Logically, first of all being “THE CENACLE OF APOSTLES” Comboni wanted from us.

Personally I think we have to face a great challenge: Are we called to cover all fields of apostolate that we find around us? We have heard with satisfaction that being the CHARISMA a GIFT for implementing a particular aspect of the Kingdom of God, each task has its Charisma that complements the TOTALLY. Therefore we must continue to reflect for not wanting to cover all there is to do in the Church and in Society and make room for the others Charisma.

Encarnita Cámara Liébana. Comboni Missionary Sister
(Currently in Spain for the ministry of Missionary Animation)

 Familia Comboniana

We want to share with you the meeting of the Comboni Family, we had in Madrid, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Plan of Comboni.
I must say that it exceeded all my expectations. In the beginning was the idea that it would be a formality within the activities planned for the event. The truth is that it was a beautiful and rich time in every sense, was noticeable that the spirit of Comboni was there updating its Plan, reminding us that we had to unite all our efforts and put our heart to serve the poorest and abandoned; that with different characteristics continue to be today at the “Africa’s” of our world. All this without losing sight of the crucified Christ who continue to suffer in all our brothers because of selfishness and injustice.

Fr Joaquim Valente was slowly reeled the PLAN OF COMBONI FOR THE REGENERATION OF AFRICA. This exhibition enlightened us and helped us to see what is our mission today as Comboni Family. Result of this listening and reflection shared a lot of ideas came to work as Comboni family serving the mission in different fields like: immigration, missionary animation, places of presence, mixed communities, mission today in Spain… plus what we are already sharing as Vocational Youth Pastoral, assemblies and celebrations.

Finally: We started and ended the meeting celebrating the Love around the Banquet Table as a real family, where children could not miss. A bless of God. We left with renewed heart willing to work with enthusiasm and passion for the mission.

Antonia and Felix. Comboni Lay Missionaries

Familia Comboniana

Just a few days after the conclusion of the general meeting of the COMBONI FAMILY in Madrid, I keep remembering and echo the words and messages we received during those days. Aiming: look at Comboni missionary Plan, we have taken on the task of looking. Looking at ourselves, look at each other, looking at our missionary path, looking at our projects. I am delighted that once again today as yesterday, there are no “silver bullets” for the implementation and development of a mission plan. Are faith, brotherhood and perseverance at work, which have allowed our family to start, following the footsteps of our founder.

Comboni began in the name of God a missionary work and the progress of this work, it has been made from ​​every Comboni (lay or religious). Together we have written a story that belongs to us. God has put each family member in the proper place and has wanted today as yesterday to continue the work for the implementation of the missionary plan of Comboni.
I am aware of having participated to an unprecedented event in our province and that puts us at the forefront in the way of a deep and sincere collaboration in the missionary task of the Church. Although not comes to an epochal change, we are facing a new perspective to see our mission.

No doubt, like me all those present, appreciate the valuable intervention made by Fr. Joaquim Valente who through his interventions facilitated the work of reflection. It was precisely in the group work, where we descended to our Comboni missionary walking in the province of Spain. Participation in the living from many of those present allowed us to realize the interest of each member of our family to implement the Comboni mission in the Church, which is still new and urgent.
We ended our meeting with a good taste but especially with the desire to continue taking steps that allow us to look with hope to the future of our mission. We found that in everyone the desire to continue our missionary pilgrimage for the poor and abandoned is latent: Legacy of Comboni.

Hector Manuel Peña. MCCJ

We are one big family (Spain)

Familia Comboniana

The weekend of the 5th and 6th of April, was held in Madrid the first meeting of all the Comboni Family in Spain: male and female Religious, Secular and Lay people all united around a single Charisma and the figure of S. Daniel Comboni as part of the 150th anniversary of the Plan for the regeneration of Africa written by Comboni in 1864.

Comboni says in his Writings: In 1864, on 18th September, I was in Rome and while I was attending the beatification of St Marguerite Mary Alacoque in St Peter’s Basilica, the thought of suggesting a new Plan for converting the poor African peoples to Christianity flashed like lightning through my mind. Its individual points came to me from on high as an inspiration. It later obtained the approval of His Holiness Pius IX, who had it submitted to the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide. It was translated into various languages and came out in various editions. On the basis of this Plan, my intention was to organise the Mission among the poor black peoples of Central Africa with greater vitality and coherence. I therefore resolved to found two Institutes in a suitable place in Europe, one for each of the sexes, for the purpose of forming personnel, both male and female missionaries, to run these missions in Central Africa… (E4799)

No doubt, it has been an opportunity to reflect together on the intuitions, ways of been present and living the mission today as Comboni family in the light of the Plan of Comboni; at the same time it has given us the opportunity to strengthen ties among us and grow as a family.

As Comboni Family we are heirs of the great “dream of Comboni” who spared no effort in his work of evangelization of Central Africa. We thank God for the opportunity we had of sharing experiences and for having all being called to the missionary vocation.

Thanks to all those who have made ​​this meeting possible.

CLM Spain