Comboni Lay Missionaries

Peace, joy, forgiveness, mission

A commentary on Jn 20, 19-31 Second Sunday of Easter, April 12th 2015

vigo-hermanitas++++In this second Sunday of Easter we continue Reading the 20th chapter of John’s Gospel, which tells us what happened in that “first day of the week”, that is, at the beginning of the “new creation”, the new time in history that we are living as communities of Jesus’ disciples and missionaries. The experience of Jesus’ living presence among the disciples happens again eight days later, specifically meant for Thomas…, and it continues happening each Sunday (every eight days), when the Christian community gathers to celebrate the Lord’s presence.
The Gospel tells us that Thomas did not believe till he could see the hands and the wounded side of Jesus. It is precisely out of this “broken” side of Jesus, his totally self-given heart, that the Church springs up and the Spirit flows out into humanity with the wonderful gifts of peace, joy, forgiveness and mission. Let us see briefly:

P10009071) “Peace to you”
Jesus says the traditional greeting words used by Jews and some other cultures even today. Nowadays, we would maybe say something like this: “Hello, how are you, I wish you peace and wellbeing”. Not too much? Well, I think it is quite a lot. I remember when Pope Francis, just elected, came out at the St. Peter’s balcony and simply said: “Buona sera” (Good evening). It was enough for the crowd to react with enthusiasm and great joy. There was no need for a big and profound speech; only that: a simple word of greeting conveying an attitude of openness and friendship.
With this, I consider the importance and beauty of a simple but loving greeting among the members of a family, re-asserting each day that care for each other that gives joy to life; I think of a respectful and positive greeting at the working place; I see that stretched out hand that we give during Mass recognising in our neighbour a brother or a sister, even if we do not know each other; I observe that kind of welcoming gesture or word to the foreigner… I think of the World peace that we need so badly in these times of violence and conflict. In all these situations, Jesus is the first one to tell me: “Hello, peace to you”. So that I myself can repeat the greeting to others.
It’s interesting to note that, as He was greeting the disciples, Jesus shows his hands and side with the signs of the torture He suffered. That means that the peace Jesus is offering is not a “cheap” one. It was “bought” with His own blood. That means that peace in the family, in the community, in the working place, in the world, is not always easy, it’s quite often a difficult task… But Jesus –and we with Him– was not a coward, but a “warrior”, with no fear to suffer if necessary.

2) Joy: “The disciples were glad when they saw the Lord”.
The presence of Jesus, with His peace, produces joy, as it does the arrival of a friend, or the mutual acceptance in the family or in the community. It’s not a “superficial” joy, that hides difficulties, problems or even sins; it’s not the joy of the one who lies to himself in a false reality or in unawareness.
It’s the joy of the one who feels respected and able to respect; the one who knows He is loved and able to love; the one who believes He is really a blessed child of the Father. It’s the deep joy of somebody who found a sense and a mission for his/her life. It’s the joy of somebody who met Jesus as a faithful friend, a trustful master, and a Lord that wins wrong with goodness.

3) Forgiveness: “If you forgive the sins of any they are forgiven”.
The joy of the disciple is not the joy of somebody that considers himself “prefect” or pretends to do everything perfectly. It’s the joy of that person who accepts to be forgiven and is ready to sow seeds of forgiveness. Jesus gave to His Church the Spirit of forgiveness, mercy and reconciliation. Pope Francis re-instated in our times this “mercy principle”. The Church is not a place of lawful righteousness or a Court of Justice; the Church is a place of mercy and reconciliation, a place where everybody has a chance to try a new beginning. Without mercy, humanity becomes impossible to live, because all of us are in need of mercy. Peace, mercy, brotherhood… we need them so much; they are a fruit of the Spirit the Risen Lord gives out to us.

4) Mission: “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you”
The community of disciples, pacified, pardoned, built up as a house of mercy, becomes a missionary community, sent to the world to be precisely that: a house of mercy, reconciliation and peace. And really, how much does our world need that! How necessary it is to increase and spread out the communities of disciples that, as humble believers, become in the world spaces of peaceful greetings, forgiveness and deep joy!
Fr. Antonio Villarino

We thank God for the life of Joan Forns (CLM of Spain)

Let the heart of those who seek the LORD be glad
(Ps. 104)

Joan Fons(1955-2015)

Amidst the joy that is celebrate Easter of the Lord; we received this Sunday with surprise and sadness the news of the death of Joan Forns, CLM of Spain.

From an early age, he felt the missionary call. He live it intensely in his parish and in various social commitments. With a strong experience of God, throughout his life he was able to combine his work as a photographer with another set of commitments to the neediest what led him to join the CLM Movement in Spain since 2008.

The dream of his life was to serve the mission beyond our borders, but due to health problems he could not make it possible. However, he accepted his reality with great faith, continuing with total dedication to his missionary work.

As CLM family we joined in prayer and thank God for his life and his service.

Rest in peace.

CLM Spanish Coordinating Team

Easter; Mary Magdalene, Peter and “the other disciple”

Commentary on a John 20, 1-10, Easter Sunday April the Fifth 2015

In this Easter Sunday, we read the first part of John’s chapter 20th. There we can meet a community formed by three disciples: Mary Magdalene, Peter and “the other disciple” (let us call him John, following a long tradition). They, apart from being themselves, represent us all, disciples who try to learn from our Teacher the new life that He is showing to us. I invite you to read carefully, meditate and contemplate this Gospel. Let us go a bit into detail:


  • Mary Magdalene: unconditional love

Mary was, doubtless, an extraordinary woman. We do not know much about her previous life, but we do know that she has found in Jesus her faithful Friend, her undisputed Teacher and the Master of her life… She went after Him from Galilee to Jerusalem, in good and bad moments, and she stayed by Him till death, more, beyond death.

In fact, according to John (and other evangelists), she went to the place where Jesus was buried out of pure faithfulness, even in spite of not knowing how to remove the big stone and presuming that Jesus was dead. That was not important for her, because her love was absolute and unconditioned. And this definitive, unbroken love was rewarded with the stone removed and the vision of Jesus as He really is now, in his most authentic reality, not as a dead man but as the ever living Son of the Father.

Contemplating this woman, we are inspired and moved to imitate her in this radical, total love, and to give ourselves up to Him, in good and bad moments, no matter what kind of stones are put to separate us from Him, knowing as she did that Jesus is worthy of our love and our trust; and that Jesus is revealing Himself alive and present in our life, in our Church, in our World. It is this experience of Jesus alive in us that makes us missionaries, witnesses to the world.

  • Peter, a sinner ready to learn

Peter was, somehow, the chief of that small group of disciples, but it does not seem to be the one, who believed most clearly, or the cleverest one, or the one to understand things quicker. He was not the first one to go to the tomb; neither was he the first to arrive… He rather was the latest one to arrive, to understand things, to catch God’s signs… But he was humble, he was able to acknowledge his errors and sins, he knew how to open himself to others and how to learn from them.

Contemplating Peter, many of us feel represented in him. We, also, have our own history of sins, errors and unfaithfulness; we too are quite often slow to understand God’s ways; we too find it difficult to see the presence of God in our today’s world, in our Church, in our community; we also lack confidence and are afraid to be deceived. But, as Peter did, we can open ourselves to the help of others, allow ourselves, once more, to be accompanied and to be conquered by Jesus, and then say humbly: “Lord, you know that I love you”.

Piazza S. Pietro (amanecer)
The “other disciple” was able to see the sunrise in the first day of the new Creation.


  • The other disciple”

Among the disciples there was one (let us call him John), who was quicker and readier to see the new action of God in the world, able to go over the superficialities of live. There are many things that only love knows how to see, and it seems that John had that type of love that was enabling him to see beyond superficialities.

Also among us today there are some who seem to be quicker and smarter than the others: they are able to discern the signs of the times; they feel where the “wind” of God is pushing humanity; they have the capacity to look further… These ones are a gift for the community with one condition: That they learn to be members of a community that they do not go on by themselves alone, that they accept and adapt to the rhythm of the others. Only in that way the community is built up, only in that way Jesus reveals himself alive, only in that way we become real missionaries, starting with Jesus the new “week” of regeneration for Humanity.

In fact, as God created the world in a symbolic “week”, according to the book of Genesis, in the same way in Jesus He is creating a new Humanity. As Mary Magdalene, Peter and John, we too believe in this new creation, this new sunrise, no matter how big are the stones on our way. God’s love is stronger than sin and death. In God everything is re-created, re-generated, re-“newed”. And we are part of this project.

Fr. Antonio Villarino



The donkey and the costly ointment

A commentary on Mk 11, 1-11 and Mk 14-15. Palm Sunday, 29th Mark 2015


Today’s Liturgy offers us two readings from the Gospel of Mark: the first one, to be read before the blessing of the palms, tells us the well-known story of Jesus entering Jerusalem sitting on a young donkey (Mk 11, 1-11); the second one, during the Mass, is the reading of the “Passion” (Jesus’ last hours in Jerusalem), this time narrated in chapters 14th and 15th of Mark.
With this, we enter into the Great Week in the Christian year. In this week we celebrate, renew and make ours the extraordinary experience of our Master and Friend, our Brother and Redeemer Jesus, who with clear mind and courageous will, in spite of the anguish and pain that He was suffering as any human being, went to Jerusalem, knowing that He would have to give up his life out of an immense love for the Father and for all of us.
For us, all this week must be a time of special intensity, with more Bible reading, meditation, silence and contemplation of our Lord, noting His presence among us and in our own experiences of life and suffering, grace and sin, anguish and hope.
On my side, I reflect on these three points:


1) The King sitting on a young donkey
Some year ago I was blessed with the grace of a visit to the Holy Land and I was able to spend ten days in Jerusalem. One of those days, I walked from Betfagé to the mountain of the Olives, from which you can see the Holy City. According to Mark, Jesus did this same way, but sitting on a donkey. We may think of that almost as a folkloric scene, risking to miss its real meaning. To understand it properly, I do not find anything better than quoting a test from the book of Zechariah, to which probably refers Mark himself. Please, read and compare:

Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!
Shout, Daughter Jerusalem!
See, your king comes to you,
righteous and victorious,
lowly and riding on a donkey,
on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
I will take away the chariots from Ephraim
and the warhorses from Jerusalem,
and the battle bow will be broken.
He will proclaim peace to the nations.
His rule will extend from sea to sea
and from the River[bto the ends of the earth.
(Zech 9, 9-10).

Just a brief comment on my part: How much we do need nowadays, in this time full of arrogance and violence, the kingship of this humble and peaceful king, that rules, not by the force of horses and weapons, but by the consistency of his liberating truth and his unconditional love!

2) The “wasted” ointment
The Passion, narrated by Mark, begins with the story of an anonymous woman who comes to Jesus and breaks a flak containing an expensive oil and spreading that precious oil over Jesus head. Those present at the scene started grumbling and rebuking the lady for that “exaggerated and absurd” expenditure that could have had a better use. But Jesus defends her saying that she is anticipating de anointing of his dead body.

In fact, meditating on this “broken flask” of precious oil, we cannot but think of the body of Christ, totally broken and given out to us as a marvellous “perfume” of grace and sanctity, of God’s redeeming love. The “Passion” we read today talks of Jesus being betrayed by his friends, Jesus in anguish before the suffering that is awaiting Him, Jesus going trough a terrible martyrdom, Jesus abandoned on the cross… An yet Jesus that gives himself up willingly and lovingly: “Let it be, not as I wish, but as you, Father, wish”.
Jesus’ death may appear too many as an absurd “waste”; the same may happen to the lives of so many missionaries spent in risky places: Why risk our life in places torn out in wars, unhealthy situations, lack of human rights… ? The answer is at the same time simple and marvellous: Love has no limits or “reasons of convenience”; the one who loves is ready to break the flask of his love, so that it spreads the good “scent” in a world that quite often does not smell so well.
The same can be said of so many mothers and fathers, nurses and teachers, religious and lay alike that are able to give themselves up entirely for the good of children, elders, sick, and people in need in general…
Each one of us today is called to break his or her own life in favour of others, especially those in need.
To contemplate Christ on the Cross leads us to identify ourselves with him and to determine ourselves to follow on His steps, sure that love is greater than death. Some will laugh at us, but God will smile and lead us to resurrection and fulfilment.

Fr. Antonio Villarino

First months in Ethiopia

Madzia-AdisIn the beginning of January I came to Ethiopia, beginning my mission! I’ll work as a physiotherapist in Bushullo Health Center, near Awassa (in the south part of Ethiopia). Joining there Maggie & Mark with their children!


But now the first months I’m spending in Addis Abeba (in the community of MCCJ) on the language training – trying to learn Amharic. It is the second-most spoken Semitic language in the world, after Arabic.  The graphs of the Amharic writing system are called fidel. Each character represents a consonant+vowel sequence and there are more than 230 of them! Now it’s such big joy for me to be able to read something (finally!). So wherever I go I try to decipher the texts around me – on the buses, on the buildings… 😉

After school usually I spend some time for voluntary service, using my physiotherapy skills and at the same time improving Amharic through communication with the patients 🙂 . People here are so friendly for me, helping a lot with everything, always smiling and greeting. I really enjoy it! And also they teach me their culture – like for example inviting for coffee ceremonies or for enjera. I also had the possibility to be here for Timkat – one of the biggest feasts of Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which celebrates Epiphany and Baptism of Jesus. For me it’s so interesting to experience the variety of churches here – catholic is only 1%, the biggest is Orthodox church, then protestants and Muslims. But the religion seems to be very important part of live, even in the language all the most common expression include God – like for example the answer for greeting is “I’m fine, thanks be to God”.

peopleSo slowly I’m getting to know this place, these people, this culture, this language. And day by day I’m more and more happy that God sent me here!

Madzia Plekan. CLM in Ethiopia