Comboni Lay Missionaries

A Tico missionary in Sahuayo

LMC Mexico

On January 21 I started a trip that I was looking forward to, in which I began to live an experience of community life and specific formation, and then put myself at the disposition of the mission Ad Gentes, within the experience we have had the opportunity to go to some states to visit and live experiences for individuals, one of these was in Sahuayo.

On Saturday, February 1, we left Xochimilco, Mexico, on our way to Sahuayo, after approximately 7 hours of travel with my sisters of the community and Father Filomeno Ceja, MCCJ, we arrived at the Minor Seminary of the Comboni Missionaries, where we stayed and shared some Spiritual Exercises that were directed by Father Juan de Dios, which ended on Friday with the Holy Eucharist at noon, they were very useful to reaffirm my spirituality and the call to the mission.

That same Friday at 5 pm, other CLM arrived from various parts of Mexico, to participate in the National Retreat, this meeting helped us to integrate as a family, seek and understand our ideals, working with and for the same goal, thanks to the support of the Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Sunday we did missionary animation, this in order to raise funds for the mission to be opened in Metlatonoc, Guerrero. During the retreat we lived moments to get to know ourselves, Eucharistic adoration, reflection, sharing and commitment to the mission.

In life, all experiences help us to grow and develop as integral persons, I tell you that personally, what we lived in addition to the retreat, between Friday, Saturday and Sunday surpassed my imagination, because they do tell you, but to live it is something very different.

Here in Mexico within its abundant history, the famous “Cristeros War” is told, where the people were forced to repudiate or rather to deny God, in this city and others died many people killed by the government of Mexico, ordered the closure to the worship of the Catholic Faith, today they are Martyrs in our Church.

In the “Calzada de los Mártires”, where on both sides of the street is full of trees, where they hung people who were discovered professing their faith to die in front of the people, that is one of the forms of martyrdom that received all those soldiers of Christ who bravely decided to give their lives before denying Christ, among the many martyrs that exist is one, very young, but brave, his phrase “it was never so easy, to win heaven…”. José Sánchez del Río or San Joselito as he is affectionately known today, who as a boy of only 14 years old joined the Cristeros to defend the faith, being an assistant to General Gorostieta, carrying the banner of the Virgin of Guadalupe on the Cristeros’ flag. He was captured in the city of Cotija by the government after he was left without a horse because he put it at the service of his General.

He was transferred to the city of Sahuayo where his prison was the Parish of Santiago Apostle, where the military had their barracks, they had it full of animals, in the main altar were the roosters, this made Joselito angry and at night he killed them saying … “The temple is God’s house and no place for these animals” … this was the cause that made advance his execution, infuriating the Captain. The political leader of his town, who was his Godfather of First Communion, was the one who gave the order to kill him, under pressure from the Captain, for not risking his life or public position, proceeding with the tortures from blows, stab wounds, to cutting the skin of the soles of his feet, making him walk about a kilometer, until he reached the cemetery, and in every step he took he shouted loudly “VIVA CRISTO REY Y SANTA MARIA DE GUADALUPE” (LONG LIVE CHRIST THE KING AND SAINT MARY OF GUADALUPE!), this cry I dare say was the motto of all the martyrs who died in that war, and for Joselito was his direct insurance to reach the altars, because in addition to martyr, Pope Francis canonized him on October 16, 2016, and his feast is celebrated every February 10.

For the Sahuayenses it is a reason for joy and celebration, different activities are organized and carried out: “Los Tapetes” from the hill of Cristo Rey to the birthplace of Joselito with much love they make tapetes with artistic designs of painted sawdust that form colorful religious images; “La Molienda” takes place in the Calzada de los Mártires where the pilgrimage that leaves the Cemetery arrives to live the Eucharist in memory of the murdered people, all the neighbors that live in this street organize themselves placing altars presenting scenes of what was lived, as well as typical dishes of the place to give to all those visitors who want to, I was particularly struck by the fact that in that same place, which was once an avenue where a lot of blood was shed, today it has become a symbol of fraternal love, solidarity and mercy; “La Cabalgata” and ‘La Caminata’. The celebration and the remembrance is great, thousands of people come from surrounding towns on horseback or on foot leaving early Saturday from Cotija where Joselito was captured and arriving in Sahuayo where he was martyred, they arrive at the Sanctuary of Joselito, which is currently under construction, but is undoubtedly a place of pilgrimage and devotion, upon arrival they participate in the Eucharist scheduled at 14:00 hours.

May our faith continue to grow and be as firm as that of San Jose Sanchez del Rio, San Joselito de Cariño.


SAINT JOSELITO, pray for us…

José David Rojas Quesada, CLM Costa Rica in Mexico

Community Experience in Mexico

LMC Mexico


The final stage in the formation of the American candidates of the “Comboni Lay Missionaries” (CLM) movement has begun, a time of being in tune with themselves and with the other CLM before leaving for the ad-gente mission to give a generous response to the call received to go to the evangelization of the most abandoned peoples, the main reason why we exist as a group.

There are four people who share this experience: Mariana Meléndez Cándido, 36 years old; Rosalinda Olivo Oria, 69 years old; Sandra Luisa Rodríguez Andalón, 64 years old; all Mexican and José David Rojas Quesada, Costa Rican, 43 years old; from a human point of view it is not understandable to leave family, work, friends, customs, knowing that only the ideal of Comboni unites them, with the only objective of being ready for the mission.

Now they are part of the same family where, strengthened by prayer, it makes sense to be together. United, remembering that being children of the same Father makes them brothers, rescued by Jesus Christ who from daily life invites them to be with Him and moved by the Holy Spirit to be sent to the most needy as Daniel Comboni did in his time.

Today this legacy continues as heirs of the Charism, the Comboni Family (MCCJ, HC, SC, LMC).

CLM Mexico

Rejoice, the Lord is coming soon…

LMC Costa Rica
CLM Costa Rica

December 15, 2024

On this date, the third Sunday of Advent, Gaudette Sunday, Sunday of Joy, International Comboni Lay Missionary Sunday, the readings of this Sunday invite us to rejoice, to be attentive but joyful because the Lord, our savior, is coming soon.

With the same joy in Costa Rica we gathered in the Parish of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, in Barrio Cuba, San Jose, with great enthusiasm, the CLM continue to grow internationally and here is no exception, since our candidate Jorge Arturo Zamora Viquez, a resident of Perez Zeledon, south of the country, took his commitment, becoming the second Comboni Lay Missionary in Costa Rica.

Ignacio Marin, Comboni Missionary, presided at this celebration, and together with the assembly, listened to the reading of the commitment of the now CLM Jorge, also taking the opportunity CLM José David Rojas made his renewal of commitment, then both and together with Father Ignacio proceeded to sign on the altar what was read as a sign of sealing this commitment to God Himself. Let us continue praying so that the owner of the Harvest continues sending workers to his fields willing to give everything to put their service, dedication, love, courage and effort in and for the Mission Ad Gentes.

CLM Costa Rica

As signs of commitment, Brother Jesus, Comboni Missionary and advisor of the CLM in Costa Rica for the CLM, gave Jorge a ring as a covenant with God, a cross as a sign of the Christian and a rosary so that prayer will not be lacking in his life. After the Eucharist we went to the Martyrs of Uganda Seminary, in Sagrada Familia, San José, which is the center of our meetings and formations, to share lunch with some friends of the Mission.

In the meantime we continue working, forming ourselves, serving so that when we meet with the poorest and among the poorest, we can spread the same joy that invites us on the third Sunday of Advent, and that our testimony may serve as an example to bring many souls to the foot of the cross of that God of mercy and love.

CLM Costa Rica

CLM Costa Rica.

A missionary sending, blessed by the star of Evangelization.

LMC Guatemala

Our dear laywomen, Mercedes and Carolina, spent from September 13 to October 11 in a small experience of community life in a community of the Little Vincentian Sisters of Charity, who welcomed them with much love and generosity.

On their return they attended the feast of St. Daniel Comboni, which we celebrated as a Comboni family at Casa Comboni. It was a very joyful afternoon, full of enthusiasm and many surprises, we all had lunch together and shared with the people who study in the school of evangelization run by the MCCJ. We also played BINGO, an activity with many prizes that turned out to be a great success.

During the mass Mercedes and Carolina introduced themselves, they told a little of who they are and where they are going, many were admired for their decision and collaborated with joy for the cause.

On Sunday 20 we were ready to celebrate as a community the DOMUND, with a special event.

At 7:00 p.m., the sending out mass for Mercedes and Carolina was held at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, patroness of Guatemala. The mass was presided by Monsignor Tulio Lopez, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Guatemala, who, with much admiration, dedicated part of his homily to the missions and the courageous decision to say Yes to Christ through the mission of the agents, he told them that his heart is young, full of ardor for service and that Guatemala sends them together with the prayers of this people. Fr. Juan Diego Calderón, provincial of Central America, presided together with Monsignor Tulio the celebration and together they did the blessing and sending.

As a community we feel very happy, joyful and encouraged, because Christ has chosen these lay women to continue with His mission, that of building the Kingdom, and we are participating in sending them, working together with them, opening our hearts to this fire that burns for Christ and does not go out.

We trust in Providence, that the road is being smoothed by God and that all the obstacles are being overcome little by little, we believe that St. Daniel Comboni intercedes for this small community and accompanies us with hope, so that we can continue with this work of giving “a thousand lives for the mission”.

We continue to work and pray that our dear Mercedes and Carolina will soon be in Peru, so that they can tell with their testimony, the wonders that God works in their lives.

A fraternal embrace from Guatemala.

CLM Guatemala Community

An adventure with Jesus in Arequipa

LMC Guatemala

Dear CLM and friends of the mission who read us.

Wishing you abundant blessings in your missionary life, we greet you Mercedes and Carolina, Comboni Lay Missionaries of Guatemala.

We would like to share with you a little of our personal history.

My name is Mercedes, I am a widow and I am 80 years old, mother of 3 children, 6 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

Before becoming a missionary, I worked in pastoral communities in the preparation of readers, acolytes, missionary children, and I was instituted as a minister of the Eucharist, also forming open cenacles at home; despite all this work done for the Lord, I had the desire to know the mission and I began to mission with the Comboni Lay Missionaries of Guatemala traveling to San Luis Peten, once a year, for four years. One of the activities we did was to visit marginalized villages deep in the mountains, without access to electricity and water. I would go on mission listening to the needs of the people, sharing and living with them.

I have been on the road of mission and the Comboni charism for fourteen years now, in various situations and projects, such as in Santa Cruz Chinautla, a municipality with a high indigenous population, evangelizing children and women of scarce resources, working in the program of evangelization, formation and nutrition of children in Santa Catarina Pinula in some peripheral villages and doing some community life experiences, both in El Salvador in a peripheral neighborhood and in Santo Domingo Xenacoj, in marginalized indigenous villages. My desire to go on mission outside of Guatemala has been growing.

My name is Carolina, I am single and 68 years old, mother of 2 children and 3 grandchildren. Before being in the mission, I worked for many years in a Catholic Christ-centered group, in open and closed retreats of first evangelization, also giving talks of personal growth to adults who joined the group from the retreats, at the same time to the children who met on Fridays in the group assembly meeting.

For four years Mercedes shared with me about the mission and her experience in it, until one day I agreed to go to the Comboni Lay Missionaries and I stayed, I have eight years of being in the mission and in the way of the Comboni charism. I was in formation for two years, then I went to visit a village called La Salvadora in Santa Catarina Pinula and I have worked with the local people, I have seen their needs and I have felt that strong call to go on mission outside Guatemala.

Like Mercedes, I was with her in Santa Cruz Chinautla and in the experience of community life in El Salvador.

AT THIS MOMENT we are living our experience of community life and specific preparation, to be able to leave in a few days to Villa Ecológica in Arequipa, Peru.

We are living this experience in a Home for the Elderly located in Quetzaltenango, five hours from Guatemala City, which is where we live. We have left our home, families, loved ones and all our usual work to prepare ourselves for the mission Ad Gentes.

This experience has allowed us to live together and get to know each other better. Alberto de la Portilla has given us formation, which has been very enriching to discern our vocation, we have prayed together and we have asked ourselves if we really want to leave Guatemala because of all the problems that come with arriving in a place with a different culture and customs, but the answer has always been YES, trusting in divine providence that goes ahead of us. It has not been easy to adapt to the climate, because here it is very cold and it has rained a lot, otherwise, we have been welcomed with much affection by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, from whom we have learned a lot about the organization of the Asylum, the way in which they harvest their own food and take care of the 32 elderly women in their care. The missionary should always learn everything he can to be able to serve in the missionary journey.

Receive a cordial greeting, Mercedes and Carolina.

CLM Guatemala