Comboni Lay Missionaries

Visit the House of Mission Santa Terezinha, Comboni Lay Missionaries

RayleneMy trip to the house of Mission of the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) take placed between 4th and 10th of March of this year. I was fortunate to meet the Comboni Missionaries in August 2014 in Piquiá, Açailândia (MA) and this visit to Ipê Amarelo, was certainly inspiring to my vocation, find more lay and watch their actions and activities is indeed the way to clarify the dedication of some years of my life to the mission.

“Here I come, with pleasure, to do your will Lord” (Ps. 39)

I attended the meeting of the Pastoral Care of Children, the paint workshop for women, youth group, disciples of Emmaus, catechesis and the Way of the Cross in the Community. Activities that I experience in my community San José de Egypt, Parish of Our Lady of Fatima in Imperatriz / Maranhão.

In the days when I was in Nova Contagem, Minas Gerais, I could see projects, as the Combonis House Justice and Peace, the space called “Hope” in the community of Our Lady Auxiliadora – ACCSA and even from a little further the project of the Industrial School of Carapira in Mozambique, through our conversations with Lourdes.

Undoubtedly, every detail has marked this experience, especially the affection of all, the sharing and the prayer requests by Lourdes to each member of the communities we passed, it is important for this phase of decision.

Raylene  “I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I awoke and found that life was service. I served and I found happiness”.

Raylene Bananeira


We cannot bury our missionary spirit!

BrasilOn March 15, we met in the city of Curitiba to continue the meetings with people interested in the Comboni missionary lay vocation of this region. At this second meeting, continuing with the theme of vocation and mission, we had the opportunity and commitment to pray together on the birthday of St. Daniel Comboni. United with all the Comboni Family we dedicated to pray and reflect on his life and our commitment to the mission for humanity.

It is inspiring to see that Comboni did not measure efforts to meet Christ in the face of African brothers, traveled great distances, helped encourage the Church and make visible where life was threatened. His testimony managed to attract many, he was to meet the people, he put himself on the way, used all the resources available at the time and was not afraid of difficulties.

To reflect on the importance of the missionary call, we also saw the documentary “Mission and ecclesial communion” of the Missionary Campaign of 2010.

The Mission also nowadays requires an urgent and courageous response. Mission beyond our borders and Missionary Animation, two essential points of the vocation of all baptized. These moments are important to rekindle our missionary call and help to create missionary awareness in the Church, with the hope that more people awaken to this vocation BrasilBrasil

We also share how the organization of the CLM in Brazil was born, a brief overview of these almost 20 years of existence. It always good to remember what the Pope Francis recommended in the message of the missionary month “remains of the great urgency of the mission ad gentes, which are called all members of the Church, because this is, by nature missionary: the Church was born in “exit”.

Let us continue walking, being a small sign, sharing life and in the defense and promotion of Life for everyone.

CLM Brazil

“I was in prison and you came to visit me”


Among the various pastoral activities of the parish of Santo Domingo, led by the Comboni Missionaries in Nova Contagem, it is also the prison ministry, in charge of 15 volunteers, including the Comboni Lay Missionaries, which are part of the parish.

Every Tuesday and Wednesday morning, the group meets to visit the pavilions of the maximum-security prison of Nelson Hungria, located in Nova Contagem, with about 2,000 inmates. The meeting is at 08:00 in the square next to the prison.

The prison situation in Brazil, as in other parts of the world, suffers from high overcrowding due to prison system with little attention to the recovery of prisoners.

Prisons in Minas Gerais, for example, can receive 32,000 prisoners, divided into 144 prisons; actually, there are 54,000 inmates in the different units. This situation only gets worse the living conditions of prisoners, with a further object of punishing instead of re-educate and re-socialize, with serious violations of human rights.

EmmaThe action and commitment of the group of Prison Ministry, composed mainly of women, is to believe in a work of promoting human dignity, respect for human rights, and the overcoming of the limits of the current prison system in favor of a model that allows effective recovery and reintegration of the individual.

The most important of our pastoral activity is the testimony of a God who does not discriminate anyone, in a place marked by contempt, prejudice and violence, making ours the words of the Gospel: “I was in prison, and you came to visit me “. It is the pedagogy of Jesus, method, model, who heads the way of this pastoral, recognizing the face of God in every person, including the prisoners.

There are many challenges and difficulties in our pastoral activities, such as excessive bureaucracy that often delays and complicates our work, controls, restrictions on visits, limited permissions; but with courage, this small group of volunteers are facing difficulties. This has allowed in 2014, to create two groups of catechesis in prison. And it was possible that some inmates, who had requested, receive the sacraments.

EmmaFor this are fundamental the moments of ongoing formation that we make at the end of the month, to have a dedicated space of programming and training, allowing prison pastoral agents learn the actions that will help to improve prison visits and the relationship with the inmates. In this also helps the training conducted by the diocese.

In short, this would be the work of the prison ministry. A simple action, giving hand, encountering real faces, listening to the life stories of those who are on the other side of the bars, to bear witness to the dignity of every human being, because as the Gospel says “by this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (Jn 13, 35.).

Emma Chiolini, Comboni Lay Missionary

Child Pastoral today

Child Pastoral founder Don Icaivera in Contagem (MG) team Mrs. Alicia and her husband of 85 years. The one with green shirt is from Petrolândia, Contagem (MG).

This work is done in Brazil voluntarily by 218,000 people participating in this network of human solidarity that unites faith and life. Thanks to this volunteering Brazilian reality has changed. To this story of success were incorporated different complementary actions, such as income generation, literacy, community playgrounds, food security programs, mental health, etc.

This large network of human solidarity has spread throughout Brazil and today is present in 3,616 municipalities, accompanied by approximately 79 thousand 500 pregnant women and more than 1 million and 630 thousand children. The national average is 12 children per leader, more than 90% of community leaders are poor women.

See that team!


Thanks to the team of 189 sector leaders, who enthusiastically and with great fellowship throughout 2014 made possible the Child Pastoral in the area of Renza in the parish. Santo Domingo, Icaivera and Jesus Obrero.

By Maria de Lourdes, Lay Comboni Missionary

Annual Assembly of the CLM Brazil

LMC BrasilThe CLM in Brazil went back to the origins of their vocation, update the directory and assess progress made throughout 2014.

“In short, who is the missionary? Short, short, it is the one who transmit the love of God for others in order to become disciples”. On the first day of the annual meeting, which began on December 5, the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) in Brazil were able to return to the origins of their vocation by reflecting with the Provincial Fr. Alcides. Which emphasized the importance of the church to encounter people and ask what the Spirit speaks to such a complex reality today. The provincial of the Comboni Missionaries in Brazil – which cited several times the II Vatican Council and the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis “The joy of the Gospel” – wanted to remember that “every place is a land of mission and who saves is Christ, not the church”.

The meeting included several Brazilian CLM – João, Lourdes, Guilherma, Valdeci, Adélia – three Italians – Emma, Valentina and Marco – and a Paraguayan, Alejo. In the afternoon came also Father Adriano, who was appointed as the MCCJ representative for the laity.

Another important theme of the meeting was to review the Directory of the CLM in Brazil, which is a document that was written almost 20 years ago and was in need of an update. Among other things, the board now anticipates the arrival of CLM from other countries and defines the modalities of cooperation with the other provinces in these cases.

The meeting, as always, was also an opportunity to learn more about the performance of the various CLM both in Brazil and in other countries: Mozambique, Peru, Rondônia, in Nova Comtagem (MG), in Itauna and other cities (APAC). Also announced the availability of the Mozambican CLM to receive Guilherma, Brazilian CLM, already next year. Among songs and dynamics in the afternoon was also made a report on the economy of the CLM.

The meeting was also an opportunity for the CLM to share the progress during 2014 in a more informal way, lunching and dining together at the Comboni House of Nova Comtagem. This Saturday, December 6, will be the second and final day of the meeting, with a very rich agenda: The schedule for the next biennium, the report on the meeting in Guatemala and the situation of the laity in Açailândia (MA) Adélia, the choice of the CLM coordinator in Brazil, reflections with the psychologist Richardson and other matters.

CLM Brazil