Comboni Lay Missionaries

Three “sayings” of Jesus

A commentary on Mc 9, 38-48 (XXVI Sunday O.T., September 26th 2015)


The gospels, besides narrating episodes of Jesus’ life and reproducing his parables, contain also collections of “sayings”, small sentences that He surely pronounced in different times and places and the first disciples retained by heart and repeated to the new disciples that were entering the communities. In the verses we read today, we find three of these sayings that I understand as follows:

1.- Goodness has no frontiers. The exact saying of Jesus is “whoever is not against us, is with us” and He pronounces it because somebody wanted to forbid people who did not belong to the group of disciples to act in the name of Jesus. It would be like forbidding someone to help the poor because he or she is not a member of the Church. Any act of goodness belongs to God; it’s a sharing in God’s goodness. We are invited to acknowledge it, be grateful and glad for it.

2.- A glass of water may have an infinite value. Jesus says: “Whoever gives a glass of water in my name, will not lose the reward”. Sometimes, not much is needed to put joy in a persons’ life, to make her or him feel respected, to offer a sign of hope in the middle of difficulties. To give a glass of water is a sign of welcome, respect, availability to “give a hand” if needed. Who gives a glass of water to someone in need, is open to the other and who is open to the other is open to God. What is the “glass of water” that I could offer to the people around me?

3.- Be careful, do not become a stumbling stone for the little ones! Mark puts here three sentences with a common reference to the “scandal”. We know that this word means really “stumbling stone”, trip up somebody who is defenceless, so that he falls down. Jesus, who is full of goodness and tenderness, becomes quite angry when someone lacks respect for the house (temple) of his Father or when somebody wants to trip the little ones, those who have only God to trust. You should not “joke” with the little ones of God. At the same time, Jesus tells us something that to my ears sound like that: “Do not trip up yourself; if something is doing any wrong to you, cut it, do not indulge, choose the way to righteousness with decision and clarity”
Every Sunday, as we celebrate the Eucharist and listen to these words of Jesus, we say to Him: Amen, thank you, I wish these words to illuminate my life. Help me to make them true in me.
Fr. Antonio Villarino

Comboni Family day in the MCCJ Chapter


The XVIII General Chapter of the Comboni Missionaries on the theme “Comboni Missionary disciples, called to live the joy of the Gospel in today’s world” started on September 6 in the General House in Rome. On Monday, still in the reading of reality, gave the floor to the institutes of the Secular Comboni Misionaries, the Comboni Missionaries Sister and the Comboni Lay Missionaries. Through its reports, the Assembly approached the achievements, difficulties and dreams; in which in one way or another also it reflected the Institute of the Comboni Missionaries.


SecularThe secular Isabella d’Alessandro expressed their concern about the decline in staff, however, this is not a limit to the enthusiasm and desire to open up to the challenges posed by the mission. She recalled that the experience of weakness is an opportunity to collaborate with others, which invites to deepen our identity.



Mother Luzia Premoli, Superior General of the Comboni Missionaries Sisters, presented the main lines of reflection held as an Institute on the issue of ministerial service. The transformation of the mission requires a change in the governance model. Also, the rapid decline of sisters in the Institute poses challenges to be responding through various forms of reorganization.


LMCFinally, Alberto de la Portilla, coordinator of the CLM submitted its report to the Assembly. He explained the internal structure of the movement and the challenges made in the last intercontinental CLM assembly of Maia (2012). Expressing the desire to consolidate the already established groups and improve international coordination.

The first three days of the XVIII General Chapter in Rome

Capitulo MCCJ

The XVIII General Chapter of the Comboni Missionaries, currently taking place in Rome, started on Monday morning with the presentation of the By-laws for the Chapter by Fr. Pietro Ciuciulla, a member of the Pre-capitular commission. This document is the instrument that will guide the operating methods of the Chapter and help in the planning of the different phases.

In the afternoon, there was group work, at continental level, in order to suggest changes and amendments that could improve the final text of the By-laws.

When all came together in the Chapter hall, there was a sharing of their ideas and proposals. Every Chapter of the document was voted upon and the final text approved. The  main change of the By-laws, compared with the one that guided the previous Chapter, concerns the section on discernment, to which more time has now been allowed and it is to be done in groups. Also the methodology has been adapted to fit the flow of the work. There has been a desire that the Chapter concentrates on the content which should focus on some priorities of the Institute, thus avoiding the need to produce long documents.

After the approval of the working calendar, the Tuesday afternoon session took place in small groups to discern on the suitable candidates for the different offices that the Chapter needs. At the end of the day the four tellers where elected.

On Wednesday, 9th September, the session started with the election of the offices, a process that took the whole day.

Council of Presidency: Fr. Enrique Sanchez (president), Fr. Giuseppe Moschetta and Fr. Manuel Augusto Lopes Ferreira.

General Secretary: Fr. Pietro Ciuciulla.

Moderators: Fr. Pedro Andres Miguel, Fr. Joseph Mumbere Musanga, Bro. Alberto Degan and Fr. Rogelio Bustos.

Special Commission: Fr. Rafael Ponce (coordinator), Fr. Dario Bossi and Fr. Jeremias dos Santos Martins.

The Central Commission is made up of the General Secretary, the four moderators and the coordinator of the special commission. Their task is to coordinate the work of the Chapter.

Tellers: Bro. Matthias Adossi, Bro. Dessu Yisrashe, Bro. Humberto da Silva Rua and Fr. Felix Cabascango.

Communication: Bro. Alberto Lamana (coordinator), Fr. Jean Claude Kobo and Fr. Efrem Tresoldi.

Liturgical commission: Fr. Roberto Turyiamureeba, Bro. Jean Marie Mwamba and Fr. Alcides Costa.

Cultural and recreation commission: Fr. Juan Armando Goicochea, Fr. Karl Peinhopf and Fr. Ramon Vargas.

The day concluded with the celebration of vespers of the solemnity of Saint Peter Claver, patron saint of our Institute.

Capitulo MCCJ

XVIII General Chapter of the Comboni Missionaries

Capitulo MCCJThis last Sunday has officially started the XVIII General Chapter of the Comboni Missionaries with the Holy Opening Mass.
The chapter members had a previous week of preparation.
The chapter will end next October 4th. During this time, we will remain in prayer for the good progress of it, for the good of the Comboni Family and the mission to which we are called.
For a constant information you can visit the official website of male religious institute where besides daily news, you may find a series of videos called “Voci the capitolo” where the chapter members provide some important aspects they are treating and the progress of the sessions and meetings.
United in prayer.
Capitulo MCCJ

Youth Gymkhana

Last Sunday the gymkhana was performed with the theme: “we are called to live young.” It was organized by the coordinators of youth of the parish of Santo Domingo and aimed to promote integration, encouraging youth engagement in the way of faith and building the Kingdom of God through the civilization of Love.
During the meeting and as a proposal for the month of vocations, some stalls were organized by the Comboni Missionaries, Salesian Sisters, Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Lay Comboni Missionaries.
The organization of the gymkhana began with the Mass in the community of San Judas, the offertory of the Mass has been donated to the settlement Rosa Leon as a concrete gesture of action: “I come to do, with pleasure, your will Lord.”