That the celebration of the XIX General Chapter of the Comboni Missionaries may light up their way in humble service to the mission of the Church. Lord hear us.
That the celebration of the XIX General Chapter of the Comboni Missionaries may light up their way in humble service to the mission of the Church. Lord hear us.
That in all people the sentiments of fraternity and of belonging to the same human family may be strengthened so that we may build up together the values of justice and peace. Lord hear us.
The MCCJ have received the communication from H.E. Mons José Rodriguez Carballo, Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Society of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA) – Prot 5191 of 20.7.2021, that the dicastery grants the postponement of the date of the XIX General Chapter to the dates indicated by us i.e. 1 – 30 June 2022 and the consequent extension of the mandate of the Superior General and his Council. A more detailed letter from the Superior General and his Council will follow on 31.7.2021.
The General Council concluded a few months ago that celebrating the Chapter in pandemic conditions this year would pose serious challenges to its organization. Hosting 60 or more delegates from the four corners of the world in different epidemiological situations and with uncertain vaccination coverage would have made the possibility of its development without interruption and without the risk of having to suspend it very precarious.
In analogy with many other international congregations and after extensive consultation with the delegates of the Chapter, the General Council concluded that it was more prudent to ask the Holy See for permission to postpone it. This permission had been foreseen since last year by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life. The granting of the permission to postpone the Chapter also leads to the extension of the mandate of government for the ordinary administration of the General Council in office, until the beginning of the Chapter in 2022.
In the meantime, the Council will also follow and facilitate where necessary the preparatory work for the Chapter that the pandemic has hampered in many circumscriptions.
“It is with joy that I announce, from the headquarters of the General Assembly gathered in San Fidenzio (Verona/Italy), the election of the new General Responsible in the person of Maria Pia Dal Zovo. We thank the Lord who is accompanying us.
We also inform you that the General Council is completed by Teresa Zenere, Gina Villamar Utreras, Paula Clara Macedo F. Carvalho and Paola Ghelfi, Gina Villamar Utreras, Paula Clara Macedo F. Carvalho and Paola Ghelfi.
We thank you for your remembrance in prayer and your fraternal closeness.” (Teresa Zenere, secretary of the Assembly). Maria Pia Dal Zovo therefore takes the place of Isabella Dalessandro.
We continue this series with Fr. Jaime Calvera, a Comboni Missionary who arrived in South Africa for the first time in 1985, a country to which he dedicated his work until he was recalled to Spain. In this interview he tells us with special enthusiasm about his experiences in projects such as the Mamelodi choir, which came to fruition despite the harsh social context of the country, and also introduces us to the Ubuntu philosophy.
(Interview in Spanish)