We pray that we may remember, even today, that the risen and glorious Christ is the deep source of our hope, certain we will never lack his help to bring to completion the mission entrusted to us. Lord hear us.
We pray that we may remember, even today, that the risen and glorious Christ is the deep source of our hope, certain we will never lack his help to bring to completion the mission entrusted to us. Lord hear us.
The cross is “foolishness” for those who do not understand it… said St. Paul (1 Cor 1:18). Here we publish a Way of the Cross with 14 phrases by Saint Daniele Comboni on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Comboni deeply understood the “scandal” involved in seeing Jesus on the cross: he saw it as a necessary means for evangelization and as a reality that his missionaries had to embrace in order to continue God’s saving work in the world. What Comboni says is very strong and even scandalous in our day, but in these words of his we can find light and wisdom for our missionary life. [comboni.org].
Father Pedro Pablo Hernández
I share a sad news from northern Mozambique, from Carapira mission, sent by Regimar and Tito:
“Hi. We are fine. But the situation here is very complicated. A cyclone devastated Carapira last Friday. 90% of the houses destroyed, all the fields are gone. 10 deaths and 3 seriously injured. This is what I know. Surely there are more. We have no news from many communities.
There is a lack of food and clothes. Hunger is already a reality.
We are looking for help. The world doesn’t know what happened here.
We even donate our clothes.
We have no cell phone service and no power. Now we finally got a signal.
I am trying to get help from Caritas, from Helena. We have scheduled a conversation.
On Friday we sheltered 46 families, 150 people, in the center of Carapira. There are others in the catechetical center. I don’t know how many more, because people are arriving all the time. There are families with 30 people sheltered and without food”.
Let’s put them in our prayers and see what we can concretely do together!
A fraternal hug.
We pray, during the month in which we remember especially Saint Joseph in whose face Jesus saw the tenderness of God the Father that all Christians may encounter in the sacrament of reconciliation the tender face of the Father who welcomes, embraces, sustains and pardons us. Lord hear us.
Greetings to all!
I am writing these few lines to talk a little bit about the mission here in Mozambique.
We are in Anchilo, at the Catechetical Center, participating in the course of insertion and inculturation for missionaries who come for the Mission Ad Gentes.
The course started on the 1st and will last until the 26th of this month.
This course will help us a lot to understand the real situation of this country in all aspects.
Participating in this course are missionaries from: Brazil, Poland, Italy, Honduras and Indonesia.
In spite of being a small group, it is a group very animated for the mission.
St. Daniel Comboni pray for us.
Tito, CLM