Last weekend COMBOJOVEN held its monthly meeting. For this academic year 2022/2023, the group has chosen as a formative axis the preparatory catechesis for their participation in the WYD 2023 to be held in early August in Lisbon, Portugal.
COMBOJOVEN is a group of young people between 20 and 30 years of age who live their faith from the mission and the Comboni charism, and who are accompanied by the Comboni Family.
During this weekend, eight young people gathered together with their companions MCCJ, Comboni Sisters and two CLM. On this occasion Pauline (originally from Kenya) and Leo (Tenerife) were the CLM Spain who shared formation, reflection, prayer and experiences in the house of the Comboni Missionaries in Madrid.

The inspiring theme of the meeting was ” Stand up and welcome the Spirit”. The young people discovered, meditated and prayed, using the Word of God as a vehicle, the importance of the Holy Spirit in Christian and missionary life.
Recovering the words of Pope Francis “God puts us first” (Evangelii Gaudium), the group became aware of the action of the Holy Spirit in the life of every baptized person; how through his action we recognize Jesus as Messiah, accepting the promise of salvation that he brings us; and how through the Son, we come to the knowledge of the Father. In short, it is the Holy Spirit who makes us discover that God the Father is madly in love with each one of us.
Furthermore, we reflect on how this experience of love moves us, impels us, pushes us to give witness to our faith. It makes us witnesses and missionaries. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that takes us out of our comfort zone and gives us the courage to approach our brothers and announce the Good News: “God loves you, madly”.

The meeting also included the missionary testimony of Fr. David (MCCJ) and a visit to the Museum of Africa (“Mundo Negro”). On Saturday evening we had a strong moment of prayer in which we prayed for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to accompany these young people in a special way.
During the next months COMBOJOVEN will continue to prepare their trip to Lisbon, the MCCJ, the Comboni Sisters and the CLM, we will continue to accompany them.
Pauline and Leo (CLM Spain).