Comboni Lay Missionaries

Pilgrimage with testimony of Father Jorge Padovan and letter from Father Ezequiel


35 years have passed since the martyrdom of the Servant of God, Father Ezequiel Ramin. Father Jorge Padovan, Comboni missionary, companion of Ezequiel Ramin, shares his testimony of life and vocation and Jeferson reads one of Father Ezequiel Ramin’s letters.

Comboni family in mission

Pilgrimage with the testimony of P Massimo, Letter of the Dream of Ezequiel


On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Servant of God, Fr. Ezequiel Ramin, Fr. Massimo Ramundo, a Comboni Missionary, shares his testimony of life and vocation and a group of children presents a choreography based on one of the letters of Fr. Ezequiel Ramin.

Comboni Family in Mission