For the Secular Comboni Missionaries who, from 20th September to 1st October are celebrating their Extraordinary General Assembly for the approval of their reviewed and updated Constitution. May the Holy Spirit accompany them and may St Daniel Comboni intercede for them so that the event may be a sign of renewal and new vitality for their mission in the Church and in the world. Let us pray.
Prayer Intentions of the Comboni Family August 2024
That in a world that is increasingly a “global village” due to the migrations of peoples, our multicultural communities may be examples of understanding, hope and interior richness Let us pray.
Prayer Intentions of the Comboni Family July 2024
For those taking part in the Formation Assembly of the Comboni Missionaries: that the Holy Spirit may grant them an abundance of wisdom and discernment, creativity and service, communion and concord of vision. Let us pray.
Prayer Intentions of the Comboni Family June 2024
That, following the example of St Daniel Comboni, we may keep our eyes fixed on Jesus crucified to assimilate the sentiments of his Heart and bear witness to this through communion between us, with the local Churches and with the poorest. Let us pray.
Prayer Intentions of the Comboni Family May 2024
For the victims of the many armed conflicts of today, especially innocent children, women and families who suffer because of so much violence. May the Lord of Peace touch the hearts of those responsible for such evils and bring them to an end. Let us pray.