Comboni Lay Missionaries

Annual Peruvian CLM meeting in Pangoa

LMC PangoaAs in previous years, the Comboni Lay Missionaries of Peru have had the CLM Annual Meeting. This year we have made in San Martin de Pangoa – Junin on 5, 6 and 7 February in the Comboni parish of that place in the jungle. We met almost all CLM from Lima and Trujillo, and some that are in a period of knowledge of the group.

During those three days we could talk and deepen our work and missionary style, sharing experiences lived in different mission fields where we are present as CLM. We were accompany by the Comboni fathers Valentin Garcia, advisor of the CLM in Peru and Father José Chinguel advisor of the CLM in Trujillo. Comboni fathers of the parish welcomed us very well and we got all the facilities for our meeting.

We begin our meeting reflecting the theme of early Christian communities. Making a comparison with the way of life in native communities, where up to this day they still lives a sense of belonging to the community. Where they shared, sitting by the fire, the joys and sorrows of the day and if someone in the community is fortunate to catch some kind of edible animal the whole community gathers to share as a family the dam, narrating in detail the adventures of hunting. A native of the place shows us its art, culture and how to face the challenges that the avalanche of modernity is threatens native traditions.

The second day we share our experiences of the mission field of a month. We conclude with this coexistence, and reflecting on justice, peace and integrity of creation (JPIC).
LMC Pangoa

On Sunday, the last day, we visited the native community of San Antonio de Sonomoro that is one of the native communities where mission field has taking place in other occasions. There we dialogue with the authorities of this native community and its people.

This annual event strengthens us as a group and the example of indigenous communities motivates us to continue working to strengthen Peruvian CLM community and feel as a family not only in word but in heart and vocation as the first Christian communities.

Fisher Ayquipa P.

CLM-Peru Coordinator

News from Central África

Maria Augusta Hello everybody,

I hope you are well as your entire family.

I am in Bangui, I have arrived last night. All the apostolic community and I are well, thank God.

I pass today through the Holy Door of the Cathedral of Bangui. I was there on the opening day, but I could not get through, we went through one of the side doors. I really enjoyed going through it today.

In Central Africa was opened first the door of the Cathedral of Bangui, by the Pope, before the others! On December 20 the Holy Door of the Cathedral of Mbaiki, our diocese opened. Christmas Day opened the Holy Door of each parish. From January 17 until yesterday, the Holy doors opened in all the chapels that had door and the Blessed Sacrament was exposed in all of them for worship, in the custody that the Holy Father offered to our diocese and also offered to all other Central African´s. People were on pilgrimage on foot to the nearby chapels. We, on Sunday, went to delivered it to the parish of Safa. They came to procure us 6 km from the town and then went in procession to the church and remained in worship. The monstrance with the Blessed will visit all the parishes of the diocese until the end of “The Holy Year of Mercy”.

Since 13 December, I do not come to Bangui, there is always plenty to do in the Mission…

Since early January, a teacher and I are giving some afternoon classes to students to see if they begin to read. There are many students in CE2 (4th grade and who do not read anything). Thank God, it seems that they begin to read a little, the first few letters. With the help of God, who gives us the strength and patience to work, and the desire of the students to learn, we will get to learn. This month I was with a class during three days, but it is very difficult because students do not understand French and I do not know Sango to translate what I say. In May I will become the school principal. Pray God to help me in this new occupation.

From December 2 it has not rain, only on February 17 occurred a downpour as usual here. There were 75 days without rain … We had dry bushes, some avocado too, we will see if they still bear fruit. There were many fires in the forest and many cassava fields were burned. Many trees were burned. The atmosphere was filled with smoke, everywhere smelled like that. It was so much that made you mourn! We hope that will not cause more hunger than there are already. Thank God, it came two downpours, all nature has changed… just 34 hours, and tiny herbs came out where it seemed that everything looked dry. Truly, the water is the blood of the earth! Here the rain it calls “ngu ti Nzapa” = water of God, and it is true. Here in Bangui, it has not rained and everything is very dry… very hot!

Elia continues to care for malnourished children and not only. In January, she started going to Batalimo and found very serious cases, very sick children. When mothers do what they are asked (to give children everything it is distributed) they can recover well. When it comes to more serious cases, they are hospitalized sometime in the hospital.

Pygmies are still helped with medication when sick. Fortunately, because many would die since they have no money to buy them.

In the mission we have a home for the pygmies students, so they can better leverage school. Here they eat, sleep, go to school in the morning and during the evening come to study for one hour at the library. They are a dozen students.

Last week doctor Omnimos and his wife spent four days at the mission, as always very friendly. They operated 16 persons (adults and children). Thank God everything went well. This week they are also operating here in Bangui. If there were more people like them, the world would be better!

I wish you well-lived Lent.

United in Prayer


Maria Augusta CLM


Africa, a cry that resounds from childhood.
A silent scream … I hope for so long.
Africa that makes me dream! That makes my heart beat a rhythmically. Africa that fascinates me!
Fantasy and reality they meet now, utopia and concreteness are given and inspire me to Africanize-me.
That my feet touch you without invade.
That my hands greet you without hurting you.
Let my heart love you more than he already loves you and that you, O Africa, show me your love!
A love that does not constrict. Love that does not destroy.
Join our knowledge without mine drowning yours, without yours inhibit mine.
Africa… Africa… Africa…
Welcome me! Accept me! Teach me!
That the childhood dream of touching you, now matured and possible can be made at a meeting of souls, in a true encounter of ME with YOU. Let everything be done with love.

Priscila Garcia. CLM

Something ends, something new begins…


“Our children have just finished their holiday season. This time it lasted unusually long – 3 months. The reason was the election of the new president of Uganda which took place on 18 February 2016. Fortunately everything went well and there were no big problems. In less than three weeks I will be back in Poland again. Well, something ends, something new begins. During the holiday season, I spent most of the time with the youngest children who have some problems at school. It was a kind of remedial classes. After the renovation work, the classes were held in the dining room that was turned into the class room. We spend a lot of time there, learning but also having fun. We painted, created things from plasticine, coloured and cut. In Poland it is something common but for my kids in Uganda it is always something special and new.”

Besides being the general administrator, here I am also someone between a baby sitter and a social worker. All this time I have been here, I have discovered that this is the best place for me. It is amazing and surprising at the same time, because it was not something I had intended to do. Mission teaches obedience and commitment in places where there is a need, not in places where one thinks he/she should be. Sometimes our imaginations are not real; our point of view differs from the real and true needs of the world. Because we think that our needs are: time for prayer and, above all, openness to the Holy Spirit. We also need all of these to discover what God really wants from us, in this particular place. I can’t say I know it already, but I search for it, all the time. I am starting to understand why I have been sent here. Now, as I am actually finishing my two years mission experience, I know I will return here, to my children, to St. Jude.


St. Jude is not just children, but also people who work there. Baby sitters, people who look after the children – I spent lots of time with them. At the beginning of my mission, I was dedicated to managing all the employees, which was really hard, as I was the youngest person here and I was preparing to become their supervisor. I was supposed to check and assess. It was not a very comfortable situation, because I came here to help, not to control. However, as I mentioned before – mission teaches humility, but also verifies our vision about ourselves, our knowledge and behaviours. I have to admit that sometimes even the easiest things ended with some misunderstanding. The way of being, talking, gesturing were interpreted wrongly. Fortunately, we have learnt from one another eventually.

Mission is also a community, very extraordinary in my case. We were sent to a totally new place and created a new community in Gulu – before it had been only in Matany – where Danusia (another CLM) was. There were four of us, young and inexperienced girls: three Polish and one Spanish. Even the time we spent in prayer, talking, resting but also arguing and causing misunderstandings, was beautiful and intense. What always united us, though, was the mission, the people and, most of all, prayer. Each one of us is a different picture of God, but with the same faith and big open heart.

On behalf of my community and myself, I would like to thank all of you, for every little gesture, holiday cards, emails. On behalf of my children, I would like to thank for all the financial support: thanks to it our children now have new uniforms, better food, the possibility of better health control and … we coloured their world. But most of all, I would like to thank you for every prayer, every sigh about us: without you, we would not be here


Ewa Maziarz, CLM