Comboni Lay Missionaries

Inauguration of the new CLM house in Kenya

CLM Kitelakapel

Last Sunday 15th of May it took place historical event – the CLM house of CLM in Kitelakapel (Kenya) was officially opened and blessed by the bishop Maurice.

The ceremony was done in the presence of CLM Kenya (Beatrice, Margaret, Alexina), MCCJ from Kacheliba (fr. Chrisantus and fr. Charles) some brothers from Nairobi and fr. Korir – who represent Provincial of MCCJ Kenya, many Christians and students from surrounding schools and of course… the members of the CLM international community – Linda and Josephine.

Let us accompany this new CLM community with our prayers.

A new international Comboni Lay Missionaries community is starting up in Kenya

CLM Kenya

Already for some years the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) have been thinking of opening an international community in Kenya. To meet this desire, the Comboni Missionaries are finishing the construction of a house in Kitelakapel (Kacheliba Parish), among the Pokot, which will welcome the lay missionaries. With the arrival of Linda Micheletti, an Italian CLM woman and Josephine Loree, CLM from Kenya, this dream is beginning to become a reality. Now we are waiting for more candidates who can go and make community with Linda and Josephine.

‘Subira huvuta heri’ is a Swahili expression meaning, good things come to those who wait. Thursday, 7th April 2022, and Linda Micheletti our long awaited guest is finally here! We are extremely delighted that she has finally arrived. Culturally, we hold family values and welcoming guests high, so we are beyond happy to welcome our guest to our growing family the CLM of Kenya.

The Comboni Lay Missionaries in Kenya are a small group composed of four members having completed their formation in December. Others are still in formation. The group meets monthly in Nairobi and is also setting up a community in Kitelakapel which has been boosted by the arrival of Linda. Linda together with Josephine will be the first members of the community.

We are happy that our family is growing and look forward to welcoming even more members in the future!

A story in Central Africa

Jesus Ruiz

We recovered a video recorded by the Spanish program, Pueblo de Dios, where Jesus Ruiz (currently bishop of the diocese) tells us his missionary experience when he was a missionary in Mongoumba where he shares presence with our CLM community.

It is a video of some years ago, but it helps us to understand our missionary presence in the area. The life of the missionary and the reality of the Central African people. (In Spanish)

Castel Volturno: here too there is a MISSION!!!


Hi, I’m Simone and I’m a Comboni Lay Missionary (CLM). I returned on September 10, 2020, after 1300 days of missionary experience in Mongoumba in Central African Republic with the pygmy people, supported by “my” CLM territorial group of Venegono Superiore, in agreement with the national coordination of the LMC, the Comboni provincial council of Italy and the Comboni community present, on January 21, 2022 I arrived in Castel Volturno and… here too there is a MISSION!!!

The parish of the Comboni Missionaries in Castel Volturno has been stable for 25 years now, started back on January 1, 1997 with Fr. Giorgio Poletti, now there are Fr. Daniele Moschetti and Fr. Sergio Agustoni who are introducing me to the life of the mission with patience and calm, telling me the history of the community and introducing me to the people who work with them. It is a new experience the presence of an LMC in a community of Comboni Fathers, but even more, it is a new opportunity to be on a mission within the geographical boundaries of Italy, because, as Pope Francis often repeats, the mission is no longer to be understood in a geographical sense, but it is to go out into the existential peripheries of humanity so … here too there is a MISSION!!!

Because of the short amount of time that has passed, I cannot say much, but the reality of Castel Volturno is complex and presents dynamics that are typical of Africa, due to the strong presence in the area of men and women from that continent, as well as Afro-descendant boys and girls, born in Italy, not recognized by the law, who go to local schools and speak Italian, albeit with a typical Neapolitan cadence, to which are added all the difficulties of an area wounded by the illegality of the Camorra, by social and environmental degradation. The morning begins with Mass in the parish at 7:00 am with the 3 Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart: Sr. Liberty, Sr. Nelly and Sr. Joselyn who come from the Philippines and carry out their service in the Migrantes Center with the guests welcomed. If the morning sometimes has a bland pace, the afternoon, as they say, flies by!!! Every day, I spend it at the Black & White Center in Destra Volturno with the 50 or so children who come for after-school tutoring from 3-7pm. We don’t just do homework, because on Tuesdays we are supposed to start theater, on Wednesdays we already do sports, on Thursdays art with Dory and on Fridays we see a movie. In just a few weeks, I have already met many people who gravitate around the Comboni community of Castel Volturno: the Black & White educators, the team of the Diocesan Missionary Center of Capua, the director of the Migrantes Center and the hosted kids, the youth and teenagers of the Santa Maria dell’Aiuto parish, the SUAM group of Campania, the boys and girls of the INFORMARE magazine editorial staff, the Ukrainian community that celebrates Sunday Mass with their rite, the priests of the Forania of Lower Volturno, the scholastics Daniel and Jerry who come from Casavatore on weekends, the volunteers of the parish of the Food Bank, the young people of the Civil Service… all this myriad of people gives you an idea of the great ferment in Castel Volturno, because . … here too is MISSION!!!

I thought of telling this missionary experience in Castel Volturno with some short films called VOLT CAST, the name reminds us of the famous podcasts to listen to that are gaining ground in the world of communication, but VOLT CAST are to be seen, watched and looked at, the intent is to show the faces of this reality, because behind a face there is a story, there is the person, there is the whole life, with all its joys and difficulties, to tell and show this reality of existential periphery of humanity, because … here too is MISSION!!!

Simone, CLM Italy

Cyclone Gombe in Mozambique

Carapira Gombe

I share a sad news from northern Mozambique, from Carapira mission, sent by Regimar and Tito:

“Hi. We are fine. But the situation here is very complicated. A cyclone devastated Carapira last Friday. 90% of the houses destroyed, all the fields are gone. 10 deaths and 3 seriously injured. This is what I know. Surely there are more. We have no news from many communities.

There is a lack of food and clothes. Hunger is already a reality.

We are looking for help. The world doesn’t know what happened here.

We even donate our clothes.

We have no cell phone service and no power. Now we finally got a signal.

I am trying to get help from Caritas, from Helena. We have scheduled a conversation.

On Friday we sheltered 46 families, 150 people, in the center of Carapira. There are others in the catechetical center. I don’t know how many more, because people are arriving all the time. There are families with 30 people sheltered and without food”.

Let’s put them in our prayers and see what we can concretely do together!

A fraternal hug.